《Even Badder Girl》t w e l v e


It was a long time coming

It's Monday now and i've spent pretty much the whole weekend recovering from friday's... incident.

My friends have stayed with me pretty much twenty-four seven, which i'm very grateful about, but in all honesty, i really don't wanna leave my dorm today.

I have Physics first period, and of course Chuck happens to be in that lesson. We have no actual evidence that he drugged me, so we can't go to the principle or the cops.

In all honesty, i bet his millionaire father can buy him out of a juvie sentence. Which really sucks. I don't wanna see him, or even be near him for that matter.

I tie my hair up into a high ponytail and smooth down my skirt. Taking a deep breath, i pick up my things and head out of the dorm.

Em had to leave earlier this morning because she had some sort of exam, Ozzy had rugby practice and Lane sleeps in until at least ten on Mondays.

As i reach the physics lab, i hesitate at the door. I'm so not ready to see him. I don't think i can do it. Just as i turn around, i walk into somebody's chest. A familiar chest.

"Watch where you're going, Carter." Lane smiles down at me.

I grin from ear to ear. "I thought you were skipping first period today." I shove him playfully and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah well, i was already up so i thought i might as well come for attendance." He turns me around by my shoulders and i open the door as i beam back at him. He totally came for me.

My mood is instantly crushed as i step in to the class. Directly in front of me, sits Chuck.


His face is absolutely battered. His left eye is swollen closed, his lip busted and his nose is green and purple from the bruising. I guess it explains Lane's blood covered fists that night.

I look back at him and he shrugs, putting his hand on his heart and making a sad face. I snort, but cover my mouth with my hand.

When i turn back around, Chuck is staring in my direction. The couple seconds of eye contact we hold instantly makes me uncomfortable. He looks as if he's about to say something, but looks behind me and closes his mouth.

I huff and take Lane's wrist, dragging him to our seat in the third row. "Did you do that to him?" I pull him down to my level and whisper.

Lane smirks at me cheekily. "It was a long time coming."

I gasp and clap my hand over my mouth again, but really i'm trying to stop myself from laughing. He deserved it if i'm honest.


After a long double lesson of doing absolutely no work and playing hangman and noughts and crosses at the back of my book with Lane, it's finally lunch. Lane and i go to meet the others at our usual table.

"What the fuck took you so long." Ozz throws his hands up in distress as we walk over to the table with our trays.

"We were hooking up." Lane simply says as he slides into his seat beside his friend.

Everyone's eyes widen, including mine, as Lane chuckles to himself.

"We absolutely were not." I elucidate, taking a bite out of my apple. I see Lane mouth 'we did' from the corner of my eye, but i choose to ignore it.

"Okay, whatever. Lane-" Ozzy starts, before stopping and looking at something behind me.


"Lane, you're back!" A familiar annoying voice from behind me shrills. I honestly forgot all about her. Mia walks around to the side of the table, looking down at all of us as she plays with a strand of her hair.

"No, i'm not." Lane gives a sarcastic smile before turning back to his pasta. Uh oh, i don't think princess liked that. I puff out my cheeks to stop my laugh from escaping, which draws her attention to me.

"Something funny, scum?" She asks loftily, batting her eyelashes at me.

"Sorry easy bake oven, just thought of a joke." I sigh, leaning on my hand thats rested on the table.

Lane chokes on his water, Ozzy putting his hands over his face and Em turning to face the wall behind us.

Mia's jaw drops momentarily , but she shakes herself out of it.

"Lane, are you gonna let her speak to me like that?" She flicks her hair back before crossing her arms.

Lane looks from her, to me and back at her. He scrunches his nose in thought before his lips curl into a smile. And then he nods.

I stifle a laugh as Mia makes a face while flipping him off, before strutting away like nothing happened.

As soon as she's out the door we all erupt into laughter, causing a couple annoyed groups to look over in question of why we're being so loud.

"Um, care to explain why wet sock hates me?" I ask Lane, pointing in the direction she walked in.

"Because you're hot and she's jealous." Lane says.

We all stop in our tracks, even Lane as his eyebrows furrow. I think that was an accident.

I clear my throat and press my hands on my cheeks to cool them down.

"She's absolutely crazy." Emmy says, breaking the ice. "In year ten she cut a chunk of my hair off because i asked if her curls were natural."

I snort at the thought of it. "Is she another one of the rich kids?" I question.

"Nah, she's a clepto. I'm pretty sure her parents only shipped her off cause she got caught." Ozz replies.

"Oh, wow." I nod. Genuinely didn't expect that one if i'm honest.

Guess not everyone princess is perfect.


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