《The Throne》9


Running a tournament with only the help of three other people sucks.

Freya, Beth, and Leah are at the England v Netherlands quarter final game. I decided to let them go so they could have some time with their husbands who flew out to see them. Right now I'm watching the game on tv while writing checks for the three teams that've already lost.

"Dammit Toni. What kinda pass was that?" I say out loud after Toni misplays an easy pass.

Suddenly my phone vibrates so I pick it up and see I got a text

Christen💚: You're in room 1432?

Me: Yeah?

I wait a few minutes, but Christen never texts back so I go to text her again, but there is a knock on my door which is odd. I cautiously creep over to the door then I look through the peep hole and see a group of 4 or 5 women so I open the door.

"So that's why you texted me." I say.

"Yep." Christen says and hands me food and a drink. "Can you take a break from work?"

"For you I can."

"Aww." Ali says.

"Come in and take a seat." I say and move out of the way.

Christen, Tobin, Ali, Alex, and Ash all come into the suite then I close the door and walk into the living room and sit down. I then set the food down on the table in front of me as all the Americans take a seat around the room. I then lean over and peck my girlfriend's lips.

"Thank you." I say.

"Of course...So what are you doing?" Christen asks.

"Writing checks for the French, Swedish and German teams."

"How many checks?"

"Checks for 69 people."

"I still can't believe you're giving us part of the profit." Tobin says which reminds me off something.


"I knew there was something I needed to tell you." I say.

"What?" Ash asks.

"So yesterday we had a meeting with the HALO Trust and they told us they wanted to take less of the profit and give the players more money."

"And what does that mean?" Ash asks.

"Your teams final position determines how much money you receive."


"How often are you going to have this tournament?" Christen asks.

"Well I want this to replace the old World Cup so probably every four years."

"Are you going to help the men?" Tobin asks.

"If the confederations ask nicely I will." I answer.

Christen goes to say something, but noise from the tv pulls all of our attention away from the screen.

"About time someone score." I say after Ellen White puts England ahead 1-0 in the 50th minute. "So do you guys have the day off or?"

"We had training earlier this morning because Jill wanted to beat the weather then they gave us the rest of the day off." Ash says.

"Cool...are you guys ready to play Denmark?" I ask then eat some food.

"We are." Tobin says.

"Think you'll win?"

"We will." Ali says.

"Who do you think will win the whole thing?" Alex asks.

"I think the final is going to be USA against England."

"And..." My girlfriend says as the football stars look at me.

"I think you guys will win 2-1." I admit making all the US girls smirk.

Cheering on the TV screen makes all of us look at the screen and see England won 1-0 and will play Canada in the semi-finals. I then get a text so I look at it and the message pisses me off

"Dammit." I mumble.


"What's wrong?" My girlfriend asks.

"The British media is being unjustly mean to Meghan...again"

"Why?" Ash asks.

"They hate her because she's American, she's biracial, she's a divorcee, and she doesn't conform to the stereotypical idea of a royal spouse."

"That's stupid." Alex says.

"Welcome to British media." I say.

"Are they always mean for stupid reasons?"

"Yeah. Some news outlets don't like me that much."

"Why?" Christen asks.

"I don't abide by the traditional rules. I don't act like a royal. I don't curtsy to the queen..."

"Why?" Alex interrupts.

"It's not a law." I say. "People just do it out of respect and because they're nervous when she approaches."

"Oh." Christen says.

"Yeah...That text was Meghan venting to me like she usually does."

"Ah." Ali says.

"Anyways." I say and look at Tobin. "So how's Gal?"

"She's good." Tobin says with a smile. "She's cooking for me tonight ."

"At her house?" I ask and Tobin nods. "Her Israeli food is amazing."

"Are you meeting her kids?" Ash asks.

"Not yet." Tobin says with a frown. "They'll be with one of her friends."

"Do you wanna meet them?" I tentatively ask.

"I do...Gal's kids are a big part of her life and I really like Gal so if I want us to work then I need her kids to like me."

"They will." I reassure her. "Whenever you meet them just make sure they know you like their mom for her and not for her fame."

"I guess that's what her husband was after?" Ali says.

"Yep. He was just married to her because she was an actress."

"Dick." Ash mumbles.


"What are her kids names?" Alex asks.

"Maya and Alma." Tobin answers.

"Their very cute kids." I say.

"They got their looks from their mom." Tobin says.

"Aww." Alex says and pinches Tobin's cheeks. "Our little Toby is all loved up."

"Stop." Tobin says while blushing.

"I mean your not wrong." Christen says. "Gal is a very beautiful woman."

"And a total badass" I say.

"Care to elaborate?" Ali asks.

"Gal and I do Krav Maga, Muay Thai Kickboxing, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu together." I say making Tobin audibly gulp.

"Remind me not to piss you off." Ash mumbles.

"I use it for protection so I don't need body guards."

"Still." Alex says.

"That's kinda hot." Christen says.

"Oh really." I say with a smirk.

"There are people still in the room." Alex says and throws a pillow in-between us.

"Sorry." Christen and I say in unison.

"Wait do you play football?" Tobin asks.

"I use to, but I haven't played since I tore my ACL when I was 18."

"So 14 years?" Christen says and I nod.

"You're 32?" Ali questions.

"I turn 33 the day of the final." I say.

"So you're into the older ladies Christen." Ash says with a smirk.

"Baby." Ali says while giggling. "So are you."

"Oh right...kinda forgot you were older than me." Ash says with a shy smile.

"Aww baby." Ali says then she kisses her fiancée.

"Someone's getting laid tonight." Christen mumbles making everyone laugh.

The US girls talk amongst themselves while I enjoy spending time with my girlfriend and her friends.

"I like your friends." I whisper.

"Good." Christen whispers and squeezes my hand. "I'm glad."

"Maybe after the final I can introduce you to my best friends." I tentatively say.

"I'd like that." Christen says then my she softly kisses me. "I'd like that a lot."

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