《Random COTE reaction ( On Hold)》separate oneshots reaction part 6(annoying Koji 2)


B: okay let's continue

some people began to laugh

akito : HAHAHAHAHA no wonder she slapped him

suzune: that was unexpected

kushida : tch this bastard

ryuuen : kukukuku this monster is hilarious

hirata: what a good person matsuo san

nanase :(yes he was)

sato:its kinda weird seeing kushida san like that

kushida: hmm(its seem lie other me is comfortable around him)

ike : ARE THEY DATING ??!!

kei: ( relax kei it's not you're kiyotaka )

kushida : huh ? ( why I'm I blushing)

miyamoto: there is no way she would date an annoying guy like him

jaleous bois : tch lucky bastard

ike: THEY DID IT ?!

kushida : eh ( he must be joking right?)

ryuuen : kukukuku I wonder if she can handel the T-REX ?

hashimoto: hahaha i wonder if she can

all the boys who know about the T-REX began to laugh

some girls : JUST WHAT IS THE T-REX ?!!

some boys : it's just an inside joke between boys

some boys : Man he is annoying

kushida : its kinda weird seeing me like this

shinohara : but why would she want to ?

matsuhita : its because they know about her other personality

defects : ahhh that's why

ichinose: so they're dating

kei couldn't control her jaleousy : grrr

sato : relax kei chan this an alternate universe remember

kushida was suprised : ( so she regret what she have done , that's the differece between us)

ichinose : look she is worrie about him

a random girl : ohh they look cute together

kei glared at her

that random girl : s-sorry

ichinose : ( she is lucky i wonder if there is a universe where me and ayanokoji kun are together)

B telephatecally : ( oh there is one actually )

ichinose : ( eh ?! how did y- .... I see )

some student : yeah that speech was so boring

shinohara: is that ? ike kun

all the girls looked at him like he was litteral trash


onodera : disgusting perevert !

nene : you should just die

shinohara :( I'm still wondering why did I fall inlove with him)

evreryone was suprised

everyone : he did what !!!

ryueen : kukuku look at the monster acting like an idiot

shibata: well he is gonna get in trouble

kanzaki : but he changed his tone a bit I wonder if he will

everyone was laughing

ike : ehhhh why me

some : that's what you get you pervert

sudo : now that you look at yeah it was the same voice

miyamoto: man you fucked up

ike: tch this bastard

even more people began to laugh

akito : man he got him got

Hashimoto: look at the defective getting played by the king

ryueen : kukuku what defeective trash

ike : what did you say

B: calm down let's continue

shinohara : is he gonna get expelled

ike : no way right it's just the first day

sato : he is sur a possesive boyfriend

kei: (he is ?!)

akito : I bet he is gonna do some chaos during the intoduction

evryone in class d gulped

sudo: oh its suzune

suzune : it seems like our seats are swaped

class d: Oh no !

suzune : oh no its gonna be her worst nightmare and who is he Calling "Tsun-Tsun"

hiratards : oh it's hirata kun

some people bagan to laugh

ryueen : kukuku look at the monster getting played

shibata : she got hil good

hiratards : eh? what did he say that?

hirata : ( eh how did kiyotaka kun know ?)

those same boys : shit we fucked up

haruka : i never knew kiyopon was this possesive

kei : oh it's me

some people began to laugh

kei: eh !

sato : pfft I'm sorry kei chan but this is too funny

some people : In what .?

suzune : he called me cute not that I care

kei was embarassed

sato : yeah right kei chan you are intrested in him in the slightest


matsuhita : how the table have turned kei chan

kei: AHH MOUU ! this is embarassing

random student : he already got one tho

sato ; looks like someone is trouble

kei : hpmf at least he called me cute

evryone : HAHAHHAA

hiratards : how dare he interuppt hirata kun

ike : take that you ikemen

shibata : hahaha this guy is a menace

(JJJ is that you ?)

some people : HE APOLOGIZED ?!!

hiratards : hirata kin is too kind

ryueen : kukukuku ( he is nice . too nice that's not normal)

class d gulped

sae : ( I Wonder if he is gonna help the class or not)

ike /sudo : haruki .

arisu : who the fuf is that ?

snek : remember hime its that defective that you expelled in te class poll exam

arisu : oh what was his name yama Something .. yamadead

ike/sudo : tch .

kei : by the way sakayanagi san why did you target yamauchi kun

arisu : well he bumped into me in the mixed training camp

everyone fell to the ground


snek : you're cruel hime

papayanagi : ( that sounds like her)

ryuuen : kukuku what a defect

some third year class d student : were class d too but this guy is just too stupid

some first year : how did he even egt accepted in this school in the first place

ryueen :kukuku like you can

albert : YEAH

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