《Am I falling in love with the one who could break my heart..?》'Had to love and lose a hundred million times'


Lindsey was walking down the hall, to get to Sam's dorm before Emily left. She was about half way there when she saw Emily walk out of the room.

"Em!" She shouted

"Woah there Linds kinda aggressive don't ya think"

"I remembered"


"Last night...do you-"

"Oh yea that.." Emily remembered she told Lindsey earlier she didn't remember what happened, "..Sam just filled me in" She said


Emily knocked on Sam's door

"SAM OPEN NOW PLEASE" She shouted, after a few seconds she opened the door


"I need you to tell me exactly what happened last night" Emily said

"Come in" she moved out of the way to let Emily enter

"So where do I start, Rose and Mal were ready to go. I was told to go find you guys because Rose was too lazy to walk anymore. I walked in the house looked at the beer pong table then the dance floor, that's when my concern grew because you were no where near the dance floor. I asked around if anyone saw you and they told me you were with another blonde over my the back door. I made my way over and there you two were making out in the corner of the room. I spilt you up and dragged you guys out and we came back here" Sam explained

Emily dropped her face on her hands "Holy shit, Sam what am I gonna do. She's gonna think it meant something. If she doesn't remember, you can't tell her"

"Son she bound to remember, her roommate knows everything. I bet she already told her."

"You told her roommate" She looked back up

"She asked why we were late, I had to explain. I didn't know this would be such a big deal, also you don't like her? You can't tell her that"


"Emily she legit has the biggest crush on you"

"Rose said the same..how big, I need to know if I'm gonna destroy her by telling her that I don't feel the same"

"I don't know the exact size but she was sad when you didn't talk to her. Everyday she would ask if we knew anything about how you were doing"

"She could have just been a worried friend"

"No, Sonny she looks at you like you're the hottest person every, when you look at her you can physically see her face change colors"

"Fuck Sam I have to tell her I don't feel the same"

"Son I swear if you break her heart or mess her up, I'll be pissed because she's perfect for you and you're letting her slip out of your hands. Also she deserves happiness you and I both know that"

Emily just sat there and stared at the celling letting out a big huff.



Emily quickly replied, "I mean it meant noting right? We were both drunk and it was just a 'in the moment drunk thing'" Lindsey's heart shattered, of course it was a drunk thing but she was hoping it may have triggered something. She should have known this would happen but she was too blinded by the hope.


"Uh- yea, no you're 100% right it was a drunk mistake. Meant nothing."

"Yea, okay glad we're on the same page..." Emily's phone buzzed, "I have to go, I meeting with this girl from one of my classes"

"Oh...have fun" it hurt to tell the person she like to have fun with some one else. As Emily walked away a tears started threatening to come, but she wouldn't let herself cry over Emily. Not some stupid crush that she knew was a mistake from the first place. She remembered what Rose told her earlier and she felt like an idiot, knowing Emily wouldn't be back in her room she walked back to talk to Rose

She knocked and Rose answered instantly. When Rose saw Lindsey's face the only think she could do was apologize.

"I'm sorry, she an idiot" Rose said

"She's your best friend"

"Doesn't change the fact that she's an idiot."

"I shouldn't even be here she could come back and I don't really want to see her yet"

"She won't, did she tell-"

"Yea don't remind me where she is...how do you know I like her?" Lindsey asked

"It's pretty obvious and Emily is just blind and didn't put together the signs"

"Do you all know, except her?"

"Yea we talk about it..and she...knows" Lindsey's heart completely broke now. The tears that were once threatening to fall were falling. The fact that Emily knew she liked her but still said the kiss meant nothing just confirmed that it was time to give up.

"I don't know why I'm crying, I knew it was stupid of me to like her. Here we are confirming the stupidity" She said through tears. Rose hugged her and kept saying she was sorry. A few minutes later Rose backed up.

"Lindsey listen to me. You're not gonna be sad or mope over this okay? I know I haven't known you for long but I know you're stronger than this and I'm not letting you cry over Emily. She doesn't deserve your tears, not yet. You need to be stronger and show her that it didn't effect you, okay?" Lindsey nodded

"Now go clean up and get back to your room" Lindsey started walking to the door

"Rose...thank you"



The girls all met at breakfast the next morning. Taking in what Rose said, Lindsey arrived with a smile and a happy mood. She decided to sit next to Mal not being brave enough to sit neat Emily yet, baby steps. Half way through the meal Mal dropped the ball and nearly made Lindsey choke on her food

"So Son how was the date?" Rose looked at Lindsey trying to gauge her reaction

"It was okay, but it's not going anywhere. She's just not it" Emily said playing with the food on her plate

"What was wrong with her?" Mal egged on, while Rose was trying to tell her to stop with her eyes

"She just wasn't the type I see myself with in the future"


"Oh, what is you're-"

"Sam have you watched the show I recommended you" Rose interrupted wanting Mal to stop

"Yea I did, it's okay not your best Rosie"

"Whatever" Lindsey looked at Rose and smiled thanking her for changing the subject

Later that day Emily and Rose were walking to practice together,

"Rosie I need to tell you something and you're gonna be mad, like pissed, you'll want to slap me"

"Oh goodie, what is it?"

"The reason why my 'date' wasn't good was because, I uh..well you see..."

"Son spit it out"

"I was thinking about Lindsey the entire time" Rose stopped walking

"What do you mean by that, like you were thinking of your conversation or.."

"How do you know about that?"

"Lindsey showed up at our room saying she needed to talk and then texted me later saying she found you and you guys talked" They continued walking

"Oh...and yea, I was thinking about that and I was thinking what Sam told me..about the way she looks at me and shit like that. Have I really been that blind?"

"Yes you have, she really likes you Son...did she tell you that?"

"No she said the kiss meant nothing, it may have been because I said that first because it did, I think?"

"EMILY, you can't tell her it meant nothing and then double guess yourself the next day"

"I know but Rose maybe I always wanted it to kinda happen, I mean they do say drunk minds speak a sober heart. Maybe I always low-key wanted it to happen and it just took my drunk self to make the move"

"Son you can't play with her like that. I can't imagine how she felt when you told her it didn't mean anything and now you think it did"

"I don't know it could just be my mind running" they open the door to the locker room and walk in


This weeks game was away. They play Penn State in Pennsylvania. On the plane ride there Lindsey sat with some other freshmen while in front of her Emily sat next to Mal. Emily wrote a note on napkin and passed it back to Lindsey,

Hey Mal fell asleep and I'm bored

we haven't talked much this week, wanted

to know if we're okay?

Lindsey read the note and wrote, with a provided pen back,

Yea we're okay, y wouldn't we be

just had a rough week, sorry

Emily wrote on the other side

Is it bc of what I said? after that

we stopped talking, don't b sorry

i'm sorry if I said something that hurt u

Lindsey didn't feel like crying on a plane or continuing the conversation so she crumbled the paper and didn't respond. A few minutes later Emily looked back and saw Lindsey looking out her window and she turned back around.

When they got back to the hotel, Lindsey and Rose roomed. Emily was with a sophomore. Lindsey knew she was fucked because she knew Emily would for sure randomly pop up in their room and Lindsey didn't want to see her.

They get through the night without any sign of Emily which was good she finally got the hint. The next day in the locker room was a different story. Emily was on a different side of the room than Lindsey, which meant she could see her every move.

"Em stop looking at her" Rose walked over and told her

"I'm not" Lindsey took off her shirt to change into her jersey and Emily had a clear view of her body

"Well you're fucked because that's what you're missing"

Emily slapped her "Rose shut up" Lindsey turned around and made eye contact with Emily who was looking at her. She quickly put her jersey on and turned around.

Lindsey started this game and so did Emily, Rose, and Mal. In the 30th minute one of the girls crossed the ball and Lindsey jumped making contact with her head and it hot the back of the net. Rose ran over and jumped on her while Mal cam'e and pushed her forward cheering her on. Emily jogged over not wanting to make it awkward so she said, "nice one Linds" and patted her back

They won that game 2-1 and made their way back to their respective rooms. Lindsey got a text when she was laying in bed.

Mom- Nice goal sweetie! So proud can't wait to see you again! Call me soon, love you!

Lindsey-Thanks mom! I call you sometime tomorrow!

Rose was in Emily just hanging.

"Rose I really fucked up"

"I know"

"What should I do?"

"I don't know"

"Rose please" Emily begged

"Listen Em you dug yourself in this hole and now you have to get yourself out"

"I know but I don't know how. How do I tell her 'remember when I told you the kiss meant nothing and I broke your heart, well just kidding I actually like you'"

"Yea there's no good way to say that is there"


"I should head out, have fun figuring this out"

"Rose-" the door shut

She thought about just showing up to her room but realized that could not go well. She decided to take a different route.


Lindsey got a text a few minutes later...

Em-hi I know u don't want 2 talk but will you at least meet me for coffee? I just need to b okay w u

Linds-okay but quick, I'm tired

Em- meet in the lobby

The two met in the lobby found a place to sit with their crappy hotel coffee. Emily got straight to the point not knowing how long she could keep Lindsey down there with her,

"I'm sorry for what I said, it obviously effected you in some way. Rose and Sam told me you liked me and I didn't know how to tell you I didn't feel the same way. I must have said it in a harsh way because now you barely talk to me" Emily said

Lindsey looked down at the sound not wanting to make eye contact, "No you said noting wrong, I just..they were right, I did like you."

Emily looked at her "Did like me?"

Lindsey sighed"...do like you"

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