《Even Badder Girl》t w e n t y - e i g h t


Jules, do you have a sec?

"So like, do i call you my girlfriend now?" Lane asks as we stroll to the cafeteria, hand in hand.

"I guess; do i call you my boyfriend?" I smirk back at him.


"Okay then Mr Boyfriend, so what now?"

"I get to do things like this in public." Lane pulls me towards him, pressing a kiss on my lips.

I notice a couple students turn in our direction, wide eyed, but i choose to ignore them.

"And i can do this as we walk." I slip my hand in his back pocket and comfortably rest it there.

He looks confused, but goes along with it even so.

"Whatever you want beautiful." Lane smiles and puts me in a headlock, ruffling my hair as we walk into the cafeteria.

"Get off me, wanker!" I laugh, trying to break free from his grip.

As he lets me go, i push the mass of hair back out of my face to notice that every single person in the room is staring at us. Even the lunch ladies. Well this is awkward.

I pull Lane along by his pinkie as we walk towards our lunch table.

"If you were trying to keep it lowkey, i think you're pretty busted." Emmy leans forward and whispers as soon as wear in close enough proximity.

"We weren't trying to, we just don't see why we should announce it to the whole world." Lane shrugs.

"Exactly. Anyway Em, do you wanna sign up for the volleyball team with me?" I ask with a sweet grin.

It didn't come as a shock that i'd been kicked out of the track team, but so did Mia and i only joined to piss her off in the first place.


"Ugh, J you know how much i hate running." Emmy groans with a pained look.

I pout at her and she rolls her eyes.

"Fine." she sighs.

"Dude, we can totally get sweatshirts that say their last names on the back when we go to cheer them on at games!" Ozzy nudges Lane.

"Why the hell would we do that?" Lane replies.

"Because we're devoted boyfriends'?" Ozzy says in a "duh" tone.

"You should take a leaf out of his book." I say as i look at Lane, who rolls his eyes.


"J, if you wanna sign up we should probably do it before lunch ends." Em stands up, taking a pen out of her blazer pocket on the bench beside her.

"Fuck yeah!" I jump up and high five my best friend.

We sprint to the sports department on the ground floor, weaving through students and laughing the whole way.

"Just write my name for me, your handwriting is way prettier." I smirk at her and she huffs, but i can tell she doesn't really mind.

As we turn the corner, i spot a girl with deep purple bruises masking her swollen eyes, a bandage across her nose, her hair tied up in a messy ponytail and a couple textbooks clutched to her chest.

It takes me a second to figure out that girl is Mia.

I stop and so does Em. I sense her tense beside me, but give her a reassuring smile.

"Uh, Jules, do you have a sec?" Mia says in a small voice, completely different from her usual confident and bratty one.

"Yeah, stay here Emmo." I tap my friend on the shoulder before walking over to the girl in front of me.


She falls in stride with me as we begin to walk down the hall.

"I just wanted to say-" she starts.

"I'm so sorry." I wince as i look at her. I knew she had to get nose surgery, but this looks more painful than i imagined.

Mia looks shocked at my outburst, but doesn't react.

"I wanted to apologise too." she mutters. "I couldn't except the fact that Lane and I were over, at no fault other than my own. I should've never taken it out on you."

I stop walking. Am i hearing this right? I clean my ears every morning, so they can't be that plugged up.

"I- thanks." is all i can manage.

"I'm also sorry for being a bitch to you since the moment you started, rather than being welcoming. I'm not usually like that, but..."

"I'm sorry for... that." I hover my hand in the general direction of her face. She winces slightly and i realise how bad that probably came off.

"I've felt horrible about it since it happened. I went too far, i'm so sorry." I repeat.

Mia nods, a small smile on her face, and we stand in awkward silence for a couple beats.

"Well, i'm glad we've cleared that up. I hope we can be friends in the near future." she says, before turning on her heels and walking in the opposite direction.

Well. That just happened...


okay, how do we feel about mia? do you think it's all an act or is she actually geniune?

anyway, i hope you enjoyed.


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