《The Throne》21



"Finally." I mumble then head towards gate A9.

It's been almost a month since I met Christen's family and had thanksgiving with them which I enjoyed a lot. Christen happily agreed to spend Christmas with me which made me very happy so I'm here to pick her up.

Once at Christen's gate I impatiently wait for my girlfriend to get off the plane and when she finally does I smile then swiftly make my way to her. When Christen notice's me walking towards her she tiredly smile's and walks toward me.

"Hi Princess." I whisper as I tightly hug my girlfriend.

"Hi Baba." Christen says into my neck which makes me get all warm and fuzzy inside.

I don't know if it's because I love Christen's nickname for me or the feeling of my girlfriend wrapped in my arms.

"Tired Baby?" I ask as Christen looks at me.

"Mhmm." Christen says then she softly kisses me. "I missed you."

"I missed you to." I admit then kiss her again. "Let's get you home so you can get some rest."

"okay." Christen mumbles then intertwines our hands.

The two of us slowly make our way down to baggage claim, but I notice Christen leaning into me so I stop us.

"What?" Christen asks so I turn my back to her.

"Hop on." I say then a few seconds later I feel Christen jump on my back and wrap her arms and legs around me. "Better?"

"Mhmm." Christen sleepily mumbles.

I continue walking us down to Baggage claim and once we get there I head towards the carousel that has Christen's flight number above it.

"What do your bags look like?"

"One is red with blue tape on the handle then the other one Has the national team crest on it." Christen says then she kisses my cheek. "I couldn't find my other suitcase so I used that one."

"Okay." I say as the bags start coming then I look at Christen. "I love you."

"I love you..." Christen says and kisses my nose. "...Princess."

"You know I don't like that name." I whine which earns a chuckle from my girlfriend. "You're so lucky I love you."


"Yes I am." Christen says and kisses my cheek. "There's my bags."

I quickly grab Christen's bags then wheel them out to the awaiting car.

"I got these Ms. Anna." Daniel says and takes Christen's bags.

"Thank you Daniel." I say as Christen gets off my back. "Daniel this is my girlfriend Christen...Christen this my driver Daniel, who's actually turned into one of my good friends."

"Nice to meet you." Christen says.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Daniel says and shakes Christen's hand. "It's nice to know the woman that is the subject of all of Anna's rambles."

"Daniel." I groan. "Not fair."

"Oh you talk about me a lot do you" Christen questions with a smirk.

"All the time Ms. Christen." Daniel says and opens the back door.

Christen and I get into the car then Daniel makes the 35 minute drive to Kensington Palace. Once at the palace we get out of the car and Daniel gets Christen's bags from the trunk.

"Thanks Daniel." I say.

"Of course Ms. Anna."

"Enjoy your holiday's." I say then hand Daniel an envelope with his Christmas bonus. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas Ms. Anna." Daniel says with a smile. "Merry Christmas Ms. Christen."

"Merry Christmas." Christen says then Daniel gets in his car and drives away.

Christen and I then start walking to my apartment in Kensington Palace.

"Does he always call you Ms. Anna?" Christen asks as we turn the corner to my apartment.

"Yeah." I say as we stand outside my door. "I've tried to get him to call me Anna, but he insists on Ms. Anna."

"Oh." Christen says as I unlock the door to my room then we walk in. "Woah...I thought you said this was an apartment."

"That's just what we call it." I say as I lock the door then I lead my girlfriend to the bedroom.

"How big is your place?" Christen asks.

"10 rooms covering two stories." I say.


"yeah...so I cleared out a couple drawers over there for you..." I say and point to my chest of drawers. "And I also cleared out some closet space so you can hang up whatever you want."


"Thank you." Christen says then she walks over to me, wraps her arms around me, and buries her head in my chest. "But can we go to sleep first?"

"Of course Princess." I say and kiss Christen's. "Do you wanna sleep in what you're wearing?"

"Can you undress me?" Christen shyly asks.

"Of course My Love." I say.

I undress Christen and myself leaving us both nude then I get in my bed first and scoot all the way over. I look at Christen and pat the spot next to me then she gets in the bed, cuddles up to me, wraps an arm around me, and rests her head in my neck.

"Love you." Christen mumbles.

"I love you." I say then wrap my arms around my girl. "So so much."

"Sleepy time." Christen cutely mumbles.

"Sleep tight."

- - - - -


"IN THE KITCHEN MY LOVE." I shout while stirring the stuff on the stove.

I hear feet padding towards me then two arms wraps around me and a familiar scent invades my nose.

"Hi Baba." Christen mumbles into my back.

"Hi Princess." I say then I set the spoon down, turn around, and wrap my forward in my arms. "Have a nice shower?"

"It would've been better with you there."

"If I was there then we wouldn't have had anything to eat for dinner." I say then I kiss Christen's head. "You smell so good."

"What do I smell like?" Christen asks.

"Like........like Christen." I say. "You smell like Christen."


"I can't really explain how you smell...you just smell like home."

"Aww." Harry teasingly says.

"Way to ruin the moment." Meghan says and smacks my brother on the arm.

"Shoulda locked the door." I mumble.

"Be nice." Christen says with a smile and lightly smacks my chest.

"Fine." I playfully groan then I turn toward my brother and their wives. "Uh everyone this is my girlfriend Christen...Christen this is William and Harry my annoying brothers..."

"Hello." My brother's say.

"And these." I say and gesture to the two women. "Are my amazing sister-in-laws Kate and Meghan."

"It's nice to finally meet you." Kate says and hugs my girlfriend.

"Yeah." Meghan says and hugs Christen. "It's nice to finally meet the girl who Anna constantly talks about."

"That's the second time today someone has said that." Christen says and looks at me.

"What?" I say. "I like bragging about how badass my girlfriend is."

"Nice to meet you." William and Harry say when they shake Christen's hand.

"Where are the little one's?" I ask.

"They're in the study playing with their toys and watching Archie." Kate says.

"Uh oh." I say then playfully stomp into the study. "Are you three forgetting something?"

"ANNA." The little one shout then they run and hug my legs.

"Hi Rugrats." I say and run my hands through their hair.

"Auntie Anna?" Charlotte says.

"Yes Charlotte?" I ask.

"Mummy said your special friend is here."

"She is."

"Can we see her?"

"Let me get Archie and we can." I say then scoop up my youngest nephew.

I then lead the little kids into the kitchen where I squat down to their height and point at Christen.

"Rugrats this is my girlfriend Christen...Christen this is George, Charlotte, and Louis"

"Hi." Charlotte says and smiles at my girlfriend.

"Hello." Christen says and squats down then the three kids hug her.

"Anna does this need tending to?" Meghan asks and gestures to something on the stove.

"No." I say. "It just needs to be drizzled over the stuff in the pan in the oven."

"Okay." Meghan says and takes it upon herself to finish preparing dinner.

"And this Christen." I say and rise to my feet. "Is little Archie."

"Hi." Christen whispers as Archie grabs her fingers. "He looks a lot like Meghan."

"That's a good thing." William teases.

"I mean your not wrong." Harry says as I check over the food.

"Dinner's ready." I say.

Kate, Meghan, and Christen help the little one's get their food as I wait with my brother's.

"You've got a good one Anna." William says.

"Yeah." I say and look at my girlfriend. "I really do."

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