《The Throne》13


"Ms. Anna we're here."

"Thank you Daniel." I say then get out of the car.

Today's the Lady's single finals of Wimbledon and I'm going with Kate and Meghan to sit in the royal box. Meghan is heavily invested in the final because her friend Serena Williams is playing in the final.

Once I'm out of the car I go into the waiting area where Kate and Meghan are since they arrived minutes before me.

"Hello sister-in-laws." I say when I enter the room.

"Hi Anna." Kate says and hugs me.

"Hey Anna." Meghan says as she hugs me.

"You too look very beautiful today." I say as I look over their dresses.

"You clean up well yourself." Meghan says as Kate adjusts my suit & tie.

I haven't worn a dress since Mummy's funeral and I don't plan on wearing one ever again.

"You still can't tie your ties correctly." Kate says.

"You can thank your husband for that." I say. "He's the one who taught me how to tie it."

"Well that explains it." Kate mumbles.

"We should probably head down." I say.

My sister-in-laws nod then the three of us walk down the stairs with both of them holding onto my arms so they don't trip. Once at our seats Kate sits to the right of me and Meghan sits on my left. The three of us stand for the pre-match ceremony stuff then we sit down and watch the tennis.

We stay relatively silent until there is a long break in the action.

"So where are you going tomorrow?" Kate asks.

"Nagorno-Karabakh." I say.

"And where is that?" Meghan asks.


"And what's the problem in this region?"

"A territorial and ethnic conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding districts, which are de facto controlled by the self-declared Republic of Artsakh which has ties to Armenia, but Nagorno-Karabakh and the seven surrounding districts are internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan."


"And what are you going to be doing there?" Kate asks.

"Helping with the de-activation and removal of land mines."

"Well that seems dangerous." Meghan says.

"I'll be fine." I say right before Serena serves.

The three of us stay quiet and watch the rest of the match which goes very quick.

Eventually Serena loses so we watch the trophy ceremony then Meghan and I hug Kate before we leave.

Kate's staying to watch the men's doubles final while Meghan and Harry attend the Lion King London premier for some reason and I have to pack for my week long trip.

Once Meghan and I say bye to Kate the two of us head back up the stands and follow some people out to an awaiting car.

"Home Ms. Anna?" Daniel asks.

"Yes please Daniel." I say.

Daniel nods and rolls up the partition then he sets off for the Palace so I take off my suit jacket and tie.

"Stupid dress code." I say.

"Agreed." Meghan says. "But at least you get to relax tonight."

"Yeah, but you get to meet Beyonce."

"True." Meghan says then she leans her head on my shoulder. "Have you kept up with the tabloids lately?"

"Not really." I say. "Why?"

"Apparently since you came out to the public you've been bringing a new girl back to the palace every night."

"If only they knew how long of a dry spell I've been in." I say.

"How long?" Meghan asks.

"I think 2 years." I admit.

"And to make it worse your girlfriend lives in America."

"Ugh don't remind me." I groan. "I'm glad we have our own plane otherwise I'd probably be broke with the amount of times I'll be visiting Christen."

"It's worth it." Meghan says. "Trust me."


"Harry still owes me by the way." I teasingly say.

"Oh he knows." Meghan says.

"You could always name your first daughter after me."

"Well that's not gonna be for a long time." Meghan says while laughing as we pull up to the Palace.

"Ms. Anna we're here." Daniel says.

"Thank you Daniel. Enjoy the rest of your day and tell the wife and kids I say hello" I say.

"I will Ms. Anna."

Meghan and I get out of the car and walking into the palace then we hug before I walk to my apartment and she walks to hers. Once in my apartment I shower and change into more comfortable clothing then I head down to the kitchen and chat with the staff while I eat dinner. After I've finished eating I head to Harry and Meghan's apartment in the palace to pick up my nephew.

"Hey Anna." Harry says when he answers the door.

"Hello." I say and hug my brother. "Now where's my favorite half American baby?"

"Meghan's changing him."


Harry then disappears for a minute then he comes back with Archie and all of his things I'll need for the night.

"There he is." I say and take the newest member of the family. "Come on Archie. It's time for you to have some fun."

"Anna." Meghan warns.

"I know the drill." I say

Harry and Meghan kiss their child one last time then the two of us walk to my apartment where I feed the baby then lay him down for his post feeding nap.

While Archie is resting I get my laptop and Skype my girlfriend.

"Hey Beautiful." I say and smile at the image of my girlfriend.

"Hi Anna." Christen says with a smile. "Watcha doin?"

"Packing for my work trip and babysitting Archie."

"Can I see him?" Christen giddily asks as Archie wakes up.

I nod then grab my nephew off the bed and hold him where Christen can see him.

"Say hi Archie." I coo as my nephew stares at the image of my girlfriend.

"Aww." Christen says. "He's so cute and squishy."

"Already a lady killer." I say then lay my nephew down so he can resume his nap. "So what's New with you?"

"Well the media stuff is done so I can relax finally."

"Good. You deserve it...Hey Christen?"


"Meghan and I were talking today and she let me know about the rumors that have surrounded me."


"Well I just want to tell you they're all false. You know how I feel about cheating."

"I know Anna, but thank you for being honest with me." Christen says with a smile. "So are you ready for your trip?"

"I think so. It's only going to be a three week trip so that's nice."

"Is that short?"

"Yeah." I say. "When we established a group in the Ukraine I was gone for four months."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah, but all my trips this year shouldn't be more than a month long."

"Are you going to come back over to America anytime soon?" Christen asks.

"If it's okay with you I was hoping to come back over after this trip." I shyly say.

"Of course its okay with me. As long as you bring your cute self home safe and sound then I will have a room for you."

"The I will bring myself home safe and sound so I can see the most beautiful woman in the world.

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