《The Throne》4


"Excuse me can I help you?" A voice behind me says.

I turn around only to be met with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

"Y-yes. I-I'm looking for J-Jill Ellis' room."

Why the fuck am I stuttering?

"Right this way" The goddess says and I follow her.

"I'm Anna by the way."

"I'm Christen."

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well."

Christen slows down as we approach a door and I take this as an opportunity to ask her a question.

"Hey Christen?"


"I know this may be very sudden, but would it be possible for me to get your number?" I ask.

"Why don't you hand me your phone and find out."

I waste no time and hand over my phone. Christen then types something into my phone and hands it back.

"I texted myself so I already have your number...this is coaches room."

"Thanks." I say.

Christen nods then walks away. As she leaves I take out my phone and pull up her contact.

Me: Would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?

Christen: You asking me on a date?

Me: I believe I am.

I then hear the most adorable laugh ever which causes me to look up and see Christen looking at me.

"Pick me up at 7." She says.

"See you then" I say.

Christen smiles at me then walks into a room.

What the fuck?

That went better than expected.

Once Christen's door is shut I knock on the door in front of me and a few seconds later the US coach opens the door. The two of us talk for a little bit then I leave, knowing everything is in order, and head back to my hotel. When I arrive at my hotel I head up to the room where the other 3 ladies are chilling.

"Hey Anna."

"Hey Freya." I say and sit in the open chair. "How'd everything go with you three?"


"Group B is happy and comfortable." Leah says.

"So is group C." Freya says and hands me a drink.

"As is group D." Beth says.

"Sweet then we're all good."

The three of us relax for a while and chat while the tv plays in the background. The four of us come to the decision that there is way to much 'reality' TV on American TV. Like seriously why are there 17 shows about rebuilding a house?

"Oh shit." I say when I notice it's 5:30.

"What?" Beth asks as I get up from my seat.

"I have a date at 7."

"With who?" Freya asks as I reach the door.

"An American."

"Traitor." Leah teases.

All their spouses are American.

I leave the room and head to my own and choose what to wear. When I decide what I'm going to wear I get in the shower and get clean and sweet smelling. Once I'm clean I dry myself off then get ready for the date.

I still can't believe I have a date with this women. I mean she's a literal walking goddess.

After I'm completely ready for the date I look at my watch and see it reads 6:20 so I grab my keys and other things then head to my car. I then make the supposed 15 minute drive to Christen's hotel and find a parking place close to the door.

The drive took 25 minutes because I stopped to get Christen a bouquet of flowers.

Once I'm parked I grab the bouquet of flowers then get out the car and walk into the hotel. When I get into the hotel I look around the lobby, that's where Christen said she'd meet me, trying to find the beautiful women. Finally I see the beautiful woman so I walk over to her.

"Hey Anna."

"Hey Christen." I say then look over the forward.


Christen is a goddess.

"You look beautiful." I admit.


"Thanks." Christen says while blushing. "You look beautiful as well."

"Thank you." I say then hand the brunette the flowers. "These are for you."

"Aww." Christen says and sniffs the flowers. "Thank you. They're beautiful."

I look at Christen and get lost in her eyes then her smile pulls me away from her eyes. As I'm looking at the American I notice a large group standing behind her causing me to laugh.

"What?" Christen asks with a smile.

"Firstly you have the most beautiful smile in the world."

"Thanks." Christen says while blushing.

Even her blush is cute.

Like is there anything not perfect with this girl?

"And second." I say and point behind her. "Your teammates aren't very subtle."

Christen turns around and looks at the group, who all look anywhere, but at us.

"Really." Christen says to her teammates then she turns back around to me. "Since they're down here can I go hand these flowers off to my roommate?"

"Of course." I instantly say. "Oh give her your wallet too."

Christen smiles at me then heads over to her teammates and hands the flowers and her wallet off to Kelley O'Hara. Christen walks back over to me then we leave the hotel lobby and make our way to the car.

"Huh." Christen says.

"What?" I ask.

"Earlier there was a lot of paparazzi around her, but now there is none."

"That is odd." I say even though I know exactly why there are zero paps around.

In 2016 I went to the Olympics because...well because I wanted too. While I was there I got fed up with all the paparazzi following me around so I went to court and filed a law suit against big tabloid magazines and paparazzi in multiple countries using my photo's with out my consent. My greatest evidence on why I was 'terrified' of the paparazzi was all the footage of my Mum's murder.

I've always classified Mum's death as a murder. The paparazzi didn't need to follow my Mum into that tunnel. They didn't need to put Mum's driver in a spot like that, and they definitely didn't need to stand around trying to get fucking pictures to sell while my Mum was dying.

The judges in my case back in 2016 agreed with me and ruled that it was unlawful for my picture to be taken without consent which was the first ruling of it's kind. Now whenever paparazzi see me walk into a building or walking around in public they leave the area.

When we get to the car I open Christen's door and let her get in safely then I close it and go around to my side and get in. We then make the drive to the restaurant I choose which, unbeknownst to me, has a valet so I can't open Christen's door for her. The two of us head into the restaurant and I give the hostess my name then she leads us to our table.

Once were sat Christen and I look over the menu and decide what to eat then tell the waiter our order when he comes over to us. The waiter comes back a couple minutes later with our drinks then we start talking.

Well Christen starts talking, but I don't mind. I like learning things about people.

"Sorry. I tend to talk to much."

"I don't mind. You're a very interesting person." I say with a smile making Christen blush.

"So what do you do?" Christen asks.

"I work in marketing" I say.

Sort of a lie, but sort of the truth.

"What company?"

"A couple Non-Profits."


"The HALO trust."

"Wait...our tournament is called the HALO Cup...is that the company you work for?"

"Yeah. I organized the tournament and I'm here for the whole tournament to make sure it runs smoothly."

"So we can go on more dates then." Christen says with a smirk.

"Yes we can."

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