《The Throne》17








"Hello my little Ruby." I hear a voice behind me which causes me to spin around.

"Mummy?" I say in disbelief.

I cautiously approach the woman who looks eerily like my mother.

"Is it really you?" I ask as I reach out to touch her.

"It's me baby." Mummy says and brings me into her arms.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I put my head in my Mummy's neck.

She still smells like roses.

"We're in your dreams silly."

"But...How are you here?"

"Dreams are powerful things Anna." Mummy says as we stop hugging

Mummy intertwines our hands then she starts walking somewhere. I've no clue where we are walking.

"I see you have a girlfriend now." Mummy says then I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Yeah." I say with a smile. "Her name's Christen."

"She's very pretty."

"She's absolutely gorgeous." I say.

"She's perfect for you." Mummy says. "Keep her around."

"I will." I say. "I just hope I don't mess it up."

"You won't." Mummy says as she strokes my cheek. "I love you my little Ruby."

"Wait." I say as my Mum starts to fade away. "Where are you going?"

"It's time for me to leave now."

"Mummy wait." I beg.

"Goodbye Anna" Mummy says then she disappears.








"Mummy?" I question

"Anna wake up baby." A familiar voice says. "Come on Anna it's Christen...wake up for me baby."

Immediately I shoot up out of bed then Christen brings me into her arms.


"Breathe Baba." Christen whispers. "Breathe."

I take a few deep breathes which calms my breathing.

"What's wrong?" Christen says.

I go to answer her, but a feeling in my stomach makes me rocket out of bed and bolt to the bathroom where I become best friends with the toilet.

"Fucking hell." I whisper then flush the toilet.

"Baby?" I hear Christen say as I lean against the bathtub. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I say and catch my breath.

"What happened?" My girlfriend asks as she sits next to me.

"I had a weird dream." I say as Christen leans her head on my shoulder then she starts playing with my fingers.

"What was it about?"

"I talked to my mom."

"Oh..................What about?"

"You." I admit.


"She told me to keep you around." I say.

The two of us sit in silence for a while.

"What was she like?" Christen asks.

"She's the strongest woman I've ever known. She wore her heart on her sleeve and she always made time to talk to people regardless of who they were. She taught me to carry myself with class, but also not take anybody's bullshit at the same time...I wish you could've met her."

"From what you've told me I can see she's an amazing woman." Christen says then she kisses my cheek. "We need to get ready so we can meet Gal and Tobin for dinner."

The two of us get off the floor and I brush my teeth then I throw the toothbrush away. We then spend the next 40 minutes or so showering together and getting ready for dinner.

"Well you are the most beautiful woman in the world." I say when my girl models her dress.


"You look pretty dapper yourself Anna." Christen says as her eyes roam my body.

"Shall we go?" I ask and offer my arm to my forward.

"We shall." Christen says in a British accent which makes me laugh.

"You're getting better at that." I say as Christen holds onto my arm.

The two of us grab our things then we leave the hotel room and head to the car. I then drive us to the restaurant and use the valet at the restaurant.

"Hi how can I help you?" The hostess asks.

"Hi we have a reservation for Anna Spencer." I say.

"Right this way please."

The hostess leads us to a secluded booth where Tobin and Gal are sitting on one side.

"Here you are." The hostess says.

"Thank you." Christen says and she slides in first then I slide in next to her.

The four of us look over the menu and order what we want then the waiter disappears to get our drinks.

"Hey did you do something about the paparazzi for me and Tobin?" Gal asks as our drinks arrive. "Because they haven't bothered us in a while."

"Yeah I got you two, your kids, and Christen the same deal as me." I say as I rest a hand on Christen's thigh.

"You have a deal with the paparazzi?" Christen asks as the waiter leaves.

"Sort of."

"Sort of?" Christen says causing me to sigh.

I then explain how I got the paparazzi to stop taking my photo's without consent and how I got them to not take photo's of Gal, Tobin, Christen, and Gal's kids.

"How do we have that...thing too?" Tobin asks.

"I basically said if any pictures are taken, sold, or published of any of you then I would be taking legal action and I guess it worked." I say.

"Well thank you." Gal says.

"Of course." I say. "How are the little munchkins anyway?"

"They're good." Gal says. "They're happy to have Tobin staying with us."

"You're staying with them?" Christen asks.

"For a little bit." Tobin says with a smile. "My family's coming out to LA to meet Gal."

"Nervous?" I ask.

"A little." Gal admits.

"They'll love you." Christen reassures. "In all the years I've known Tobin I've never seen her happier than when she's with you."

"Aww." Gal says then she kisses Tobin.

"So you guys are public now." Tobin says while blushing.

"Yes we are." I say with a smile then Christen leans into me so I kiss my forward's head.

"How does it feel?"

"Amazing." Christen says. "Now we can kiss, hug, and hold hands whenever we want."

"And I can say I love you in public and not care who hears." I admit with a smile.

"That is the best part." Tobin says as Gal leans into her.

"It still amazes me that I came over here to run a football tournament and left with a girlfriend." I say.

"I still owe you for introducing me to Tobin." Gal says.

"So what are you two doing now that the seasons over?" Gal asks.

"I have some stuff to do in England the next couple of weeks then Christen has invited me to spend thanksgiving with her and her family."

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