《The Throne》23


"AUNTIE ANNA...AUNTIE CHRISSY" I hear a little voice yell outside our door at Sandringham Estate.

"I'll get it." Christen says as I finish wrapping the last present.

It's Christmas Eve and my family opens presents on Christmas Eve.

"Hi Auntie Chrissy." Charlotte says.

I love that my niece and nephews already love Christen.

"Hi sweetie." I hear Christen say. "You ready to open presents?"

"Yeah." Charlotte says as I grab the presents.

I then walk into towards the sound of the voices and see Charlotte dancing with Christen by the door.

"You two ready to go?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah." Charlotte says and leads my girlfriend towards the Red Drawing Room as I lock the door.

"Wait for me." I say.

The two ladies wait for me then we walk to the Red Drawing Room where I sort out the presents into the pile for each person. A couple minutes later everyone arrives so we sit around the room and get handed our presents.

Our family does gag gifts instead of expensive gifts, like last year Kate gave me a grow your own girlfriend kit.

Christen and I decided we'd do our presents in our room later tonight so we could keep with tradition.

I may or may not have spoiled my Princess.

"Thank you for all the presents." George says and hugs me and Christen

Christen and I tried to get all of the toys on my niece and nephews list.

"Your welcome Georgie." I say as William and Harry come over.

"Christen do you want play in the charity match?" Harry asks.

"Charity match?" Christen asks

"Every Christmas eve Harry and I play in a charity football match where workers from Sandringham Estate play against villagers from nearby Castle Rising." William say.

"Oh." Christen says then looks at me.

"It's your decision." I say. "You can play or you can watch with me Kate, Meghan, and the children."

"Would it be okay with everyone if I play?" Christen asks.

"It would." Harry says. "It's competitive but, it's just a friendly game."

"What do I need to wear?" Christen asks.

"Athletic shorts, football boots, socks and we'll have a top for you." William says and Christen nods.

"We'll be there in a few minutes." I say.

I then lead my girlfriend back to our room where both of us change. Christen into what William told her to change into and I change into some warmer clothes.

"So that's why you told me to bring my football stuff." Christen says as I put on my hoodie

"Yes it is." I say and peck her lips.

Once we're both changed we head to where the football match will be played and Christen and heads over to William and Harry. Harry gives Christen her top so we go behind a tree and I block everyone's view as Christen changes into the jersey. Christen then heads to the field to warm up while I go and sit with my sister-in-laws.


"Christen's playing?" Kate asks as Charlotte climbs into my lap.

"William and Harry invited her." I say as I wrap my arms around my only niece.

"This should be entertaining." Meghan says as the game starts.

As expected the team with Christen on it, the Sandringham Estate team, dominate the game from the start.

"Well I'm glad I don't play football against her." Kate says after Christen's scored her 2nd goal.

"Me too." Meghan says.

"Auntie Anna?" Charlotte asks as she plays with my fingers.

"Yes Charlotte."

"Do you love Auntie Chrissy?"

"I do."

"Do you wanna Marry her like Mummy married Daddy?"

"One day I do." I admit. "but that's in the future."

"Hi Auntie Chrissy." Charlotte says as Christen approach's

I guess the first half ended.

"Hi sweetie." Christen says with a smile then she looks at me. "Hi Baba."

"Hello Beautiful." I say then kiss my girl.

"I wanna kiss." Charlotte mumbles.

Christen and I look at each other and smirk then we dramatically kiss Charlotte's cheeks causing her to giggle.

"Better?" I asks.

"Mhmm." Charlotte says.

"Well I'll see you in 30 minutes." Christen says and walks to the field.

I, however, focus on her amazing butt.

"Stop staring at her butt." Meghan says and slaps my arm.

"I mean can you blame me?" I ask

"You are so loved up." Kate says as the second half starts.

"Very much so."

The three of us watch the rest of the game and 30 minutes later, thanks to Christen, for the first time in 7 years the Sandringham Estate team has won the game by a score of 5-2.

Christen scored four.

After the game Christen and I return to our room and take a tame shower together then we get changed into comfortable clothes. Once we are changed the two of us head to the family meal room and sit down right as dinner is brought out. We eat our dinner of venison and roasted wintery vegetables then once we're done we head back to our room.

Once in our room we each bring out the gifts we got for each other then I open mine first

Christen got me some clothes, shoes, and jewelry I hinted that I wanted, the home and away USWNT jerseys with the fourth star and her last name on it, a framed photo of me holding her bridal style after the NWSL Championship, and Christen got me a gold necklace with her name on it.

"Can you put it on me?" I ask with a smile.

"Of course." Christen says and puts my new favorite necklace around my neck.

"Now I'll always have a part of you when I'm away." I say and touch the pendant. "But you wanna know something funny?"

"What?" Christen asks with a smile as I grab a small gift bag.

"I got you my name on a necklace too." I say then we both laugh.

I hand Christen the bag and she opens it then I clasp it around her neck. I then give Christen the gifts I got her.


I got my girlfriend a map where she can scratch off the countries she's been to because I know she loves traveling. I got Christen some candles that her sisters said would help with her meditation. I also got her some jewelry, shoes, and clothes she hinted that she wanted...oh and I got her a camera.

"Baba?" Christen says as I put my gifts away.

"Yes." I say and turn towards my superstar.

"I have one more present for you." Christen says and hands me a box.

I open the box and needless to say I'm shocked.

"I thought we could use it tonight." Christen says and looks at me seductively while she bites the tip of her finger.

"Oh we're definitely using this."

- - - - -

"You brought a hat right?" I ask as I walk out of the bathroom while messing with my tie.

"Yes Baba." Christen says then I look at my girlfriend.

"Holy Shit."

"What?" Christen says and looks at her dress. "Is something wrong?"

"You look...beautiful." I say causing Christen to blush.

Christen is wearing a navy blue dress with a navy blue wool over coat, a navy blue fascinator hat, and black boots.

"You look really good as well." Christen says and walks into my arms. "Like really really REALLY good."

I'm wearing a navy blue suit.

"I love you." I admit then kiss Christen's head.

"I love you Baba." Christen says then she ghosts her lips over my ear. "And I'm gonna enjoy taking that suit off of you."

"Why must you say things like that?" I ask. "Now I just wanna stay in bed with you."

"We can do that tomorrow...and maybe use that present I got you...again."

"I'm holding you too that." I say

"I'd hope so." Christen says and kisses my jaw.

"LET'S GO SIS." Harry's booming voice yells on the other side of the door

Christen grabs her clutch then the two of us head into the hall where Kate immediately grabs my tie from my shoulder and wraps it around my neck.

"Christen you may wanna learn how to tie a tie because Anna doesn't know how." Meghan says as Kate begins tying my tie.

"Because somebody." Kate says and sends William a pointed look. "Didn't teach her right."

"My bad." My eldest brother says.

"You could've told me." Christen says. "My Mom taught me how to tie ties for my Dad."

"My bad." I say as Kate finishes.

"There." Kate says then she grabs my new necklace. "I like the necklace."

"Thanks." I say with a smile as we walk to the cars. "Christen got it for me."

Harry and William corral their kids then William and Kate and their kids get in a car while Harry, Meghan, Christen, Archie, and I get in the other car. We then make the 40 minute drive to St. Mary Magdalene church for Christmas Day service. Once we get close to the church we all get out then make the five minute walk up the long road to the church

"What do I do?" Christen whispers as she grips onto the crook of my arm a bit harder.

"Smile, wave, and occasionally say hello." I say rub her hand to calm her down.

Christen nods then we both smile and wave while walking to the church.

Eventually we get to Church so everyone heads inside and finds their seats. A couple minutes later the service starts and we sit through the hour long service. Once the service is over everyone heads outside and waits for the queen to pass by in her car

"Should I curtsy?" Christen asks.

"I would." I say. "I don't want anybody to hate you."

"Okay." Christen says as the Queens car approaches.

As the Queen passes us Christen, Meghan, and Kate curtsy while William and Harry bow their heads. I, on the other hand, don't do anything.

Once the queen leaves William, Harry, Kate, Meghan, Christen, the rugrats, and I head back to our cars.

"Has Christen met your dad and grandmother?" Meghan asks.

"She has." I admit. "It went okay...Father and the queen we're a bit cold, but surprisingly Camilla was very nice."

"What does you think about them?" Kate asks.

"I don't really know what to think." Christen says. "I think Camilla was faking being nice."

"She probably was." Harry says. "She, father, and grandmother are very traditional so they're having a difficult time coming to terms with Anna being publicly out."

"Twats." I mumble as we get to the car

All of us get in our cars and head back to the estate to relax. Once back at the estate William and Harry put their kids down to nap then they join their wives in the living room of Christen and I's room and have some relaxation time. Christen and I are cuddled together on one of the couch's and my girlfriend is napping on my chest while I check social media.

I notice I'm getting a lot of shit from the media for not respecting the queen.

"Are you going to say anything?" Kate asks.

"No." I say. "It's what they want and I won't give them that satisfaction."

"Stop." Christen mumbles and lightly smacks my abs.

"I didn't know you were awake."

"You getting all huffy woke me up."

"Sorry Princess." I say then kiss Christen's head. "Go back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

"Love you." Christen sleepily mumbles.

"I love you too." I say as Christen Closes her eyes.

"Whipped." Harry whispers.

"Meghan hit him for me." I request and Meghan smacks Harry's arm. "Thank you."

"Jerk." Harry mumbles.

"Love you too."

"You're a dork." Christen says and she kisses my heart then she lays her head back on my chest.

"But I'm your dork."

"And don't you forget it."

"Never." I say and wrap my arms around my girl. "Have a nice nap My Love."

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