《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 39


Luka Jeffrey Y/LN.

My boy, my son.

As I stare at his small features I can't help but get overwhelmed with emotions.

Blake and I just brought him home a few days ago and I can't get over how much he resembles my father and myself. He's a miniature version of me and I am a miniature version of my father. Besides my blonde hair and blue eyes, my facial features are identical to his.

And now my son.

Luka did get Blake and I's blonde curly hair. He doesn't have much, but the small amount that he has is curly for sure.

Luka almost matched my weight and length when I was born. So it's safe to say he will probably be as tall as me someday.

Blake did amazing when she gave birth to him. We chose to go with a different hospital then where we had Hope. And that's for very obvious reasons.

It was hard to let Luka out of our sights while we were there, and our doctor along with the staff understood.

So if he went anywhere, I always followed him. And when I wasn't able to, I stood close by.

It's really hard to trust someone that you don't even know with the care of your child after experiencing what we went through.

But we're home now, and we don't have to worry about that anymore.

Hope immediately took to her baby brother. She's always wanting to help us out. She's even tried to help change his diaper with us. But that quickly changed after he had a blowout in his diaper.

Having a baby is definitely a challenge. Blake and I never got to experience this with Hope, so we're learning from the start with Luka.

Let's just say I've been peed on and shit on a few times. But I wouldn't trade this life for anything.

Watching my wife and daughter bond with my son is everything a person could ever hope for.

I can already tell Luka is going to be a Mommy's boy. When he's in a fussy mood he wants nothing to do with me. All he wants is Blake and it frustrates the hell out of me. Not because I'm jealous, because I feel like it just puts more pressure on her. I don't want her to get overwhelmed. So I try to calm him down at night so she can get some sleep too.

Which is exactly what I'm doing right now. And I finally figured out how to calm him down.

As I rock him in the rocking chair I have some old school Usher playing. Don't ask me how I figured this out. One night I was flipping through songs on my playlist while he was fussing and he calmed down instantly as Usher played through my phone.

So that's what we listen to before going to sleep.

His small eyes flutter shut as the song comes to an end, but another song begins to play and he keeps his eyes shut.

I run my index finger against his small cheek before pulling it away.

I rock Luka for a few more minutes as we get through the next song and I decide to place him back inside his crib. He doesn't wake up and I'm silently fist bumping the air. I leave his room with my phone and turn off the music. I slowly walk back to our shared bedroom and spot my wife lying awake in bed.


"That was quick." She softly says with tired eyes and I smile as I crawl back into bed beside her. She immediately cuddles into my side as her fingers begin to trace patterns on my chest.

"Usher helped me out." I say, causing my wife to lift her head and look at me with an amused smile.

"Some Confessions helped him fall back asleep." I say with a cheeky smile causing her to chuckle softly.

"How long do you think he'll stay asleep?" Blake softly asks and I look at the clock that reads three am.

"I'd give him maybe three or four hours. So on that note we better get some sleep." I say placing a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you." I hear her tiredly mumble which causes a small smile to form on my lips as I feel the sleep begin to take over.

"I love you too."

Luka is now five months old. He's definitely something else that's for sure. He's such a happy baby all the time. Especially when he sees his mom pull her breasts out to feed him.

I can't blame him though, I'm always happy when I see them too.

Today we're having everyone over to our new home for a barbecue. I'm really excited because we get to meet Megan and Caras little boy.

And I'm just overall excited to get everyone together again. We always have so much fun together but here lately everyone's been busy.

Dylan and Alexis are also expecting. The two seem to be hitting their marriage off. Cara still swears Dylan is a closeted gay though.

Right now I'm working the grill on our back patio while Blake finishes bringing some prepared dishes out to the table of food.

I can't help but let my eyes roam her body as I flip the meat on the grill.

She's literally killing me with the sundress she's wearing. It's not even revealing, but she looks so good. Her hair is pulled up into an updo exposing her neck, and she knows how much I love that. Her breasts are even bigger and I know that's because she's breast feeding our boy, but Jesus. He needs to learn how to share.

We haven't been intimate since before she had Luka. We've definitely tried, but having a newborn and a five year old it's impossible. They are some of the best cock blocks I've ever met.

Hell we even tried in the shower one day but Luka started screaming his little lungs out. We had just put him down for a nap and Hope was at school. It's like he knows exactly when I touch Blake's breasts because he starts crying.

Guess what boy, they were mine first. If I gotta share, so do you.

Blake must feel my heavy gaze on her because I'm suddenly met with her beautiful eyes staring back into mine.

She knows exactly what the look in my eyes means and I watch her cheeks flush a little red as she ducks her head with a bashful smile.

I can't help but smirk softly knowing I still have that effect on her. I hope I can cause this type of reaction out of her the rest of our life.


"Your favorite people have arrived." I hear from a familiar voice. I turn my head away from my wife and spot my best friend Cara walking into the backyard with Megan at her side. Cara is pushing a stroller and I can't help but chuckle as she gives me a playful glare. Megan sits down the dish she prepared before giving my wife a hug.

"I don't know if I would go as far as saying my favorite.." I tease causing Megan to slap me with her potholders.

"You know you missed me." Megan says with a playful smile and I shake my head before pulling her into a small hug.

"Whatever you say Mrs. Delevigne." I say with a smirk causing her to roll her eyes and move towards my wife.

Cara and Megan before the baby was born flew to Vegas and got married. When we were told the news I wasn't surprised one bit. The two of them are very spontaneous.

They took Jordana and Thomas with them to be their witnesses. And the two came back together as a couple.

So it's safe to say our group of friends are rekindling their old romances that once died. Besides Aspen and Colton. Now that definitely took a different run.

"Hey guys." I hear my twin sister say as she walks through the back hand in hand with Colton.

Don't ask me how, but I guess the two rekindled things at Hope's fifth birthday party. And I had a talk with my sister about coming clean to my good friend about what she had gone through without his knowledge. After she told him she had gotten pregnant and lost the baby not even a day later, the guy was angry. I can't entirely blame him for being upset about it, but he wasn't just angry about her not telling him, he was angry with the way he treated her.

If anything after talking about the whole situation, the two are the closest I've ever seen them.

Aspen on the other hand found love in someone I was least expecting.

"Where's my grand babies?" I hear my mother ask as she walks into the backyard with Aspen by her side. My brother Garrett is right by her other side.

Don't ask me how my older brother ended up winning her over. The guys a total airhead if you ask me.

Soon enough the rest of our family and friends fill up our large backyard. The kids are all off playing together and as I begin to pull the meat off the grill I notice my oldest brother Scott talking with Blake's aunt Jessica.

I shake my head with a small laugh as I carry the plate of food over to the tables.

"Eat up everyone!" I yell, gathering a lot of people's attention. I return back to the grill to throw some more meat on and I wipe my face with a towel that's resting beside me.

My mother ended up getting her hands on Luka and she hasn't put him down since she got here. Between her and Sarah passing him back and forth Blake hasn't been occupied.

I smirk as something crosses my mind.

"Hey Scott." I yell to my older brother and he finally pulls away from Jessica to approach me.

"Run the grill for me would ya."

"And what do I get out of this?"

"You get to eat a free meal, and I might just help you out with Jessica." He nods his head with a small smile and I run off into the house that I just saw my wife walk into.

I follow her into our bedroom and I can only smirk as I watch her head into the bathroom. I sneakily walk in behind her and as she turns to close the door she gasps loudly.

"Jesus Y/N you scared the shit out of me!" She says as she clutches her hand to her chest.

"I'm sorry baby, I just wanted to have a moment alone with you." I say as I place my hands on her hips, pulling her into me. Her hands rest against my chest and I dip my head down, placing a kiss to her cheek.

"Well next time I'd appreciate it if you would announce yourself." She says as she looks up at me through her long eyelashes.

"Deal." I say with a small smile as I begin to caress her cheek with my hand.

"You know, we're actually alone for once." I say with a smirk on my lips and Blake begins to backup until she's pressed against our vanity.

"Y/N, we can't. We have a lot of people downstairs waiting on us." She says but it quickly turns into a gasp as I lift her up onto the vanity. I walk in between her legs and I move my hands down her sides, caressing her curves along the way.

"Five minutes baby, that's all I need." I whisper against her neck as I begin to kiss the exposed skin. I can feel Blake literally melting into me. Her resolve getting ready to break.

But as soon as my hands touch her breasts it's all over. I can literally hear our son crying in our backyard out the open window.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groan as I stop touching her breasts and I hang my head.

"I better go to him." Blake says as she stands up and I grab her hand pulling her into me. I place a passionate kiss on her lips that causes her to moan into it.

"He's going to learn to share this weekend. Because their going to Grandmas for the day." I say causing Blake to shake her head with a small laugh as she leaves me alone in the bathroom.

She thinks I'm playing, but their asses are leaving as soon as I wake up Saturday morning.

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