《Even Badder Girl》s e v e n t e e n


I didn't pack my snow boots

I push the door to Mr Jones' class.

"Morning Jules." He waves at me, his cheery vibe present as always.

"Hey sir." I smile, walking to the back of the class to my seat.

Lane looks up as i approach, a smile etching onto his face. I roll my eyes and sling my backpack on the back of the chair, pulling it out and sitting down.

"Wassup, Carter." He says, looking back down at his phone.

"Lane." I reply, staring straight ahead, unable to look him in the eye.

"How'd you sleep?" He continues texting away. The clicking keyboard sound is really beginning to agitate me.

"Great, thanks." I simply say.

He looks up at me now, switching his phone off and pushing it back into his blazer pocket.

He opens his mouth to say something else, but is abruptly interrupted.

"Omg Lane!" A high pitched voice sounds from behind us and we both groan.

Mia wraps her arms around Lane's shoulders from the back and he squeezes his eyes shut, a pained look on his face.

"I missed you!" She plants a kiss on his cheek and he frowns at her. I take that as i sign to mind my business and look forward.

"Don't touch me, Mia." My attention is turned back as Lane pushes her arms back over his shoulders, holding them between his index finger and thumb as if they're dirty.

I snort to myself slightly but play it off as a cough.

Easy bake looks up at me, but doesn't say anything. Hm, surprising.

"Come by my dorm later." She winks at Lane before strutting off to her seat. She really moves her hips like a GTA prostitute.

Lane exhales sharply through his nose, rolling his eyes and i smile. I can't say i'm not a little happy he brushed her off.


He catches my eye, his half smile creeping into a full one.

"Okay class! I have some exciting news!" Mr Jones claps, getting our attention.

"This year, the music department has finally been chosen for the annual ski trip!" The teacher announces.

The whole class errupts into cheers, high-fiving eachother and squealing in excitement.

I look at Lane in question.

"Every year, the classes that have the best overall grades get to go on a trip." He explains.

"Oh. Fun." I nod.

I'm still pretty incapable of forming full sentences to Lane without getting flustered.

Wait. A ski trip with only the music department? That means Lane and i... no Ozzy or Em... fuck.

"How long?" I ask.

"Three days." Lane takes his pen out his mouth briefly to answer before putting it back.

I feel like this man is doing everything he can to throw me off.

His mannerisms are so attractive to me and i have no idea why. The way he speaks, man spreads whenever he sits, the way his tie is always loosely slung around his neck.

"Carter." Lane says.

I blink, snapping out of my trance.

He smirks, "Girls and boys don't usually share rooms. Who are you gonna dorm with?"

Oh my god.

I begin to panic as i realise i don't actually know anyone else here. It's been four weeks since i got here and i only talk to three people. Shocking.

"We can negotiate with Jones. We're obviously his favourites." Lane shrugs.

I nod.

I don't know about being alone with him in a dorm, i might be murdered in my sleep, but i geniunely don't know any other people on this course, so its this or nothing.

"Yo, Jonesy!" Lane calls, raising a hand.


Mr Jones walks over, smiling at his over excited class.

"Can we dorm together?" Lane asks, very upfrontly.

Sir frowns a little.

"I don't know anyone else in the class sir, it'll be so awkward." I give my saddest pout and his frown begins to soften.

"Well, we don't usually allow boy-girl dorming, for obvious reasons. I guess i can speak with the trip staff to have something arranged. You two are pretty much like siblings anyway." Jones puts a hand on his chin in thought.

Lane scoffs at his comparison of us to siblings and i hit him under the table.

"It should be fine, you guys are responsible enough, it's only for four nights." Mr Jones finally decides.

I let out a breath that i didn't know i was holding in.

"Thank you sir." I nod at him, greatful that he wont make these five days the most awkward of my life.

"But Jules, you should really take this trip as an opportunity to get to know other people." Sir points out. He pats my shoulder before walking back to the front of the class.

"I will!" I call after him.

"Looks like we're gonna be roomies." Lane shoves me playfully, but he's heavy handed and i almost topple off the chair.

"Yay." I say monotonously with a tight lipped smile.

"Okay class, we'll be leaving this Sunday and returning Thursday morning the following week." The teacher continues to explain. "There will be a handout delivered to your dorms today, that will explain everything you need to bring, snow boots and such."

"I didn't pack my snow boots." I mutter under my breath.

Who thinks to bring snow boots to boarding school?


okay but a ski trip? this school is rich asf.

so lane and jules are dorming together. Jonesy knows the vibes ;)

hope you enjoyed,


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