《The Throne》1


"Harry how is this news?" I ask my brother as he and I walk to the press room.

You may have heard of him. Prince Harry. The Duke of Sussex. Married Meghan Markle. He's my older brother by almost two years.

"Everything we do is news Anna. It just comes with being apart of this family." He says.

"Why do we have to announce that I'm gay?"

"Apparently one of your ex's was going to out you."

"Bitch." I say as we get to the room.

"Ready Princess?" Our press officer asks.

"Please don't call me that."

"Of course Princess."

"You're not going to stop are you?"

"No Princess"

"Fuck sake."

"Language Princess."

"Get the fuck out." I say and our press officer leaves.

A minute or two later the door opens and I see someone I didn't expect to see.

"WILLIAM." I shout then hug my other brother. "Not that I don't love seeing you, but what are you doing here? I thought you were in Australia."

"Today is a big day for you. Even though we've known for forever, this is a big step for you and the country."

"You three ready?" The BBC interviewer asks and we nod and sit down on a couch with me in between my brothers.

"Why did you decide to come out to the public today as being gay?"

"My ex was going to out me." I say.

"Did your friends and family know you were gay?"

"Yes. I was never in the closet. I've never hid who I am and who I loved. The press just thought my girlfriend was a friend. " I say.

"Are you seeing anyone at the moment?"


"How will this affect the royal family?"

"I have no clue."

"William and Harry does this change your perception of your sister?"

"No. She has never hid who she is from us." William says.

"She's still our little sister and nothing will ever change that." Harry says.

"What do you think your mother would say to you today?"

"My mother wouldn't care. Wherever she is right now I know she is proud of me for being who I am and living my life the way I want to. " I say.

"Speaking of your mother, how's your work going?"

"It's going good."

I'm continuing Mum's work with the HALO Trust. I also work with National AIDS Trust, Children with Cancer UK, Heads Together, and the Invictus Games. I always loved working with Mummy and she would take me with her when she worked with charities.


"I go out to a couple countries later this year to do some work."

"Will you be able to marry?"

I knew this question would come up.

"Yes I will be able to marry. Now whether that is in the church in the Commonwealth or not I don't know."

"Will this affect your claim to the throne?

"I don't think so." I say then look at William.

"It won't." William says.

The interview stops after that and while Harry and I are standing around talking William is pulled aside by someone.

"Um there is a family meeting." William says.

"Great." I say and roll my eyes.

The three of us then walk to the family room and find the whole family sitting around the room.

"Let's get this shit over with." I say and sit in the open seat next to Meghan.

I've known her for a long time and she's one of my best friends. I also introduced her to Harry. I always joke with him that he owes me one.

I tune everything out until I hear something that pisses me off

"I still think you'll find a good man one day." Father's 2nd wife, Camilla, says.

"Oh would you shut up." I say.

"Anna you will treat your mother with respect." Father says.

"MY MOTHER IS DEAD." I yell causing the room to go silent.

Father looks at Harry and William for help, but they know better than to intervene with me.

"Anna now is not the time." Father says.

"And when is the right time Father? When I'm dead?"

"Anna..." Camilla say but I cut her off.

"You have no say in my life so shut up."

"Anna stop." Grandmother says.

The Queen and I don't have a good relationship.


"This isn't the time for this conversation."

"Well this conversation wouldn't have happened if you actually cared for my mother."

"I did care for Diana."

"No you didn't...if you did you would've put the flags at half mast once you heard she was dead..."

"Royal protocol states..."

"Fuck your royal protocol." I seethe. "My mother's death basically gets tossed aside by you, but when one of your precious fucking corgi's dies they get a royal fucking funeral...You think I don't notice whenever my mother's name gets mentioned you swiftly move the conversation in another direction."

"Anna I'm sorry you-" Camilla says, but I cut her off.

"Once again shut the fuck up. You may be my father's wife, but you will never EVER have a place in my life...you ruined my life"


"Annabeth stop." Father says.

"NO." I yell and Meghan grabs my hand and rubs her thumb over my knuckles, but she doesn't stop me knowing I need to get this off my chest.

I usually talk to her or Kate when I'm sad.

"I'm tired of holding this in. Did you ever wonder why nobody could find William, Harry, or myself for three days after Mum died?" I say and nobody answers. "We were too busy crying in our hideout while everyone else was just moving along with their day like we didn't just lose our mother so forgive me for being a little pissed...and also who's idiotic idea was it to have us walk behind our mother's casket?"

"We thought-" The Queen says.

"Well you thought wrong." I say then I feel a tear hit my hand on my lap. "That may have been your wife, even though you didn't act like it was, but that was my best friend, my cuddle buddy...that was my Mummy...No kid should ever be forced to see that, yet you just used us for publicity."

"Anna..." Camilla says, and once again I cut her off.

"When will you get the hint woman. I don't want to hear you speak. I don't want you in my life so just stop." I say.

"Annabeth stop this instant." Father says causing me to get out of my seat and get right in his face.

"Is she worth losing your daughter?" I ask.

"I beg your pardon?"

"She ruined my childhood. You ruined my childhood...You aren't worthy of being my father. Mum was the perfect wife and mother. She loved you, she loved us, she loved this family, and the only reason she had an affair was because you cheated on her with that." I say and point to his second wife.

I'm then pulled away from my father

"All right that's enough Anna." Harry says and pulls me into a hug.

I break the hug and start to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Kate asks.

"I have to pack."

"Why?" The queen asks.

"I'm going to that new football tournament in America...You know the one I started."

"Why weren't we told of this?" William asks.

"I told the Queen and father and they both said it was a stupid idea."

"It is." The queen says.

"Well that stupid idea just made a profit of 30 million pounds."

"Damn." Kate says.

"What are you doing with all that money?" Meghan asks.

"Half is going to the HALO Trust since they are the sponsor of the tournament while the other half I have plans for." I say then my phone rings alerting me to a FaceTime. "Excuse me."

I then walk out of the room and walk to my apartment here at Kensington Palace.

"Hello?" I say answering the phone.

"Hey Anna." Two of my best friends say at the same time.

"Hey Lucy. Hi Steph."

Its Lucy Bronze and Steph Houghton. I'm friends with most of the English National team, but I'm closest with them two.

"How are you feeling?" Lucy asks.

"Pissed off. We just had a family meeting." I say and roll my eyes.

"I take it by that eye roll it wasn't a good family meeting?" Steph asks.

"No. I basically let everything out that I've been bottling up."

"Guess that didn't go over to well?" Lucy asks as I get to my cottage.

"Not really. I blew up in father's second wife's face."


"Yeah...anyway enough about the family squabble, have you got to America yet?"I ask.

"Yeah we got in a couple hours ago." Steph says.

"I know I organized this tournament, but who are you girls playing again?"

"We're in group A with USA, Nigeria, and China."

"Damn...That's a tough group right?"

"Yeah it is."

"So which jersey do I wear for the third game?" I ask.

"Who's all do you have?" Lucy asks.

"Greenwood, Daly, Bright, Duggan, and Taylor."

"You have all of them?" Steph asks.

"I have every one's jersey, but those are the only one's I can find."

"Just wear the person's jersey who you find most attractive." Lucy says then is lightly slapped by Steph.

"Well Greeny and Brighty have boyfriends and Rachel has a girlfriend, so that leaves Toni and Jodie."

"So who do you find attractive?" I hear the unmistakable voice of Toni Duggan.

"Hi Toni."

"Hi Anna...so who's the most attractive?" Toni says as she comes into view.

"You'll just have to wait and see." I say as I finish packing.

I'm just going to bring all the of the jerseys and decide the day of the game.

"So the world knows you're gay now." Lucy says.


"Which ex was it?"


"I never liked her." Steph says.

"Me neither." I say.

"Then why were you with her." Lucy says.

"Sex was good"

"TMI." Steph and Lucy yell.

"You asked."

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