《Am I falling in love with the one who could break my heart..?》'Whenever you want it, baby'


At the end of the 3rd mile Lindsey was ready to drop dead in the middle of the track, the heat didn't help. They had 3 more to complete, so she had to push through. Mal was at the same pace as Lindsey so they were running together.

"How are you two?" She breathed out

"Me and Em?..Uh good"

Mal looked over at her, "It's been three months"

"Yea, it has" Lindsey got out

"Have you..you know.." She elbowed Lindsey in the arm

"No Mal we haven't..you know" She said as other girls passed them

"Well are you?" She pushed

"Can we talk about this later, privately maybe?"

"Fine, just wanted to know"

They continued their run, now on the fifth lap. She felt someone trailing her, closely behind. She turned around and saw Emily jogging with her head looking down at the dirt.

"How does the dirt look" Emily looked up and smiled

"Not as good as you ass" She said, Lindsey rolled her eyes and turned back around to continue jogging

"Now I see why you were looking at the floor"

"Mhm" she heard from behind her

The finished their run, all tired and out of breath. Lindsey sat in the grass with a water bottle, as Emily stood from a distance starring at her. Lindsey glowed in the sunlight, no matter how sweaty and tired she looked she somehow was as beautiful as always.

It caused butterflies to attack her stomach, "Fuck" Emily said under her breath looking away

"What was that Sonny?" Sam asked


"Are you coming with us to Target?"

"Why are you going?" Emily questioned, confused

"To buy snacks, and for fun because who doesn't want to go there just because.."

She turned around again and saw Lindsey starring at her, "Uh..sure, yea I guess" She smiled, "I'll be right back guys"

She walked over and Lindsey looked up at her, squinting her eyes due to the suns glare, "I can't see you" Lindsey informed her

"Don't need to, what are you doing tonight?"

Now covering her eyes Lindsey responded "Same thing you are"

"Oh.." Emily knelt down raising her eyebrows

"We're watching a movie with the girls...do you not remember?" She grinned

"That explains the Target trip"

"Yes, it would" Emily saw a girl from the team, June, coming over to them

"Hey Lindsey," she approached shyly, "I was wondering if you had anything going on tonight. I was going to go out...and wanted to know if you wanted to come with?"

"I, um, I'm actually busy tonight but maybe we can do it tomorrow?"

"Cool, yea, that's- let's do it" She said

"See you tomorrow, then" Lindsey smiled

"Yea..yea" June walked away more nervous than before but Lindsey didn't catch that part, whipping her head back to Emily.

"Fuck you" Emily laughed out

"What" Lindsey smiled

She rolled her eyes, playfully, and started walking away. Lindsey got up and started walking behind her. She wrapped her arm around Emily's shoulder, Emily threw her arm off of her.

"What is wrong with you" Lindsey asked her


"Your arm is sweaty"

"And the back of your neck is equally as sweaty, but I still put my arm there"

"Lindsey.." She paused, "I can tell you for a fact if I wasn't there- She was asking you on a date"

"What do you even mean..how do you know she likes girls" They kept on walking, and Emily looked at the ground, "Did you- seriously?"

"She came on me, I was horny. It happened, last year, but was a one time thing" She explained

They continued the walk to the locker room, "Did you sleep with every girl here?"

"No she is the only one from the team"

"What about me" Lindsey raised her eyebrows

"Haven't gotten to you..yet" She grinned

"Hmm I see...but what if she just wanted to be friends" Lindsey continued the argument


Lindsey stoped her, "Let me go with her, and if you were right. I'll take you on a date, and if I win..we also go on date"

"So either way were going on a date" Emily looked at her

Lindsey smiled "...yes"

As they got close to the room June came up again and tapped Lindsey on the shoulder. She turned around,


"Is it cool if we go to the movies and maybe we can go somewhere else after..like the beach" Emily slapped Lindsey's arm, she felt bad but she didn't want to hurt June's feelings

"You know I forgot, me and my girlfriend are suppose to go out on a date tomorrow"

June's eyes widened, "Oh no. No it's cool you have fun with her"

"We can hang out on Monday maybe get coffee?"

"Uh, I'm busy actually on Monday. We could do it a different time maybe, I don't know" Emily turned around and started walking into the locker room

"Oh, well text me if you're free"

"yea...yea" Lindsey opened the door and walked in

Leaned up against the wall, Emily was on her phone checking out some instagram post. Lindsey turned the corner and saw Emily standing there, she walked past her and Emily noticed so she started following.

"A little rude to walk past me like that" she commented

"I just don't want to admit you're right" Lindsey said

"Hmm..it's okay you don't have too"

Lindsey turned around, "Do I still get the date?"

"You know I'll have to think about it..but right now I have to go to Target to get snacks for a movie I forgot about. Also I don't know why we need any more snacks, because I'll be in the room" she said walking away

"Please never say that again" Emily laughed as she walked over to the parking lot


Lindsey walked to Sam and Mal's room freshly showered. As she entered the room all the girls were arguing,

"No Emily, you aren't listening. The third movie is the best, if you seriously think it's the forth you need to leave" Rose told her

Lindsey took one look in and turned around, "NO, babe come back. For my sake" Emily called after her

"I'm not sure I want to be apart of this" Lindsey responded


"No you don't" Mal added

"What are you arguing about" she turned back around

"Harry Potter" Rose said aggressively

"Come here" Emily grabbed Lindsey hand from where she was laying and pulled her down. Lindsey sat on the edge of the bed

"I really don't want to be here now" Lindsey said

"That's fine, then Emily's opinion doesn't matter anymore and we can watch the third movie"

"I never said I was leaving" Emily said

"If Lindsey goes we all know you're going to follow" Sam added and Rose laughed

"Hey now, why would I miss out on Harry Potter"

"Because you're horny" Mal said, Lindsey's mouth dropped open and Emily sat up

Eyes widened, "Um, no. I'm not you're all wrong" she told them

"Not even a little" Rose pushed

"No, Rose I am fine. Just fine"

"Em, can we talk?" Lindsey asked her

"Yea" as she walked out she flipped off the girls in the room

Lindsey closed the door and faced Emily, "are you?"

"Am I...?"


"Sorry, I- I'm no- Not- I don't know, maybe a little. But I'm fine Lindsey, I can wait for you. Serious-"

"I'm ready" Emily eyes opening more than the first time

"You're- you- Us-" Lindsey smashed her lips into Emily's. A gasp came out of Emily, she immediately responded and bit down on Lindsey bottom lip. Lindsey pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"Let me go tell them we changed our mind" Emily said kissing her again, "I'll be back" she walked back in and told them

"Have fun being fucked" Rose said

"Have fun finding somewhere to sleep" Emily added with a grin

"Shit, hey guys can I stay here?" Emily closed the door and grabbed Lindsey's hand taking her to her own room

"You gonna show me how to do this correctly" she whispered into Emily's ear

Shivers went down her spine, "Trust me anything you do will make me feel good" Lindsey hummed in her ear

They made it to the room and Emily quickly unlocked the door and pulled Lindsey inside with her. She pushed Lindsey against the wall and aggressively attacked her lips, then placing her hand on her hips. Lindsey groaned into her mouth, which cause Emily to smile breaking the kiss a tiny amount.

Lindsey backed her up walking her towards the bed. Before she could push her down, Emily turned them now giving herself the upper hand and control. Emily laid her down softly and kissed down her neck. She stopped right at the base of her neck, sucking and bitting. Lindsey let out a soft moan, which turned Emily on.

She slipped her hand under Lindsey's shirt and moved up. Lindsey pushed Emily off, sat up and took her shirt off in a swift motion. Emily sat back and watched her do it in awe. Seeing Lindsey in a normal bra made her feel a different way, she was breathless like no oxygen was present anymore. Lindsey laid herself back down which queued Emily to climb back on top of her.

From the point Emily left the hickey she traveled down to her collarbone, then down to her breast. Lindsey gasped feeling her mouth there, Emily moved her hand to back of her bra. Working it off a few seconds later the bra was in the floor. A few minutes later the pants were off only leaving her laying there with her underwear on.

Emily travels back up to her mouth and kiss her again, "you sure?" She mumbled against her lips

Lindsey hummed and Emily lips traveled back down. She looped her finger on the side of her underwear and slipped them down. Lindsey felt a shiver go down her spine as Emily kissed up her thighs. She slid her finger threw the wetness pooling between Lindsey's legs. She felt Lindsey's hips buckle upwards, Emily's put her hands on her hips lowering her and calming her down.

A few moments of Emily teasing her, she worked in one finger adding the second a minute later. Emily could sense Lindsey was close feeling the grip on her hair tighten. Her mouth traveled back up her thigh and started working, to finish Lindsey off who let out a soft moan at the feeling. Her hips lifted off the bed and, once more, the moans grew louder, so Emily kept at the same pace. When Lindsey hit her peak she gripped Emily hair harder, Lindsey finally came down Emily made her way back up to her neck.

"You okay" she smiled into her neck

"Holy..shit" Lindsey laughed

"Good yea?"

"Mhm" she said starring at the ceiling

They laid there for a moment until Lindsey kissed the top of her head

"Too many clothes" she pulled at Emily's shirt

"Hey, you don't have to tonight" Emily said lifting her head, looking at Lindsey

"Want to" She kissed Emily, still tasting herself a bit

Tearing off Emily's shirt and quickly taking her bra off with it, Lindsey worked fast. It was fine since Emily was already turned on from before. Lindsey slid off her short, leaving a hickey above her underwear line. Emily hips started moving trying to get some relief. Lindsey pressed finger against her underwear causing, yet another, moan to fall out.

"Fuck, Lindsey" She moaned

Lindsey copied what Emily did in hopes she was doing it correct. She did because Emily let out a string of moans and curse words. Pulling back out and climbing back up she kissed Emily, who was breathless.

"You were right, holy shit" Emily said while Lindsey rolled off of her

"I normally am" Emily laughed at Lindsey's comment

Emily looked over at her, "You better not be going on that date tomorrow"

"I'm not, but I would like for you to go on and tell me why I shouldn't"

"We're going on a date and then will be right back here in this bed soon after it" she kissed Lindsey again and laid back down on her chest

"Can I put on a shirt?" Emily lifted her head.

Lindsey threw Emily one and her underwear, "incase Rose decides to come back"

"I don't think she'll come back" Emily said slipping on her shirt

Lindsey looked back at her, "You never know, the fire alarm could go off. What are we going to do run downstairs naked?"

"That would be hot" Emily smirked at her

"No, it wouldn't" Lindsey laughed, walked over to the bed and then fell into it right next to Emily. Emily currled into Lindsey's side, resting her head on Lindsey's chest once again

"Goodnight" Emily mumbled in her chest

"Night" Lindsey kissed the top of her head

They both peacefully dozed off, until the fire alarm went off...

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