《The Throne》10



Christen: THANK YOU!!!


Christen: I DON'T KNOW

Me: Let's go back to normal.

Me: Are you starting today?

Christen: Yeah I am. Pinoe got hurt so I'm starting in her position.

Christen: Who are you rooting for?

Me: I'm cheering for the food vendor

Christen: 😂 😂 😂

Christen: What?

Me: I can't choose. I'll just be happy for whoever wins.

Christen: Alright. Well I gotta go so I'll see you after.

Me: Okay. I'll see you after the game. 😘

"You ready to go?" Gal asks pulling me away from my phone.

"Yep." I say.

I grab my stuff then follow the actress out of my bedroom and into the living room part of the suite where her kids are.

"Aww." I say when I see Alma and Maya wearing little Tobin Heath jerseys. "That's so cute."

"ANNA." The kids shout and attach themselves to my legs.

"Hello little ones." I say and run my fingers through their hair.

"Come on everyone." Gal says. "We need to go to the game."

"Alright girls." I say then the two kiddos detach themselves from my legs. "Let's go."

The four of us leave my room then head down to the front of the hotel and get in the awaiting car. We then make the long drive from our hotel to the Rose Bowl stadium and when we arrive we walk in with Beth, Leah, and Freya along with their husbands. Our group then heads up to our box and and prepares for England to kick off the Final

Once Ellen White kicks the game off, the US comes out firing especially Rose who has been snatching souls all tournament long.

In the 10th minute Tobin receives a pass from someone then she turns and passes to Rose. When the ball gets to Rose she dummies it and lets it roll past her and into the path of Kelley O'Hara. When Kelley catch's up to the ball she plays a cross first time and the ball goes past the English defense and straight to Christen who heads it into the back of the net making the score


After Christen scores she raises her arms then she looks up to the sky.

"Crap." I mumble and wipe the tears from my eyes as I clap.

"What was that celebration for?" Gal asks.

"Her Mum passed away earlier this year so that was for her Mum."

After Christen celebrates with her teammates she looks up towards where I'm sitting and I smile at my girlfriend then subtly blow her a kiss which causes her to giggle.

"Aww." Freya teases.

"Oh hush." I say and smack her forehead. "Josh get your wife."

Everyone in the box laughs at the little interaction then we turn our attention back towards the field as Ellen restarts the game.

In the 18th minute Keira receives a pass from someone in defense then she turned and hit a cross-field ball to Beth Mead. Mead brings the ball down out of the air then she plays a low cross just in front of the 6 yard box. Ellen timed her run perfectly and re-directed the ball into the right side of the goal making it 1-1.

Most of our box stood up and celebrated then we relaxed as their was a long period of back and forth play until the half ended.

Once the half ended all of us in the box head inside to get food and drinks and also to relax in the air conditioning then we return to our seats as Alex Morgan restarts the game.

"So do they know who they're going to meet?" I ask and point to Alma and Maya

The two kiddos are sitting and talking with Leah and her husband and by the smiles on their faces I think they enjoy talking to people with British accents.

"They know they are meeting Mommy's girlfriend." Gal says.

"Are they okay with you dating again?"

"Alma is and Maya doesn't really understand what's happening yet."

"And how are you feeling about all of this?" I ask.

"I'm excited." Gal admits with a smile.

"Well just so you know Tobin is excited too." I say. "She texted me a lot last night asking about your kids."


"Aww." Gal says then she looks at her girlfriend who's running with the ball.

"It still amazes me how we got so lucky." I admit.

"Yeah Christen is the perfect girl for you." Gal says.

"And Tobin is perfect for you." I say.

Cheering from the crowd pulls us away from our conversation.

I look towards the field only to see my Girlfriend sprinting down the left side and towards Carly Telford. As Christen approaches the 18 yard box she floats a cross into the path of Alex Morgan who heads the ball past the outstretched arms of Telford making the score 2-1 in the 89th minute.

After Alex scores she jogs away from goal then she stops and acts like she's drinking tea which I find hilarious.

When the English team restart the game the ref blows her whistle three times signaling the game is over and that the US Women's National Team has won the HALO Cup.

"I'll see you in a minute." I say to Gal then I kiss her cheek before I head down onto the field.

Once I'm on the field along with Leah, Beth, and Freya we get on the stage and get ready for the presentation of the tournament awards, medals, and the trophy. A couple minutes later we hand out all the awards for best player, top scorer and top keeper which all go to American players.

After the American's have taken pictures with their awards, the English team come onto the podium and I put their medals on them. The American team then come onto the stage and I place the gold medals around their necks.

"Nice goal." I whisper as I place the medal around my girlfriends neck.

"Thanks." Christen says and smiles.

I finish placing the medals around the Americans then I grab the trophy and walk over to Carli and hand it to her. The Americans then lift the trophy and celebrate with their friends and family so I leave the field and head to the the English locker room. Once in the locker room I head over to Lucy and pull her into a hug.

Lucy wraps her arms around me and sniffles into my shoulder so I hold my best friend for a while and let her get her emotions.

"Looks like your girlfriend could use a shoulder." I say then motion to Keira.

Lucy wipes her eyes then she walks over to her girlfriend and holds her. I then walk over to Steph and hug her.

"Here's you ladies money." I say and hand her the envelope with all the checks.

"Okay." Steph says and sniffles.

"You girls played great."

I then walk around the room and hug everyone else then I leave and walk across the hall and into the American locker room and I'm greeted with the sight of Alex Morgan twerking in front of me.

"Woah." I say then avert my eyes which causes the whole locker room to burst into laughter.

"You can look now." I hear someone say.

I slowly turn my eyes back to Alex and see she isn't twerking any more.

"Well then." I say making Alex Laugh.

"Hi Anna." Alex says as she hugs me.

"Your celebration was hilarious." I tell the brunette as I hug her.

"Thanks." She says.

I then walk over to Carli, who pulls me into a hug then I hand her the envelope.

"Congratulations and here is everyone's checks." I say as I hand her the envelope.

"Thank you." The New Jersey native says.

I nod then walk over to my girlfriend.

"Hey Beautiful." I say then wrap her in my arms.

"Hi Anna." Christen says then she softly kisses me.

"You played great."


The two of us talk amongst ourselves while the team celebrate with champagne. I then notice Christen becoming a bit uncomfortable with all the alcohol flowing so I decide to distract her.

"So." I say gaining the attention of my girlfriend."You ready to meet my friends tomorrow?"

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