《The Throne》12


"You need to be cautious Princess." Some royal aide says.

"I don't need to do shit." I say.

"Anna they're ready for you." A producer says so I follow her to the GMB set.

I returned to London a day again and this morning I'm being forced by the palace to go on Good Morning Britain, which is basically the same thing as Good Morning America just worse. The only reason i'm on this stupid show is to 'apologize' for comments I made about one of their hosts.

The thing is I'm not apologizing.

"Who am I sitting by?" I ask.

"Not Piers." The producer says.


When we arrive on set I greet everyone, sit on the chair across from the four hosts, then wait for the hosts to start talking

"Welcome back." Susanna Reid says. "We are joined right now by Princess Anna. Welcome Anna."

"Hello." I say.

"So let's get into why you're here."

"Let's." I say.

"You had some choice words to say about our two male hosts here." Susana says and gestures to the male hosts.

"Trust me." I say then stare at the two pigs. "Those weren't even close to choice words."

"How do you really feel about us?" Piers Morgan asks.

"You want the truth?" I ask and Piers nods. "I think you're a racist, sexist, misogynistic human being."

"And how do you think that?"

"Well someone called you out on being racist and you tweeted back at them, quote, I literally dance to @50cent most days on @GMB you racist imbecile, end quote. What you tweeted is the equivalent of saying I'm not racist I have black friends." I say.

I then notice Piers start sweating.

"In 2017 you said, quote, Don't get angry about a bunch of white girls singing the n word, blame Kanye and the rap industry for putting it in their songs in the first place, end quote...if you don't know why that word shouldn't be said by white people then you need to go back to school."

I now notice some of the crew's eyes are looking between me and the hosts.

"And you also said that your friend Donald Trump's muslim ban wasn't a Muslim ban when in actuality everyone in the entire world knew that's what it was...Now as for you being sexist...well...who can forget you being sexist towards Little Mix and their nude photoshoot where you accused them of using sex to sell records when in actuality they posed nude because they wanted to express themselves...and who can forget you being dragged by Ariana grande and her lovely mother Joan Grande for trying to seem not sexist."


"That's not..." Piers says, but I cut him off.

"Shut up." I say making the whole room go silent. "I know you want to be just like your friend Donald Trump and talk over woman who don't agree with you, but that's not happening now."

The two female hosts then smile at me and subtly nod.

"Lastly, your misogyny...You offered to by a woman clothes because she posed nude for a picture...actually you offered to buy two women clothes. That's just obviously misogynistic Piers. You couldn't handle that two woman had more relevance than you. Later today you're also going to tweet about how I was abusive towards you because this interview will paint you in a terrible light, but in actuality I'm just letting you know how most of the world views you."

I then chuckle a bit.

"Frankly Piers I don't know how you have a job."

"Good Lord." I hear a producer whisper.

"And you." I say and look at the other male host on today's show, Duncan Larcombe, "You should be ashamed of your self."

"Why?" He questions.

"Duncan you were my brother's writer. You know how insecure he is and yet you sit up here and demand they open the christening of their baby to the public because it's their royal duty...seriously Duncan."

"Well..." Duncan says, but I cut him off.

"Do you have any idea what it's like to grow up in the public eye?" I ask, but don't give him time to answer. "No you don't."

I then take a deep breath so I don't get angry.

"Harry is being private with his baby because he knows what it's like to grow up with one parent. Losing your Mum at the aged we did seriously messes with your brain...What Harry and Meghan do with their child and what I will do with my future child is none of your or anyone else's business."

"And we'll be back after this break." Susanna says.

I hug the two female hosts then take off my mic.

"Piers your need in Carolyn's office after the show." A producer says.

"Why?" Piers asks.

"You know why."

"Good riddance." I say then leave the room.

One I'm out of the room I take the stairs down to the ground level then get in the awaiting car. The car then takes me back to my apartment at Kensington Palace.


When I say apartment I don't mean a normal apartment. My 'apartment' is 2 stories with ten rooms and 7 of those rooms are unnecessary.

"Thank you Daniel." I say when we pull up to the palace. "I'll try to be as fast as possible. Would you like something to drink?"

"A water would be nice Ms. Anna." Daniel, my driver, says.

"Alright I'll be back."

I get out of the car and rush up to my apartment then I head into the bathroom and take a quick shower. When I'm clean I change into more comfortable clothes then I grab two water bottles, lock my apartment, then I leave the palace and get into the car. Once in the car I hand Daniel his water then we set off for some charity polo match my brothers are playing in.

Eventually we arrive at the polo grounds so I get out of the car and approach my sister-in-laws who are wrangling their kids.

"AUNTIE ANNA." George yells as he runs at me.

I squat down and let my oldest nephew run into my arms

"Hey Georgie." I say as I hug him.

I then pick the little boy up and take him over to his Mum.

"Anna." Charlotte squeals from her mothers lap.

I squat down and release George then I hug my favorite niece before I hug Louis and his mother. I then Hug Meghan and when I pull away Archie latches onto my shirt.

"Well aren't you just the cutest little baby." I coo while tickling Archie.

Archie smiles up at me then he grabs my nose.

As I'm about to tickle him again my phone rings so I check it and see it's my girlfriend so I give Archie back to his mother and answer the phone.

"Hey beautiful." I say with a smile.

"A-Anna." Christen stutters then I hear her sniffle.

"Baby what's wrong?" I ask as walk away from my sister-in-laws.

"I-I-I-I." Christen says, but her sobs cut off her sentence.

"Christen I need you to take a deep breath for me." I say.

A moment later I hear Christen take a deep shaky breath in then she exhales.

"There we go." I softly say. "What's wrong beautiful?"

"I miss my Mom." Christen says through her sobs.


"I know you do Baby." I say. "Tell me what's on your mind. Just let everything out Christen."

"I miss her so much." Christen says. "Everything I see reminds me of her. Trees, grass, cars, dogs, FUCKING EVERYTHING...I just want her back......Anna"

"I'm still here Princess. We got all the time in the world." I say.

"This was my first major tournament without her and the one person I wanted to celebrate with wasn't here." Christen says. "I don't know how to do this."

"I know baby." I softly say. "Just from knowing the woman you are I know your mother was an amazing woman and mother."

"Why did she have to die?" Christen asks.

"Baby I can't answer that. I ask myself that question everyday." I say. "Where are you right now?"

"My parents house."

"Can you do something for me?" I ask.


"Go in your parents room and go to your Mom's closet."

"Anna." Christen whispers.

"Just trust me beautiful." I say.

"Okay." My girlfriend says.

I then hear her walking so I wait patiently.

"Okay I'm in front of the closet."

"Is it open?" I ask then I hear a door open

"Yes." Christen says.

"What's the first thing you see?"

"A dress my Mom wore."

"Tell me your favorite memory about your Mom wearing that dress." I say and a few seconds later I hear my girlfriend giggle.

"Well it's the dress My Mom wore when she chaperoned Prom..."

I let Christen tell me about the memory and enjoy getting to know just a piece of what Stacy Press was like.

"What about the next article of clothing." I say then Christen laughs.

"Oh God...Mom wore this to my high school graduation..."

For the next couple hours Christen tells me all about her favorite memories with her Mom and she, temporarily, forgets her Mom has passed away.

I really wish I was in America with her.

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