《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 38


Things with my family have been amazing, better than amazing. Everything seems to be falling into place with our family and I couldn't be happier.

We're already halfway through Blake's pregnancy and we still haven't found out what we're having. We honestly wanted it to be a surprise so that's what we're doing.

Blake looks just as beautiful during this pregnancy as she did the first one with Hope. And I can't keep my hands to myself.

Hope is so excited to become a big sister. She's been so helpful with everything around the house including help set up her new siblings room.

With the money Blake and I both received from the lawsuit we decided to buy something that would better fit our family.

We decided on buying this old farmhouse right outside of town. I've been spending a lot of my time out there helping the construction crew renovate it. We didn't want to change a whole lot. We both agreed that the style of the home is something we wanted to keep. It just gave off that homey feeling.

Not only did we buy the house, but we bought the property that comes with it. We have a large barn and fence that surrounds most of the property where they had some type of livestock.

Blake may have been a city girl at heart, but she took riding lessons at a young age and actually had her own horse. She grew up with her horse who sadly passed right before her senior year.

After listening to her stories about how much she loved riding we both decided that was something we would like to carry on with our children.

I do remember as a kid going out to my grandparents. My dad's parents actually owned a farm similar to this one. They didn't have any horses to ride, but I do remember them having some cows.

I guess you can say we just decided we wanted to raise our kids out of the typical city life. I think Blake is more worried that our kids could end up like stuck up rich kids.

But I never thought that would be a problem. We can only do so much when raising our kids. We can't make every decision for them, but we can teach them right from wrong.

"How about this one?" I hear the contractor ask as he holds up a picture of a counter top that I think Blake will really love.

"Go with that one." He nods his head and he begins to place an order in his phone for the countertop.

The kitchen seems to be coming along. We just decided to replace the countertops and repaint the cabinets. We also decided to repaint the walls too. And this is just the kitchen.

Throughout the rest of the house we decided to repaint the walls and change up some of the flooring. We did decide to fix up the bathrooms as well. The only thing that's staying is the large old farmhouse tub that was in the master bathroom. It's staying and Blake made that very clear.


I walk through the rest of our new home and make sure everything is moving along like it's supposed to. But my phone ringing grabs my attention.

"Hey baby." I hear through the phone and I can't help but smile.

"Hey, everything okay?"

"Everything is great, I was just calling to see what you wanted for dinner tonight?"

"Why don't I cook tonight? You've cooked for me all week and I think it's time for you to relax for awhile."

"Are you sure? I don't mind.."

"Babe, I got it. You just go run yourself a bath and I'll pick up Hope from school."

"I love you Y/N Y/LN."

"And I love you Mrs. Y/LN." I say with a smile gracing my lips.

And with that she ends the call and I pocket my phone. I look at my watch and realize I need to get going if I'm going to pick up Hope on time.

"Alright Mike, I'm trusting in you to get this all done correctly. I gotta pick Hope up from school." I say as I pull my good friend into a bro hug.

"I got you." He says and I nod my head as I begin to leave our new place. I get to my truck and climb inside. I take one last look at the place that will soon be our forever home and pull out of the driveway. I travel on the long drive but I can't help but admire the beauty of the woods surrounding our property.

That's one great thing about our place, it's very secluded and private.

I have the windows down in my truck as I drive to Hopes school. The radio is playing softly and I'm singing along to all the songs I know.

Before I know it I'm at her school and I find a parking space. I exit my truck and walk up to the front of the school to collect her.

I'm just in time because other parents are also walking up to collect their kids.

As I get in line I patiently wait for my daughter to exit the school doors. It doesn't take but a few minutes and she's walking out right after some of her classmates.

"Mama!" She yells with the biggest smile gracing her little lips.

"Hey Princess." I softly say with a smile matching hers. I hold my hand out for her to take and she happily takes it within hers. I feel her small hand fit inside my large one. Her little fingers try to hold onto me and I can't help but smile.

"How was your day?"

"It was great! Today we read about the mouse that ate a cookie! Then at snack time we had this nasty snack that tasted like dog food. At recess I beat a boy at throwing rocks and he cried, and then I kissed him so he would stop crying.."

I stop walking and turn to look at my daughter with wide eyes.


"You did what?"

"He was crying and it was annoying me so I kissed him on the cheek. He stopped crying but then he wouldn't stop following me around. So I pushed him and he fell which made him cry again.."

I can't help but zone out at the fact that my daughter kissed a boy today. I know she's still talking to me about it but I can't get the simple sentence out of my head.

She's too young to be kissing on boys!

I shake my head as I help her into the backseat of my truck. I help her get strapped into her seat before walking around the truck and climbing inside myself.

Thankfully on the ride home she stopped talking about kissing this boy and started talking about our plans for this weekend.

This weekend we're supposed to be going to look at some horses to adopt. She's more than excited to pick out her first horse, but I'm a little distracted at the moment.

My five year old daughter had her first kiss today.

I'm gonna need a beer when I get home.

We get home in what feels like no time. I help Hope out of the back of my truck and we walk into the house together.

"Babe we're home." I yell out as we take our shoes off by the front door.

"I'm in here." I hear her call out to us from the living room.

Hope rushes toward the living room and I head straight for the kitchen. I need a beer before I can even speak the words my daughter said to me.

I grab a beer from the fridge and pop the cap off before taking a large gulp of it.

"Woah, everything okay?" Blake asks as I finish chuggin the beer. I shake my head and then grab another one from the fridge and pop the cap off.

"I think I might have broken Mama." Hope says with a playful smile.

"What happened Hope?"

"I just told her about my day."

"And how was your day?" Blake asks with a raised eyebrow at our daughter who just smiles sweetly at her.

"Well it was great! Besides the nasty snack we got today and when Simon wouldn't stop following me around after I kissed him."

Blake's eyes widen and her mouth slightly drops as she turns to look at me. I shake my head and take another drink of my beer.

You might think I'm over exaggerating this shit. But when your baby girl kisses a boy and she's only five, y'all can come and talk to me.

"Mya Hope." I hear Blake say our daughters full name which causes Hope to look up at her innocently.

"Yes Mommy?"

"You are too young to be kissing boys!"

"So I can kiss girls?" She asks and I can't help but choke on my beer. Our kid is too smart for her own good.

I watch Blake run her hands through her hair as she sighs heavily.

"You are too young to be kissing anyone."

"But you kiss Mama all the time!" Hope argues and Blake's eyes meet my own.

"But we're married." Blake argues which Hope just smiles back at her.

"But you weren't before.."

"Okay Hope you can't kiss anyone until you're eighteen." I say causing the two to look at me.

"That's when I met your Mommy and we first kissed."

"Okay." Hope says casually without a care in the world. I watch her skip out of the kitchen and Blake turns to look at me with a shocked face still.

"Did that really just happen?"

"Yeah, it did." I say before running a hand through my hair.

Blake walks around the counter and wraps her arms around my neck. Her fingers work their way through the back of my hair and I find mine wrapping softly around her waist.

"Our baby isn't a baby anymore.." Blake starts and I shake my head causing her to laugh softly.

"She will always be my baby." I say causing Blake to move one of her hands to caress my cheek.

"She wasn't supposed to kiss anyone until she was older." I say dramatically which causes Blake to chuckle softly once again.

"I know." She softly says as her thumb moves to play with my bottom lip.

We just enjoy each other's company in silence and I can't help but feel my heart swell while looking at her. I take in every single feature of her beautiful face. Her eyes that can see into my soul, her plump addictive lips, down to the small freckles that line her nose and upper cheeks.

"What does my beautiful wife want for dinner?" I softly ask as I feel her hands drag down my chest.

"Hmm that's a good question." She says with a breathless smile and I can't help but dip my head down and attach my lips to her exposed neck.

"I know what I want." I softly mumble against her skin as I move my lips to her sweet spot.

Blake's moan fills the room and her hands clutch onto the front of my shirt.

"You can have me for dessert." She manages to get out and I smirk against her skin before pulling back to look into her eyes.

"I definitely like that idea." I say with a cheeky grin causing her to laugh and pull me down into a passionate kiss.

"I love you." I whisper across her plump lips as I pull back to rest my forehead against hers.

"I love you too, and I'll love you even more if you make me some fajitas." She says with a smirk as she pulls away from me. I shake my head as I watch her leave me alone in the kitchen. She gives me one last look over her shoulder with a smirk and I can't help but grin back at her.

God I love this woman.

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