《This Girl I Met》24


Tonight, I wanted to get so drunk that I would even forget my name. So that's what I did. That's what I always do.

I mean, our school doesn't organize that many parties. But when Moe came over and asked me to go with her and the team, I didn't hesitate even a bit. Pool, alcohol and great people... what would restrain me from going ? I didn't really know who was going, but I was going with Cari and Moe, and probably a few other people, including their boyfriends.

Little did I know I'd end up dancing with people I don't know, and getting so drunk that I practically yelled on one of my teachers. Moe, laughing her ass off, just follows me everywhere, while Cari is hanging out with Nick (her boyfriend) and unfortunately Eric (Moe's boyfriend, but since the brunette is too drunk to really pay attention to him, he just stays with her buddy). Third wheeling the whole thing ? Not really, because Bati and Serva are here too. I spot Danny and Mal on the crowd, and at my big surprise, Ashley Sanchez, aka the girl that never goes out.

I run toward them and hug them all in the same time. They're not used to me being nice, so they just take it. Mal and Danny are laughing, while Ashley stands there, uncomfortable. I know she doesn't like physical contact.

"Holy shit" Mal exclaims, and I can tell she's had enough to drink. She's mostly standing because Ashley holds her to the side a little bit, laughing every five second. I know everybody (beside Ashley it seems) is like this during school parties. I frown. "You're so drunk, and blurry, and-" she starts.

"Mallory" Ashley hisses, rolling her eyes. "I think we got the idea."


"Awwwwwe, why are you so serious babe ?" the brunette asks, theatrically wrapping her arms around Ashley's shoulders.

I can clearly see the younger girl blush because of the nickname Mal has come up with. I know she's an introvert, never talking to anyone, and is very shy about everything. So Mal's just teasing her all the time when she gets drunk.

"You should drink" Danny lets out, laughing.

That makes Moe smirk. "I mean, I would if I had to take care of Mal all night long".

"All night long ?" I repeat, raising my eyebrows. "Are you guys having a slumber party without us ?"

I see Ashley looking down, and Mal laugh like an idiot. "Yeah. we'll just cuddle and stuff" she says, and Ashley's blush increases. "What ?" she then asks, seeing that everybody is looking at her with funny faces.

"Nothing" Moe lets out. "I didn't know you guys were cuddle buddies" she adds, smiling at how shy Ashley is becoming right now, while Mal is just frowning, because she doesn't seem to understand anything that is going on.

"Or that Sanchez even likes physical contact" I say, smirking.

As Danny is answering something, I suddenly see someone on the crowd. Here is Emily Sonnett, hanging out with some dude that I later recognize as Drew (aka my childhood best friend). I set my jaw.


Three hours later, we're all hanging out in some sofa in the middle of the party, that is still going wild. Mal and Ashley are sitting on the same couch, pretty close to each other because they're discussing serious stuff I believe. Mal finally got the younger to drink, and they both are wasted at the moment. On the other side of me, there is Sam, that was added to the mix, a glass in hand after six consecutive shots. Then, the couple on another couch - Moe and Eric kissing with passion, and Cari almost sleeping on Nick's chest. As far as I am concerned, I just look at Sam, who seems to be staring at someone in the crowd.


I then spot Abby Dahlkemper, dancing with none other than Emily. Drew is probably just gone with his friends, while the defender is dancing weirdly. The two girls seem to have fun. When I look back at Sam, I can clearly see she's not okay.

As I am starting to open my mouth to ask her how she is feeling, she just takes the lead and talks first :

"Why does love freaking hurt like hell ?" she says, more for herself than for me.

I take another sip of my drink, grimacing because I know I am pushing my boundaries. I look back at Sam, and she is in the same situation than I am.

"Dahlkemper ?" I ask in the most neutral tone I can.

That makes her nod her head. "I know you don't approve. I am not looking for approval, though. I mean, she doesn't want me, so what's the point ?" She says, taking another sip.

"Sam" I say, and she immediately turns to face me. "What happened between you guys ? I won't judge or anything."

She shakes her head. "I kissed her, she kissed back, freaked out, isn't talking to me anymore" she sums up, drinking her glass bottoms up. "I was stupid enough to believe she likes me."

"She does" I abruptly say.

"How'd you know ?" she then asks.

I think for a second. I know it's a terrible idea that comes into my mind, but I say nonetheless :

"Go with the flow, and wait for it" I tell her.

She doesn't have the time to say anything. I know Abby will be watching : her constant hidden stares have stroke me.

I grab Sam's neck and pull her closer to me. I then kiss her widely, but without the tongue because friends don't kiss with the tongue. I can hear some people cheering around us, and say things like 'wooohooo', or 'way to go girls'. I let the kiss last for about thirty seconds, before grabbing her t-shirt and pull away. She looks at me, frowning, and then she sees what my point is. And I see it's gone very far.

Not only Dahlkemper is looking at us with her mouth wide open, and anger in her eyes, I can see Emily is watching too. I can't really describe her facial expression ; but when Abby walks toward us and grabs Sam's forearm, throwing a death glare at me before walking away with her, totally upset ; Emily just looks at me in disbelief. Is it jealousy I see in her eyes ? I wish it is. But she probably is just upset because I kissed Sam. Moe, who has witnessed the whole scene, just frowns.

I start laughing, and give Danny a high five.

"I bet Dahlkemper will have to make a move now" she laughs, winking. "Well done Linds"

"You can call me Apollo now" I joke.

With that said, and now that I see Sofia Huerta coming near us with two glasses in her hands, I wink at Danny and start walking toward Christen and Julie, who I see are laughing on their own, totally wasted. As I am moving through the room, I can feel an angry glare following me, and I don't need to turn around to see who it is.

I smile. Nailed it.

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