《Classroom Of The Elite:The Conqueror's Will》Introduction Arc:Act 2- Club Fair


Unknown Pov.

The teacher left the class after he told us about how the school works.

When I was going to leave the classroom, a boy with magneta hair stood on the teacher's podium and yelled at the entire class.


Everyone in the class threw insults and began cursing him after hearing his rude comment.

A young man with green hair got up from his seat and replied back.


While saying that, he moved closer to the boy with the magneta hair. The boy with the magneta hair gave him an intimidating and malicious grin while looking at him.

"I like this guy"

The situation became tense. The magneta haired boy hands started to get red and, um, burn?..no...


Ayanokouji Pov.

Even though this school is hard, the entrance ceremony is the same here as it is at any other school.

After a speech of thanks from some principal or other director, the ceremony ended.

70, 80% of the students started heading for the dorms. The rest of the students formed small groups and walked towards the cafes and the karaoke rooms. The whole crowd soon disappeared.

I ran into a classmate I recognised as Red....Red Sukehiro..


It seems like you are going to the convenience shop; I was going there as well let's go together if you want."

I accepted his invitation because I could see no issues with it. He questioned me about my thoughts on this school and other matters on our way.I replied in a way that makes me look intelligent in front of him.

I had to demonstrate my abilities in this school in accordance with my father's instructions. I want to take over as captain so I can manage the class as I see fit.

"..What an unpleasant coincidence."

Once I entered the convenience store, I immediately ran into Horikita again.

Red wanted to speak, but I spoke to Horikita first.

"I share your sentiments."

People have various different ways of thinking; it's impossible to deny that.

Horikita is a much more isolated, no, aloof, type of person than I thought.

The three of us continued to buy our stuff until we heard a commotion.

"Hey, just wait a bit! I'm looking for it now!"

Interrupting the peaceful background music was a loud voice from the middle of the store.

"Hurry up! Everyone's waiting!"

"Oh, really!? Tell them to complain directly to me!"

It sounded like there was trouble.. Two boys were glaring at each other as they started to quarrel. The one with a disgruntled face was the all too familiar red hair guy. He was clutching cup noodles in one of his hands.

"What's happening here?"

"Oh? Who're you?"

I meant to talk amicably, but red hair mistook me for another enemy and shot me a glare.

"Hey, just wait a bit! I'm looking for it now!"

Interrupting the peaceful background music was a loud voice from the middle of the store.

"Hurry up! Everyone's waiting!"

"Oh, really!? Tell them to complain directly to me!"

It sounded like there was trouble.. Two boys were glaring at each other as they started to quarrel. The one with a disgruntled face was the all too familiar red hair guy. He was clutching cup noodles in one of his hands.

I glared back at him, which caused him to flinch a little.

"I'm Ayanokouji from the same class. I spoke up because I thought there was trouble here."

After explaining, red hair lowered his voice after understanding the situation.


"Oh... I remember you. I forgot my student card. Forgot that that thing is practically money from now on."

After seeing his empty hands, he started to head for the dorms. He probably forgot it there.

To be honest, it didn't fully sink in yet that the cards were needed for every payment.

"If it's fine with you, I can pay for it now. It'd be troublesome to go back to get it-I don't mind if you use my points.

"... That's true. It's annoying. Good thing you're here, thanks for the help."

The distance to the dorm isn't a big deal. But by the time he would've gotten back, the line would probably get long since it'd be lunch time.

"... I'm Sudou. I owe you one."

"Nice to meet you, Sudou."

I took the cup noodles from Sudou then walked over to the hot water dispenser. Horikita was amazed after seeing that short exchange.

"You're a pushover even from the first meeting. Are you going to be his obedient servant? Or is this how you're trying to make friends?"

I was about to reply to Horikita but Red interrupted me.

"I don't think he did that to make friends Horikita..and even if he did I don't think it matters to you right..?"

When Red said those things,Horikita gave him a glare.

Red grinned slightly and gave her the same stare in return.

(Credit goes to the respective artist of the art)

"And I also believe that you said that you don't want to talk to him,and still you keep conversing with him..to be fair..I think you should just fuck off"

Both of them continued to argue after that exchange.

"Let's finish shopping. It'd bother other students if we loitered around too long."

We finished up our shopping. After presenting the student ID card to the machine, the transaction was quickly completed. It was even faster because there was no small change involved.

"It's really usable as money... "

The receipt showed the prices of each good and the leftover amount of points. The payment went off without a hitch. While waiting for Horikita and Red, I put hot water into the cup noodles. I thought it'd be more difficult to open the lid and pour in the hot water, but it was surprisingly easy.

After finishing the transaction, Sudou was waiting in front of the convenience store.

Seeing me come out, Sudou waved his hand at me. When I also waved to return his feeling, I felt a bit embarrassed yet happy at the same time.

"... Are you actually trying to eat here?"

"Of course I am. It's common sense, where else would I eat?"

When Sudou answered like that, I was surprised and Horikita let out an exasperated sigh.

Red was not going to eat here, I'm sure of that... He began to eat as well after noticing that it irritated Horikita.

"I'm going to go home. It feels like my dignity is slowly degrading away here.

"What dignity are you talking about? You're just a normal high school student. Or are you some kind of ojousama?"

"She thinks of herself as one"..said Red in between... honestly it was unnecessary.

Both Sudou and Red began to laugh after that and introduced themselves to each other.

Horikita's anger was visible on her face.

"Calm down." I said to all of them.

"Hey, are you a first year? That's our spot."

As I watched Sudou slurp up his noodles, a group of three boys walked out of the convenience store carrying similar bowls.


"Who are you guys? We're using this spot right now. You're blocking the way. Fuck off."

Both Red and an already angered Horikita began to glare at them as well.

While Sudou and Horikita were angry..Red's glare and aura was the most intimidating.

I was finally sure that he can use it..

Due to the heavy atmosphere..the seniors left us and went away.

Without even looking back, Horikita headed back for the dorms.

Me,Sudou and Red talked about random things on our way back..I also learnt that Sudou plays basketball.


I reached the dorms that would be my home for the next three years.

After the first floor receptionist gave me a card key for the room 401 and an information manual, I got on the elevator. While flipping through the manual, I saw the time and day for the garbage disposal and a warning to not make too much noise. It also said not to waste water and electricity as much as possible.

The room is about 8 tatami mats big. This is my house starting from today. It's also my first time living alone. Until graduation, I would have to live without contacting anyone outside of school.

Unintentionally, I let out a smile.

I'm free. Freedom. In English that's "freedom". In French it's "liberté".

Isn't freedom the best? I can eat, sleep, and play when I want to. Without having anyone order me around, I can graduate with peace now.


On the second day of school, even though it was technically the first day of classes, the majority of the day was spent going over policies and rules.

In this relaxed atmosphere, it soon became lunchtime.

"Can I have your whole attention for a moment?" said Hirata before everyone goes outside the class.

"If I may ask, I would like all of you to wait here for a bit," Hirata stated. "Red said that he will like to talk with you all for sometime,it wouldn't take much time.so please stay still for some moments."

I had a good feeling Sudou and Horikita were about to rebel against Hirata, but they changed their minds when they realised Red would say something.

"So let me once again introduce myself to you all before I begin discussing the topic at hand. Red Sukehiro is the name I go by."

The majority of you have probably recognised that the captain will play a significant part in this school and have a significant impact on our future, thus I would like to put myself forward for the post." Red remarked with a smile on his face.

Everyone was a little taken aback that someone would put themselves forward for the post this early; even guys like Ike and Yamauchi were speechless in the front of Red's confidence.

Red seems to be a smart person with the necessary amount of ability for the role now that I've spoken with him.but sorry Red...

"I would want to nominate myself for the Captain's position as well."

Horikita and I both rose up from our seats and declared at the same time.

Horikita glared at Red and me for a while, but she eventually stopped.

"Hey, but if we need a leader, it should be someone that everyone respects, like Kushida-chan. Don't you think so too, Ike?" said Yamauchi.

The majority of the boys and girls appear to agree with him.

Red was ready to speak, when Horikita interrupted him.

"I believe that Chabashira sensei made it very clear that we should choose our leader based on his or her abilities Yamauchi-kun,I don't think trust holds much value here."

Horikita was somewhat correct, but it's also necessary for a leader to connect and make sure that their people respect them. Horikita's argument against someone like Yamauchi was good enough though.

Yamauchi said after a moment of stunned expression "She is going to win, in my opinion! She is strong. I believe you should participate as well Kushida-chan!"

Kushida also got up as a result of the constant pressure and encouragement from his classmates, particularly the boys.

"If everyone agrees, I wouldn't mind taking over as captain! If I become the keader, I will definitely love to help everyone!"

Me and Red agreed to the preposition of deciding this in terms of abilities as well.

Red suggested, "How about we have a friendly fight between the four of us at the classroom gym."

Horikita and I both concurred, and Kushida later agreed after giving it some thought.

We all agreed to participate in the friendly competition tomorrow after school in the classroom gym.


Eventually, after peeking through the cafeteria door, I decided to go to the convenience store, bought some bread, and returned to the classroom.

A group of friends were eating with their desks next to each other, while there were various students quietly eating alone. The only thing common was that nearly everyone had a bento from either the convenience store or the cafeteria.

I was going to start eating when I saw that Horikita had already returned to her seat.

She had on her desk a sandwich that looked delicious.

I returned to my seat without saying anything.

When I was about to take my first bite of my bread, music started to play out of the speakers.

"Today, at 5pm in gymnasium number 1, there will be a club fair. For those of you with an interest in clubs, please come to gymnasium number 1. I repeat, today──"

A girl with a cute voice made an announcement over the PA.

Clubs, huh. I've never been in a club before.

"Hey, Horikita───"

"I have no interest in clubs."

I decided not to press the issue further.

Hey, Ayanokouji want to come with us? Red questioned me as he prepared to accompany Hirata and the girls there.

I expected the proposal as I had no problems with it.

The girls also questioned Red and me about many things, though they seemed more interested in Hirata.

" Do you intend to enter any clubs?" A girl named Satou asked me.

"No, I'm still thinking about it. I probably won't join one though."

Wow, it's bigger than I thought it'd be."

All of us met after school to go to the gymnasium.

Almost everyone there were first years; around 100 people were waiting nearby.

Waiting around the back, we were waiting for the club fair to start.

As we entered the gym, pamphlets with details about club activities were passed out.

The gym had a lively atmosphere to it. The club representatives, and not to mention the supervising teacher, continued their explanations with displeased looks. They must be frantic to get as many new members as possible.

As the senpais finished their explanations, they got off the stage and walked over to some tables. They're probably setting up a reception area so they can talk to people one-on-one and sign them up.

Eventually, all the people on stage walked off until one person was left. Everyone's gaze was centered on the stage.

The person was average in height.

A slender body, sleek black hair.

Sharp glasses, and a calculating gaze.

The relaxed atmosphere gradually shifted in an unexpected direction. It was an electrifying change in mood.

Eventually, the whole gym was enveloped in a tense and quiet atmosphere.

There were no instructions given out, no one dared to talk-it was a dreadful silence.

No one could open their mouths to talk. This silence has been going on for 30 seconds already...

The student on stage started talking.

"My name is Horikita Manabu, and I am the student council president.

Horikita?I wonder if they're related...

"The student council is also looking for first-years to replace the graduating third-years. There are no strict requirements to apply for the position, but those who are interested should not be affiliated with any other clubs. Generally, we do not accept any candidate involved in other clubs."

His tone was soft, but the mood was still tense. He alone silenced the whole gym.

Of course, it wasn't his position as the student council president that gave him that power. Horikita Manabu also carried a powerful haki. His presence dominated the whole gym.

"Also, we, the student council, are not looking for anyone that has a naive way of thinking. Not only will that kind of person fail to get elected, they will inevitably become a stain to this school. The student council is only responsible for regulating the students, but the school expects much more. Those of you that understand can become potential candidates."

After that unwavering speech, he walked off the stage and exited the building.

Because no one dared to speak, none of the students spoke up when he left the gym. The students didn't know what would happen if they tried to talk. Everyone felt that way.

Except for some students.

Some of the freshmen didn't seem to be dominated, I noted. Given that they had only recently enrolled in this school, it was a remarkable achievement. Among them was Red, a classmate of mine.


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