《The Throne》11


"You guys better be nice." I say while on the phone with Steph and Lucy.

Today my best friends are meeting my girlfriend and I'm a bit nervous.

"We will." Steph says. "Well at least I will."

"Lucy." I warn.

"I'll be on my best behavior." Lucy says.

"Good. I'll see you two in a minute." I say then hang up.

I grab my keys then leave the room and the hotel to go pick up my girlfriend at her hotel.

20 minutes later I arrive at Christen's hotel and she walks out of the lobby and gets into my car.

"Hey babe." Christen says and kisses me.

"Hello beautiful." I say and intertwine our hands as w. "How are you?"

"Better than the rest of my teammates." Christen says making me laugh.

"I'm guessing they're all hungover."

"So bad." Christen says then she giggles making me smile. "Why are you so smiley?"

"Your giggle makes me smile."


"I don't know." I admit. "But everything about you makes me smile."

"That may be the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me." Christen admits as we arrive at the restaurant.

I park close to the doors then my girlfriend and I get out off the car. After I lock the car Christen intertwines our hands then we walk into the restaurant. Once in the restaurant I give the hostess my name then she leads us to our table where Lucy and Steph are already seated.

"Hey Steph...Hey Lucy." I say and hug the Ladies.

"Hey." My two best friends say.

"Well This is my girlfriend Christen..." I say and motion to my beautiful girlfriend. "Christen this is Steph and Lucy."


"It's nice to meet you off the pitch." Christen says and shakes the two Englishwomen's hands.

"Like wise." Steph says then we all sit down.

A waiter comes over and takes our order then he leaves only to return 10 minutes later with our food. As we eat Christen the three football stars talk about football, the tournament, and of course my friends tell embarrassing stories about me. I enjoy my best friends and my girlfriend getting along...even if the stories were really embarrassing.

"So Anna..." Lucy says, but I cover her mouth.

"Okay." I say. "That's enough of embarrassing Anna in front of her girlfriend."

"Babe." Christen whines. "I wanna know how it ends."

"Anna's pants fell down at the exact moment the coaches walked in." Steph says causing my girlfriend to burst out laughing.

"You guys suck." I say.

I also enjoy the food because this Italian food is bomb as fuck.

A couple hours later Steph and Lucy have to go so we pay then walk to the front of the restaurant where we say goodbye to the two English footballers. Christen and I then get in my car and head back to my hotel. Once back at my hotel we head up to my room and cuddle together on the bed while watching something on tv.

"How did Tobin react to meeting Gal's kids?" I ask while playing with Christen's luscious hair.

"She couldn't stop talking about them." Christen says. "She's going to come back to LA after all the media requests for a few days and stay with them."

"That'll be fun." I say. "What are you doing after the media stuff?"

"I'm going to chill with my family."

"Good." I say and kiss my girlfriend's head. "You deserve some time to yourself."


"What are you doing when you get back to England?" My girlfriend asks.

"Uh we have some royal obligations then I have a trip with the HALO Trust for a couple weeks.



"What'll you be doing?" Christen asks.

"Training more locals the art of de-mining and overseeing the de-mining."

"That sounds dangerous."

"Well we train on fake explosive devices and I only work on real ones if I'm absolutely needed."

"So no danger?"

"No danger." I say.

"Will we be able to talk?" Christen asks.

"Yes. I'll have my phone, but if that doesn't work then I'll have a satellite phone I can call you with."

"Cool." I say then look at my girl. "You're pretty."

"That was random." Christen says while giggling.

"Just reminding you how beautiful you are." I say then Christen softly kisses me.

"You're not too bad looking yourself."

"Why thank you M'lady." I say in and over exaggerated English accent which causes Christen to giggle.

Her giggle might be the best sound in the entire universe.

A comfortable silence falls over us and I enjoy having my girlfriend in my arms.

I still can't believe how lucky I got. I mean I came over to America to put on a football tournament and I left with new friends and the most beautiful women in the world is now my girlfriend. Like What the fuck?

Kinda wish I lived in America.

"Do you have to be somewhere tonight?" I ask and break the silence.

"No. We leave for New York tomorrow afternoon." Christen says.

"Would you want to stay with me tonight?" I hesitantly ask.

"In your room?"

"I can take the couch and you can have the bed." I say making Christen giggle which I don't know if that is a good or bad thing

"I thought you meant something else." Christen says while still giggling.

"Oh no not like that. I didn't mean that. I don't think we're ready to go that far just yet. I meant just like in the same room or like the same bed or whatever your comfortable with. I mean I wouldn't mind kissing..." I ramble but I'm cut off by the softest pair of lips ever.

"Breathe Anna." Christen says so I do. "Yes I will stay with you tonight and yes I will sleep in the same bed as you. And I definitely will be kissing you a lot."

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