《Am I falling in love with the one who could break my heart..?》'I wonder when you go, if I stay on your mind'
It's been a few days, Emily and Lindsey have tried to see each other but with it being the weekday they were busy with classes. It was nice they were able to see each other at practice but they were trying to seem as normal as possible so it was kind of weird.
Rose, Mal and Sam were going out for dinner which meant that Emily had the room to herself for a bit
Em-hey wanna come over
Linds- no rose scares me
Em-she not here, come pls I miss u :(
Linds-ok but if she comes back I'm leaving
Em-u does she scare u sm?
Linds-bc she just does idk, b there in a sec
About two minutes later Lindsey knocked on the door and Emily answered it,
"Hi cut-" Lindsey was cute off by Emily kissing her, she pulled Lindsey into the room with her.
Lindsey dropped her bag and pushed Emily against the wall. Emily brushed her tongue across Lindsey's mouth, resting her arms on Lindsey's shoulders. Lindsey opened her mouth allowing Emily's tongue to start exploring. Lindsey started getting more comfortable and her hand landed on Emily's hips and pressed her thumbs into her hip bones. Things got a little heated before Lindsey had to finally pull away before it went further.
"That was a greeting, hopefully you don't do that to every girl that walks through this door"
"I had dream about Rose once, went to the doctor the next day and had brain surgery so I'm good now" Emily joked
"Shut up" Lindsey walked away from Emily and jumped on her bed. Emily jumped on top of her making Lindsey huff
"Don't make it seem like I'm heavy"
"I just wasn't expecting it is all" She started playing with Emilys hair
"I really missed you.."
"Me too"
"You should come over more, I don't care if Rose makes fun. I want to see you more then just at practice"
"I'm not terrified of Rose. It's just that, she's been her since day one for you. I don't want her seeing something and then tell you that I'm not good for you. Then she'll hate me and I'm scared."
"She'd never do that. She called me stupid for not making a move on you sooner" Lindsey stayed quite, and Emily looked up at her, "hey look at me" she made Lindsey look at her
"I will never let her make a decision for me. I know you Lindsey you'd never do anything to mess us up, but if we do break up I'm 90% sure she'd take your side. She loves you" Emily kissed her
Emily laid her head back down and her own thought got her thinking, "shit do I love Lindsey?" She laid there and thought it over "even if I do she's not ready to hear it so just..stop"
"Hey did you space out there?" Lindsey asked
"Huh, yea sorry. What did you say?"
"Thank you for telling me that, it made me feel better"
"That my best friend would take your side"
"No goof that she likes me and that you'll never let anyone come between us..it makes me feel better about us"
"I'd do anything for us" She kissed Lindsey again softer then earlier, but Lindsey put force on her end. Emily got up and straddled Lindsey on the bed and bit her bottom lip causing Lindsey to pull back.
"Sorry was that-"
"No I just need to know that you know this is just making out"
"Yea I know, you need time and I'm okay with that..it's just making out"
"Okay, I'm sorry"
"don't be" She went back in and they continued right where they left off. Lindsey wanted to start exploring to get more comfortable, so she slid her hand under Emily's shirt and brushed her fingers against her back.
Both girls were so into to it, they didn't hear the door open fast enough. In walked the three girls, with Mal and Sam gasping and Rose laughing. Emily pulled away and got off of Lindsey while she shot straight up,
"WHAT THE FUCK" Mal yelled
"Heyy guys...!" Emily said
"Oh you've got a lot of explaining to do" Rose said
"Um yea explain please" Sam said
"We thought y'all were gonna be gone for a while" Emily explained
"That doesn't tell us why you guys are making out on the bed, don't try and avoid this"
"Well you see we- we're"
"We're dating" Lindsey said
"Explain more please" Mal asked
"Well on Saturday we went on a date and one thing led to another..."
"Listen Sam it just happened. Either way it was gonna happy soon, I'm happy, she's happy, why hold back"
"Um maybe because you've known each other for three months"
"I should go" Lindsey said
"No Linds"
"I'll see you tomorrow" She kissed Emily's cheek and walked out
"Seriously guys"
"Emily you've known her for three month and you're already dating. You know nothing about her, her background, anything"
"So what, if I see something, I should go for it. We all know I'm not okay and I fake my happiness majority of the time. If she makes me feel better let me have it"
"She could hurt you then you'll be even more sad"
"Yea and I could hurt her too, it's just how relationships work"
"A few weeks ago you just found out she liked you. What in your mind has changed so much? Or is it just the fact that she likes you and you can break her heart again, so instead you'll 'date' her, use her for sex and when you find someone you want to be with you'll break up with her and move on" Sam told Emily
"Why are you guys like this can't you just be happy for me?"
"We are, we're so happy. But if you're using her then, I don't know. She doesn't deserve it, cares a lot about you" Mal added
"Rose tell them"
"I don't want to get involved. If I leaned anything it's to let you be you-"
"Thank you"
"But what if she breaks Lindsey's heart we'll all be fucked because we know Emily-"
"Wait are you saying I'm gonna break her heart, you don't even know what I'm feeling"
"Listen we just want Lindsey to have her best experience here and if she doesn't then we all failed her"
"I can give to her, being her girlfriend doesn't change that"
"but being the girl who broke her heart can"
"You guys seriously don't even believe me do you"
"Everyone just stop please" Rose said, "Son we're more than happy for you. We're just saying that maybe this all happened too fast and now it might not be as successful as if you guys we're to have started months into the future"
"We just think it was a risk"
"Linds and I thought the same, but it's what we both wanted. I'm not planning on breaking her heart. We also promised to take it slow, we're making sure this last"
"Okay, now is everyone good?" Rose asked
"Yea" they all said
"Good now get out and get sleep"
Emily texted Lindsey later that night
Em- sorry abt tonight, I talked to them, hope to see u soon
She didn't get a text back that night
It was the following day when Lindsey woke up on the floor. "Fuck what happened" she looked around and saw Sarah dead asleep across from her and cans of beer in front of them. She reached over for her phone and saw texts from her parents and Emily. She remembered last night and chose to answer her parents first
Mom- hi sweetie, me and your father will be there soon! Just getting on the plane!
"SHIT" Lindsey said out loud which then woke up Sarah
"What the fuck happened"
"I don't know, I think we got drunk"
"Oh yea, you friends got in a fight because of something"
"Yea, fuck. We have to clean up any parents coming and I totally forgot"
"What was last night about?"
"You'll find out soon, I just can't explain now I have to do something" She walked out of the room and opened Emily's contact
"Hello" Emily said in a deep voice
"Hey so um, as much as I want to talk about what happened last night we have a bigger problem.."
"My parents are coming and I totally forgot. So um..that means that we, you know can't"
"Oh yea right"
"It's fine, you did the same for my mom"
"You sur-"
"It's fine, Linds I promise. Hopefully see you later?"
"Of course you will, I'm sorry about this. We can talk about it all soon in private, yea?"
"When do they get here?"
"In a few hours"
"We could talk now"
"I have to clean"
"You live in a dorm it will take you five minute to clean"
"Yea well um last night we made a bit of a mess"
"What do you mean?"
"Got a bit drunk so have that mess to clean"
"Why did you get drunk? because of Mal and Sam?"
"Yea I was stressed, I'm fine now. If I have time to talk we will"
"Okay, just be careful with it"
"I know. Come over tonight, I'll be alone"
"Well shit you should have said that, we can talk then"
"No, I won't want to do much talking, just trust me"
"Listen I have to go, bye"
Lindsey turned back around and went inside her dorm room. Sarah was still laying on the floor.
"Dude get up"
"I don't want to"
"I have to clean, then possible talk to Emily about something I don't feel like talking about, and then go to class later, and then deal with my mentally destructive parents. I don't feel like getting up either but here we are"
"You're no fair" she got up
About twenty minutes later their dorm room was spotless and organized from corner to corner.
"Hey I won't be home tonight"
"Yea I know"
"Just don't invite Em over"
"What do mean?"
"I remember last night about the reason behind us getting drunk. If you don't want to talk about it don't. Just don't invite her here"
"She'll show up either way. We're gonna talk about it either way, so yea"
"Good luck"
She got another text
Em-did u clean ur mansion yet?
Lindsey really wasn't in the mood to talk about it so she weighted her options. Talk to Emily now, realize it's best to be friends. Don't talk and pretend everything is happy go lucky until her parents leave. She picked the latte,
Linds- no :( I won't b done b4 class sry
Em- ok see u tonight
Lindsey felt so shitty for lying but she couldn't talk now. She sat around until class, when she was walking there, she run into Rose.
"Have y'all talked yet?"
"Yea this morning but not about last night. My parents are coming."
"Oh, good luck with that"
"Thanks, see you at practice"
She sat through her class and got a text from her dad confirming they are there. She sent back that they'll meet up for dinner after practice.
It was Thursday so that meant tomorrow was game day. It was a pretty light day at practice, doing more technical work than running and sprinting. Lindsey tried to stay in her own bubble but there was Emily who was all up in her space, at the end Emily walked up to her again
"Hey what's up with you? You didn't want to talk this morning and now you're ignoring us"
"Just stressed about my parents is all. I have this need to prove to them that coming here over Stanford was a good choice"
"Oh, well I you want to talk we can, tonight"
"No talking tonight, please"
"Okay, you're making it seem like-"
"No sex" she whispered
"Okay, that's what I thought just making sure"
"See you tonight" she walked off to the locker room to freshen up before meeting her parents
She drove to the restaurant and met up with her parents. She saw them standing outside the restaurant and walked over to them
"Hi Linds" Her parents greeted her
"Hey guys" She hugged them
"So before we go in we have a surprise"
"Hello there" she turned around and saw her grandma there
"Oh my god" she hugged her
"Hi my darling"
"I missed you"
"I missed you too"
They all made their way inside and sat down at he table, a few minutes in Lindsey's mom started grilling her already,
"So Linds any boys?"
"Nope" she said popping the 'p'
"None at all? Well that doesn't surprise me seeing how you're dressed in sweats and athletic clothes 24/7"
"Mom, have you every thought if someone doesn't like me because of what I wear maybe they aren't meant for me?"
"Me and your father met when I dressed my best"
"That was years ago, times have changed"
"Just promise you'll tell us when you settle down with someone nice"
"I will" she said desperately wanting to end the conversation, "how's are you grandma" turning to her grandma who was sitting next to her
"I'm good excited to see you play tomorrow"
"What do you mean hopefully?" Her dad asked
"Well there are a lot of great midfielders and I just started so I don't get to start every game."
"Oh well lets hope" Her grandma grabbed her hand, she felt her phone buzz in the back of her pocket
Em- hey cutie, ik ur at dinner but I hope it's going okay, txt when ur back
She smiled at her phone,
"Who's that you're texting" her mom asked
"Just a girl from my team reminding me of something I did during practice"
Linds- it sucks, but they surprised me w my grandma so im happier than if it was just them, I'll let u know when I'm back
They finished their meal and Lindsey was mentally tired from all the conversations. She was walking behind her parents with her grandma.
"I saw the text. Who is she?" Lindsey smiled
"Her name is Emily, she's my girlfriend"
"Did you guys meet this year?"
"Yea it happened pretty fast but we're good, I'm going to see her now. Hopefully I can introduce you guys tomorrow?"
"Of course I'd love to meet her, don't worry your parents will never know. They're as blind as bats and as for everything said tonight don't listen to them. Dress how every you want, you're an adult you can make you're own choices" Lindsey was seconds from crying
"Thank you grandma, I could really use you out here"
"You'll be just fine her. I know it"
They said byes and Lindsey headed back to the dorms. She texted Emily once she got back and about five minutes later Emily walked through the door.
"Hey there" Lindsey got up from her bed and sat on the edge
"My guess is it wasn't good?"
"Never is, but I have you here now so it's better I guess"
"They surprised you with your grandma?"
"Yea, it was nice to see her. She knows about us and want to meet you tomorrow"
"Ah fun"
"Come here" she pulled Emily in by the waist and kissed her softly, "I missed you"
"I missed you too" Emily leaned back in and kissed a little more aggressively
Lindsey pulled back "Only if my parents knew I was kissing a girl right now and not a boy" she then pulled Emily down in the bed
It started out innocent, until Lindsey bit down on Emily's bottom lip which caused Emily to open her mouth. After what felt like hours, Emily traveled down to Lindsey's neck and started sucking lightly
"You can't leave anything" Emily hummed into her neck and made her was back up
"Once they leave I'm marking you up" Lindsey giggled into their kiss
"I never said anything about me doing it to you" she whispered against Emily's lips.
She started her journey down her neck and tried to go as far down as possible. She started sucking and nipping lightly on the area. She heard what sounded like a groan come from Emily which caused her go start going a bit more aggressively. She pulled away satisfied with her mark and made her way back up to her lips
"Good now you're mine"
"Marking your territory never saw that one coming Linds"
They made out for a bit longer before pulling away and deciding to watch Netflix for the rest of the night. At was around 11 when Emily got up. Lindsey grumbled at the cold air hitting her arm, where Emily was once laying.
"Have to go, it's getting late and we have a game tomorrow"
"You could just sleep here"
"I wish but we're not there yet"
"Did you forget our first date?"
"Yea but there was only one bed, here there are many" She kissed Lindsey, "bye cutie"
They next morning Lindsey woke up not wanting to face it.
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