《The Throne》6


Christen and I are having a lunch date on her off day before the USA v England game.

Since I've met Christen she and I have been on 4 dates, including this one, and I really like her. She treats me as a normal person and not a princess which is nice.

As we are eating I see people looking at me and I see that Christen notices the people as well.

"Hey Christen?" I say.

"Yes Anna?" Christen says.

"I need to tell you something."


I then get out my phone and type my name into google then show Christen.

"I know Anna." Christen says hands me back my phone.

"Y-y-y-you do?" I say.

"Yes Anna. I'm not stupid. I just didn't say anything because well you treat me like a normal person and I like that about you."

"I could say the same for you." I say

"Hey can I ask you something?" Christen asks.

"Of course."

"Does it get easier...not having your Mom in your life?"

"The first year or two is hard. The first birthday and Christmas are very hard. Mother's day hurts a lot." I say.

I see Christen trying not to cry so I reach over and grab her hand and squeeze it.

"But one day it'll hurt a little less and then eventually it wont hurt at all. Yeah you'll miss your Mum, but you'll always have those memories."

Christen suddenly get's a text.

"Hey the team want to meet you." Christen says.

"Thats fine...do you want me to meet them?"

"I do. Just be warned they can be a little...extra."

Christen and I then walk back to her hotel and on the way back Christen grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"What's got you all smiley?" Christen asks.

"I can't believe I'm holding your hand." I say.

"Might want to get use to it."

"Plan on keeping me around Miss Press?"

"I do Princess." Christen says as we get to her hotel.


The two of us head to the elevators then take them up to the 12th floor. We then walk to Christen's room, I assume since she had a key, and walk in and we're greeted by twenty or so women.

"Everyone this is Anna." Christen says.

"Hi." I say.

Everyone then introduces themselves then Christen pulls me down next to her. We then talk for the next 30 minutes.

"Wait..." Kelley says and looks at me.

Took them long enough.

"I know who you are."

"And who am I?" I say.

"You're Princess Annabeth Sophia Amelia Grace." Kelley says and everyone looks at me with wide eyes.

"Anna is what I go by, but yes I am."

"No offense, but what are you doing here?" Emily says.

"I created the tournament you're playing in." I say.


"Yep." I say then reach into my bag and pull out a couple of papers.

"I was going to give this to Christen so she could give it to you, but since you're here this is for you." I say and hand the papers to Carli. "Go to section 6."

Carli nods then does as I told her to and reads the section.

"Woah really?" Carli says.

"Yep." I say.

"What does it say?" Becky asks.

"Each player will get a part of the profit." Carli reads out.

"What? Really?" Alex asks as everyone looks at me.

"Yep. You'll get your check after the last game."

"Do you know how much?" Someone asks.

"As of now it's about 54,000 dollars per player."

"And how is the money divided?"

"Well half of the total profit goes to the HALO Trust since they are the sponsor of the tournament, thus why it's called The HALO Cup, and then the remaining half will be divided up equally by all players from each team...oh and don't worry the federation can't take your money"

"Why?" Pinoe asks.

"Well two reasons. One each federation signed a contract stating that they had to allow you to receive this money on top of your normal game paycheck so if they don't pay you your normal salary tell me and I will take care of it. And two, I'm the only one with control over the money so I will individually write the checks and hand them out to you after your last game."


"Cool....So what's it like being a princess?" Mal says.

Nice way to move the conversation along.

"There's good days and bad."

"And what kinda day is today?" Julie says.

"Today has been a great day." I easily admit.

"How did you two meet?" Ali asks.

"I was looking for your coaches room so I could speak with her to see if anyone needed anything and Christen helped me find it and then I asked her out."

"How many dates have you two had?" Sam asks.

"Today was our fourth." I say then I get a text. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but something came up and I have to leave."

"Everything alright?" Christen asks.

"Yeah just something Harry needs to talk to me about."

"Okay." Christen says as we stand and walk to the door.

"It was nice meeting all of you. Good luck tomorrow." I say then I'm lead into the hall.

"Are you sure everything's okay?" Christen asks.

"Yeah. Just some family logistics. Nothing to worry about."

"Good." Christen says then I hug her.

"If you ever need to talk about your Mum or just want somebody to rant to I'm always available.

"Thank you...I'll see you soon?" Christen hopefully asks.

"I will definitely see you soon." I say then kiss Christen's cheek.

I haven't kissed her yet because I want her to be my girlfriend first.

I wonder if she wants to do a long distance relationship?

Christen smiles and hugs me again then she walks back into her room. I head downstairs and get into the the awaiting car.

Thankfully while getting to know the team everyone put their number in my phone so once in the car I text one of the new numbers.

Me: Hey this is Anna. If it's not to much of a bother may I ask you something rather blunt?

Tobin: Hi Anna and sure ask away.

Me: Are you and Christen dating?

Tobin: No we are not. We dated a couple years ago for two or three months, but figured out we work better as best friends.

Me: oh okay...no offense, but good.

Tobin: You like her don't you?

Me: Christen is the first girl I've ever had feelings for who sees me as a regular person.

Tobin: Well if you do decide to date her just be honest with her. She hates liars.

Me: Got it...Anyone catching your eye?

Tobin: Got any cute friends.

I then ask Tobin a couple of questions to figure out which of my friends would be perfect for her. After reading over Tobin's answer I know the exact person who would be perfect for her.

"Mrs. Anna we're here." My appointed driver says.

"Thank you James." I say.

I get out of the car and head up to my room then call my friend.

"Hey Anna."

"Hey are you in LA?"

"Yeah? Why?" My friend says.

"Well for one I'm in LA so we need to hang out.

"Want to go to dinner tonight?"

"Sure sounds good...and second I just met the perfect girl for you."

"Looks like we have a lot to talk about tonight."

"That we do." I say.

"Alright well I'll pick you up at 7 send me your hotel."

"Alright Bye." I say.

"Bye Anna."

After we hang up I text Christen.

Me: Hey I just wanted to let you know before you see something online that I am going out to eat with a friend of mine.

Christen: Okay that's fine. You didn't need to tell me.

Me: I just don't want to ruin my chances with you.

Christen: Aww. Well how about after the game against England we go on date number 5?

Me: I'd love too.

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