《The Throne》19


"Thank you for flying British Airways and Welcome to Los Angeles."


That flight sucked.

"Have a nice day Ma'am." The flight crew say as I step off the plane.

"Thank you." I say then walk up the jetway.

Once in the terminal I walk until I see a familiar face.

"Hi Baba." Christen says and brings me into a hug.

"Hello My Love." I say then softly kiss my girl.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah." I say.

Christen and I head to baggage claim where we get my bags then we head to her car.

My girlfriend drives us to her place then we get out and head inside her house. Christen then leads me to her bedroom and she helps me put my stuff away. Once that's done I pick up my girlfriend, lay her on the bed, straddle her, then pin her arms to the bed.

"I. Missed. You. So. So. Much." I say in-between pecking my girlfriends lips. "You. Are. So. So. Beautiful. And. I. Love. You. So. So. Much."

"I missed you to Anna." Christen says while giggling.

I release Christen's arms then she wraps them around me and pulls me down into a very very VERY passionate kiss.

"Wow." I say while catching my breathe.

"Yeah." Christen says.

I lay down next to Christen then my girlfriend cuddles into me and rests her head on my chest.

"I wish I lived in America." I admit while running my fingers through Christen's hair.


"I hate being away from you."

"So do I." Christen says then she looks up at me. "But I don't want you to move across the ocean from your family just for a girl your dating."

"But you're a pretty girl." I cheekily say.


"Anna." Christen warns.

"I know." I mumble. "When are we meeting your family?"

"After our nap."

- - - - -

"You ready to meet my family?" Christen asks as we sit in her car in front of her family home.

"I think so." I say and rub my palms on my pants.

"You'll be fine Baba." Christen says and softly kisses me. "They'll love you almost as much as I do."


"Well I don't think can love you as much as I do."

"I love you." I say.

"And I love you." Christen says.

The two of us get out of the car and Christen intertwines our hands then we walk up to her family home. Christen knocks on the door then she leads me into the home. My girlfriend then leads me through out the house until we find her family.

"Daddy." Christen says and hugs her father.

"Hi Pumpkin." Christen's Dad says and kisses her head.

Wish I had that sort of relationship with my Father.

"Well everyone this is my girlfriend Anna..." Christen says then she gestures to who she's talking about. "...Anna this is my Dad Cody and my sister's Channing and Tyler."

"Lovely to meet everyone." I say then shake their hands.

"You two ready to eat?" Christen's Dad asks.

"Very much so." I say as Christen nods.

Mr. Press then leads everyone into the kitchen.

"What kind of fish is this?" I whisper.

"Rockfish." Christen says.

"Sweet." I say.

Everyone fills their plates up then we sit at the table and converse while eating.

Christen's family is nice.

After everyone's eaten we put the dishes away then we move to the living room and continue getting to know each other more.


"Well." Cody says and stands up. "I need to go grocery shopping so I'll be back in a little bit."

"Bye Daddy." Christen says.

Cody leaves the house then I talk with Christen's sisters so more.

"So how did you two meet?" Channing asks.

"Anna put together the HALO Cup and she was looking for our coach's room to take about something. I saw her looking very lost in the hallway so I helped her find the room. She then asked me for my number, we went to dinner that night, and well here we are." Christen says.

"Wait you put a whole tournament together by yourself?" Tyler asks.

"Me and three other women did." I say.

"Anna also introduced Gal to Tobin." Christen says.

"You know Gal Gadot?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah." I say. "We worked together for a United Nations thing and became friends."


"Can I ask you something Anna?" Channing asks and I nod. "Does it get easier? Not having your mom around."

"It does." I say as Christen leans her head on my shoulder. " The first year is very difficult......but one day the pain leaves and all that remains is the happiness your Mum brought to your life."

"Has that brought you two closer?" Tyler asks.

"Maybe subconsciously." Christen says.

"The only time we talk about it is if one of us is sad." I say.

"How do you deal with it?" Channing asks. "The sadness I mean."

"Uh I can actually show you how I deal with it." I say.


"Is any of your mom's clothes here?" I whisper

"Yeah." Christen says with a smile then she stands up and pulls me with her.

She remembers.

"Follow us." Christen says.

Christen then leads us through the house until we reach some room. I sit down in a chair across from a closet then Christen opens said closet.

"What's the first thing you see?" I ask as Christen sits down sideways on my lap.

"This." Tyler says and holds out a red blouse.

"Tell me your favorite memory about your Mom wearing that." I say while wrapping my arms around my forward.

Immediately the three Press sisters smile.

"Well my memory is when Mom wore this to Chaperon a dance we had during school." Tyler says causing Christen to groan.

"Don't remind me." Christen pouts. "Mom started dancing in front of all my friends...so embarrassing."

The three sisters continue sharing their favorite memories with me and I never see their smiles leave their faces.

"GIRLS?" I hear Cody shout.

"IN HERE DAD." Channing shouts then we hear feet walking down the hall.

"What are you three doing?" Cody asks with a smile.

"Telling Anna our favorite Memories of Mom." Christen says.

"Do you remember when she wore this to spy on my first date?" Tyler says and holds up a black sweater.

"I was there too ya know." Cody says.


"I just have better hiding skills then your Mom." Cody proudly says.

"What about this one?" Channing says and pulls out a blue dress.

I listen to the family share more of their memories of Mother.

"Thank you." Cody mouths to me as the sisters explain some story about their mother.

I smile and nod then I feel Christen kiss my cheek.

"Told you my family would love you." Christen whispers.

"Yes you did." I say with a smile.

"I love you Anna." Christen says.

"I love you Christen." I say then kiss her cheek. "More than you'll ever know."

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