《The Manipulators (COTE X TOMODACHI GAME)》First chapter


Title: Escape from the mad professor

Katagiri pov

I laid my back against the wall as the room filled up with smoke. Getting on my knees i slowly dragged my body out of the room, "Ahem!" I released a powerful cough as the ashes entered my lungs, fumes filled the room covering the walls black

It was foolish of me to think i could have taken on such a power man without the backing of sensei, now i lost everything that i held dear

Reaching for the exit a dark figure appeared, my vision blurred out and everything went dark


Beep-_—·Beep to—__Beep the sound of the IV drip beeping repeatedly woke me up, slightly opening my left eye i surveyed my surroundings

I was in a relatively normal room lying on a bed, there wasn't any restraints on me and i could mover my body. Ensuring that there wasn't anyone else in the room i got of the bed and went to the window

The view that greeted me was a beautiful english garden with a water fountain in the middle

'what the fuck why am i here?"

Looking down i was clad in a silk pajamas and the IV drip was still connected to my arm, pulling the needle i let a few drops collect into my palm and smelled it

"Nothing out of place"

Suddenly the door opens and an elderly man entered accompanied by a guy around my age

"Mr katagiri! I didn't expect you to be awake for another day" the elderly man exclaims with shock

"Who are you?" I pried the needle out of the IV tube and hid it in my hand

He puts down the cup of the tea he was holding onto the table beside my bed and walked closer "My name is Matsuo and i was the one who rescued you from the whiteroom"


'Matsuo ren, wife decease, father of matsuo eiichiro, works for the ayanokoji family as a butler for 4 years' i summed up all the

information i had on him

I wipes my palm to get rid of the IV liquid so i could get a better grip on the needle"You work for the professor right? Why would you save me?"

"Does an old man need a reason to save a child's life" he fires back

"If that old man works for a child trafficker that experiments on children than i really need a reason" i laced my voice with sarcasm

Hearing my words he lets out a deep sigh

"I plan to enroll kiyotaka here to Japan's number 1 school as to allow him to escape his father's grasp and i want you to assist and befriend him" he points at the guy behind him

My eye widens in shock as soon as i heard his name, without noticing i had released my grasp causing the needle to fall onto the ground resulting in a small clank to resonate throughout the walls

"K-kiyotaka a-ayanokou-ji as i-in the m-masterpiece of the whiteroom!!!!" I fell on my ass as i looked directly into his soulless eyes

What emotions passed through my head? Was it fear?, Was it anger?, How about admiration. no no no i didn't stumble down because of such trivial reasons, yes what made me slip was the opportunity of a lifetime. I had struck gold, if i play my cards right i might be able to get him into an alliance with me

"You should try to hide your intentions better" ayanokoji says kneeling down so we were face to face

"Katagiri yuichi" i extend my hand

"Kiyotaka ayanokoji" he took it

His grip was strong and it was obvious that he could have easily broken every bone in my hand if he wanted to


Releasing his hand i stood up and went to matsuo to shake his hand

In contrast to ayanokoji matsuo grip was soft and just by applying a little more pressure it would have easily hurt him

"Thanks for saving my ass but why should i trust you?" I didn't release my grip on his hand


I scrutinized his entire body language as he tells me his story and from what i can tell the old croak is either telling the truth or he is a very very very good liar

"Fine I'll trust you for now but if you cross me not even god can save you" i release my hold onto his hand and bowed to show my appreciation for his help

Raising my head i asked "So how do you intend to enroll two nobody into one of Japan's most prestigious school?"

He stays silent and continues to look at me


Sigh "get me a satellite phone"

I expected for my request to take awhile so I turned around but a subtle cough turned my head

"Damn what are you Alfred?" I looked shocked at the phone he pulled out of nowhere

"At your service sir" he imitates alfred voice

Ayanokoji looks at us confused

Taking the phone from his hand i dialed a 17 digit number


Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hello who is this" a man answers with a cocky deep voice

"Heya guess who it is!"

"Mr Katagiri" he immediately humbled himself and spoke in a cautious tone

"I need to cash in that favour you owe me"

"O-of course"

"I need two seats into the freshman year of Tokyo Metropolitan prep Highschool"

"E-excuse me" his voice breaks over the line "that is a little difficult to...."

"Can you do it" i asked again with a little more force

"I can give in a recommendation but it's unlikely for there to be any openings in the better clas-"

"Don't worry about it just get us into the school and we're good"

"Ok" beep

"Done" i threw the phone back to Matsuo

"Who was that?" Ayanokoji asks

"Who knows, well don't worry if he says he can get us in we're in" 'his the prime minister of the country after all'

Author's note

After writing part 3 of this story i felt that i was rushing the story so i plan to make katagiri more of the main focus, of course ayanokoji will still be involved but he'll mainly do what he does in the anime with a few changes here and there

No shipping only playing with hearts

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