《The Throne》22


"Really?" Christen asks with a smile.

"Do you want to?" I ask.

"Hell yes." Christen says.

"Alright." I say. "I'll go call and get the helicopter ready."

I grab my phone and make all the necessary calls to get the helicopter ready.

"Alright it'll be ready in 30 minutes." I say and grab my car keys and a special bag. "Which is exactly how long it takes to get to the heliport so let's go."

Christen and I head to my car then we start our 30 minute journey to the heliport.

"I can't believe your taking me for a helicopter ride." Christen rambles as she plays with my free hand. "Do you know how hot it is that you know how to fly a helicopter?"


"Hot as fuck."


"Mhmm." Christen says and kisses my hand as we get to the heliport.

I park the car then the two of us head inside the heliport and go through security. After that's done gather all the information I'm going to need then we head out to Helipad 3 where my helicopter is.

"That's yours?" Christen asks and points to my helicopter.

"It pays to invest."

"In what? Amazon?"

"Actually yes." I say.

"Wait really?" Christen says as we approach the helicopter.

"Yeah I helped broker the deal for them to get a London headquarters and the main Amazon guy gave me shares in Amazon which I sold for a butt load when Amazon went public." I say then help my girlfriend into the helicopter.

Once Christen's in the helicopter I help her belt up, put her helmet on, then I put my bag in the cabin and do my pre flight check list on the outside of the helicopter. After that's done I walk around, get in my side, belt up, put the helmet on, and do pre flight check stuff.


"What kind of helicopter is this?" Christen asks as she looks around the cabin.

"A Bell 429WLG." I say as I do more pre flight check stuff.

After all the preflight stuff is done I start the helicopter and do even more preflight check stuff.

"Princess." I say and look at Christen.

"Yes Baba?" Christen says.

"I have an early Christmas present for you." I say then grab my bag.

I reach inside my bag and grab the gift sack then I hand it to Christen.

"Merry Christmas My Love." I say with a smile.

Christen smiles at me then she takes the wrapping paper out of the bag.

"BABA." Christen shouts then she looks at me and smiles. "I can't believe you got me this."

I got Christen a camera she's been wanting for a while

"I thought you could use it while we're in the air."

"Thank you Anna." Christen says then she leans over and kisses me.

"Your welcome." I say then Christen takes out her camera and takes a picture of me.

I then go to press the comms button so I can talk to ATC, but Christen stops me.

"Can I say it?" Christen asks. "I've always wanted to talk to an air traffic controller.

"Sure." I say and write down what needs to be said then hand it to my girlfriend. "Lean over and talk into this mic."

Christen smiles at me then she leans over and looks at me. I press the comms button then nod at my girlfriend.

"Tower, RUBY 1 requesting permission to take off, helipad 3." Christen says.

"RUBY 1 this is tower, winds two eight zero at eleven, cleared for takeoff." One of the ATC says.

"Cleared for takeoff helipad 3, RUBY 1." Christen says then smiles at me as I release the comms button.


"Nice job." I say and smile at my girl. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Christen says with a smile.

"Alright." I say then face forward. "3...2...1"

I slowly lift us off the ground which causes Christen to squeal then I begin our fly over of London. While flying I glance over at Christen and see her snapping photo's left and right with her camera.

"It all looks so peaceful from here." Christen says after she's stopped taking photo's.

"That it is." I say then bank left a little. "From up here you can't tell how fucked up everything is."

I then see Christen look over at me before she takes my free hand in hers.

"So much death and destruction...Kids dying before they have the opportunity to change the world. People being persecuted and killed for loving who they love...Wars happening for idiotic reasons and yet all anyone cares about is how many fucking followers the have on instagram and twitter......fucking ridiculous."

"But." Christen says and squeezes my hand. "People like you are changing the world one step at a time."

"Not fast enough." I mumble. "I'm sorry this isn't the time for me to rant."

"You know you can rant anytime to me." Christen says then she looks down and notices what we're flying over. "We're over Stonehenge?"

"Yeah." I say. "Surprise."

Christen grabs her camera and snaps a few photos then she puts it back down

"Have they ever figured out why these are here?" Christen asks as I circle back around and head towards London.

"Not to my knowledge." I say then look over at my girlfriend. "Hey Christen?"


"Look no hands." I say then release the joy stick.

"ANNA." Christen shouts.

"It's okay My Love." I say and take control again. "We're on autopilot."

"Don't scare me like that." Christen says and smacks my knee.

"I sowwy." I say and pout like a child.

"Okay you dork." Christen says and giggles. "Eyes forward."

"Ma'am yes Ma'am." I say and make a show of keeping my forward.

"You're such a dork." Christen says and giggles some more.

"But i'm your dork."

"And don't you forget it." Christen says.

I look over at my girlfriend and see her smiling at me.

"I love you Christen." I admit.

"I love you Baba." Christen says and kisses my hand.

I smile at Christen then focus back on flying the helicopter.

Eventually we land at the heliport so I get out of the helicopter, help Christen out of the cockpit, then we grab our stuff and walk back towards the car.

"Do you need to do any post flight stuff?" Christen asks.

"No." I say. "The people here will do it since I pay well."

Christen and I get in the car and make the journey back to the Palace. Once at the palace I park then we head up to our room and I take a shower while Christen looks at the photos she took.

"What are your favorite pictures?" I ask while drying my hair then Christen shows me her favorites

"Holy fuck you're a good photographer." I say.

"Thank you." Christen says.

"Now how bout we have some fun with your camera."

"Like?" Christen asks causing me to smirk and drop the towel from around my body. "Holy fuck."

"You up for a little photo shoot?" I ask.

Christen gulps then she nods her head.

"Well hurry and shower then let's see what your camera can really do."

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