《The Throne》5


"We're here Ms. Anna." James, my appointed driver, says.

"Thank you James." I say.

Leah, Beth, Freya, and I get out of the car and head into the Rose Bowl stadium.

Today is the opening match of the HALO Cup and the match up is USA v China.

The four of us take out our field passes then head towards the field. Once we emerge onto the field I put on my sunglasses then the four of us watch China warm up for a while.

"So how was your date?" Freya asks.

"It went great." I say and smile a bit. "We're going on another date later tonight."

"Oooh." Beth says. "Already a second date. You go girl."

The four of us leave the Chinese side of the field and walk towards the Americans. As the Americans are warming up Christen looks in my general direction and eventually her eyes land on me. Christen smiles at me then she waves. I smile back and subtly wave.

"Who you waving at?" I hear Alex Morgan asks.

"Just a cute fan." Christen says while looking at me.

Aww. She thinks I'm cute.

"Anna we need to leave." Simon, one of my plain clothes body guards, says.

I hate the fact that I am required, by Buckingham Palace, to have body guards. When I was told after I graduated from University that I was to have full time body guards my first words were FUCK NO. I then told the palace that, as a female royal, I had already learned 3 types of martial arts to protect myself.

I have a comprehensive understanding of Krav Maga, Muay Thai Kickboxing, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Mum started me in each of these so I could always protect myself and I trained in each of these since I was three.

"Alright." I say then me and the other three girls head up to our box.

Once in our box I quickly shut the door so only the four of us are in the box and the body guards are outside the box.


"You aren't needed." I say through the door. "Enjoy your holiday."

I compromised with Buckingham Palace and said I'll take body guards, but they must stay back 100 feet and if I tell them they aren't needed then they have to go home. Before we left to come to America I told my body guards to bring their families so they could have a free holiday.

"Why won't the palace just stop forcing you to have bodyguards?" Beth asks.

"No clue." I say as the four of us grab food and drinks.

Once we have everything the four of us go to our seats right outside the private box. We get to our seats right as the national anthems start so we stand and wait for both anthems to finish then we sit in our seats and start eating.

"So." Leah says after eating a chicken wing. "Which US player did you go on a date with?"

"What?" I ask and look at the three ladies.

"It's pretty simple." Freya says. "You said you were going on a date with an American then when we were watching the US warm up you blushed a lot.

"Number 23." I mumble.

"What was that?" Leah asks with a smirk.

"I went on a date with number 23." I say, but not too loud so people around us don't hear.

"Damn." Freya says as she looks at her phone. "She's pretty."

"She's beautiful." I say as the US kicks off.

"You two aren't even a couple yet and your already whipped." Beth says.

"Just eat your food." I mumble.

The Americans start off hot and pepper the Chinese goal for the first 20 minutes and eventually the Chinese defense breaks. Christen gets on the end of a cross from Kelley O'Hara and my favorite American player buries her shot past the Chinese keeper.

After Christen's goal China sits back and parks the bus which is boring. The girls and I talk about random stuff through out the match and enjoy sporadic moments of magic, but ultimately nothing amounts to any action.


Right before the end of the match Christen receives a pass from Ali Krieger at about the halfway line. The most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on then turns up field and bolts toward the Chinese goal. As Christen gets closer to goal the keeper comes off her line which is a big mistake.

Christen takes a quick look up at the goal then looks back down and lobs the ball over the keeper. The ball sails straight into the back of the net making the crowd goes wild.

After the US celebrate China kicks off then the whistle blows signaling the game is over with the US winning 2-0. The other girls and I pick up our trash then head to the car and head to to the hotel.

Now to get ready for date number two with Christen.

- - - - -

"I gotta go now kiddies." I say while on FaceTime.

"Okay." George says as his sister pouts.

"Bye Auntie." Charlotte says.

"Bye Charlie...Bye Georgie. Be good for mummy now and get a good night's rest." I say then my niece and nephew nod and hand the phone back to their mother.

"Thank you for that." Kate says. "They wouldn't go to sleep without talking to you."

"I don't mind." I say as the car pulls up to Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

"We'll I'll text you tomorrow."

"Alright bye Kate."

"Bye Anna."

I hang up the phone then exit the car and head inside the stadium.

Today's the England v Nigeria game. I'm on my own today because there are two other games today which the rest of the girls are at. The other games are Canada v Brazil and France v Australia.

Once inside the stadium I head down to the pitch to make sure the grass is in top condition. As I'm checking the pitch the England girls come out to warm up so I receive a few hugs then the girls get on with warm ups. After warm ups finish I decide to head up to my seats and when I get there the National anthems play so I stand, but don't sing our anthem.

Never Have. Probably never will.

After the anthem is over I grab a wrap and drink then sit down in my box.

As I'm sitting alone in the box watching the game I take out my phone and take a picture of myself and send it to Christen.

Christen: I may have to get you one of my jerseys.

Me: Not a fan of the England jersey?

Christen: I just think you'd look better wearing my jersey.

Me: I guess I need to get one so we can find out.

Christen: Maybe we can do that tonight

Me: Date #3?

Christen: if you're free.

Me: I'm always free for you

Christen: Smooth Anna. Very smooth.

I go to respond, but cheering from the crowd pulls my attention away from my phone. I look up and see Jodie scored making it 1-0 in the 10th minute.

The rest of the game flies by and by the end of the game England has won 3-0 with additional goals from Steph and Nikita. Once the game ends I leave the box and head down to the locker rooms to seek out my best friends.

"Hey can I talk to you two?" I ask.

"Sure." Steph says then the three of us walk into some room. "So what's up."

"So I met someone." I say.

"That's great Anna." Lucy says. "but what's the problem?"

"She's American."

"And?" Steph says. "That's not a big deal."

"She plays for the US National team."

"Okay?" Lucy says then looks at Steph then back at me. "Anna that doesn't matter. As long as your happy and she treats you well then we don't care who she is."

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