《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 35


"I can't believe it's my baby's wedding day."


"Oh stop! I'm allowed to do this because I'm your mother and you're my baby." She says through tears as she fixes my bow tie.

I release a shaky breath as I feel my mother smooth out my suit jacket.

"You're father would be so proud of you." I hear her say and I raise my head to meet her sad eyes. Tears run down her cheeks and I feel myself start to get emotional.

It doesn't matter how many years past, the ache in my chest will always be there from the loss of my father.

"Metoo." I softly say as I pull my mother into a hug.

The door opens and we pull apart to see both of my brothers shoving one another through the door.

"I saw her first!" Garrett says but Scott argues back and I can't help but chuckle as I shake my head looking at my mother.

"Boys!" She says sternly and they both straighten up and look at her with an embarrassed smile.

"Today is your sister's big day. Behave yourselves." She says before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I watch her disappear out the door and Blake's uncle passes her on the way in the room with Cara and the guys trailing behind them.

"I can't believe you're actually getting married." Cara says as she approaches me and pulls me into a hug. All the guys follow suit along with Eric.

"We all knew this day was coming." Colton says with a smirk as he looks at me.

"Very true." Paul says and I shake my head with a small laugh as I feel my nerves appear.

Our wedding is one of the biggest that the towns ever seen.

"It's time." The wedding planner says as she pops her head through the door.

My brothers disappear and the rest of us make our way out to the altar. Cara is right behind me followed by Colton, Dylan, Paul, and Eric.

We come to a stop and I see just how packed this venue is with our guests.

I watch my brothers walk my mother down the aisle and to her seat. The two of them join me and stand next to Eric.

I then watch Adam and Sarah walk down the aisle together. He places a kiss on her cheek once they are to their seats. I watch him disappear and as the music plays the time comes.

Blake's aunt Samantha walks out first with Jessica following behind her. My sister Alison then walks out followed by Jordana, Alexis, Minka, and Megan.

Blake's little brothers then walk out with their little sister in between them. The boys come and stand next to me while their sister stands next to the girls.

My smile only widens as I watch my five year old daughter begin to walk down the aisle as she scatters rose petals all along the way.

Her little blue eyes look everywhere as she spots all the people staring at her with smiles on their faces. But I can see the nerves and fear slowly build in her eyes with each step. She comes to a stop and I can see her getting ready to panic and I softly call out to her.

She turns to see me at the end of the aisle and I bend down and coax her to run to me.

She looks around at the people and begins to sprint towards me. She runs into my arms and I catch her. I can see the tears building up in her eyes and I wipe the fallen ones quickly away.


"It's okay." I softly say and I know Blake is going to be walking down the aisle within minutes.

I lift my head up and spot my mother motioning for me to hand her to her. I quickly rush down the steps as I sit her in my mother's lap.

I make my way back to my spot and the music picks up signaling it's time.

Blake then comes into my view with Adam by her side and I feel the tears rapidly build in my eyes. They fall down my cheeks as I watch her walk closer to me. I can't help but feel my knees weaken as I let out a muffled sob at the sight of her. I feel Cara place a comforting hand on my back as I try to wipe my face and pull myself together.

I stand up but the tears continue to leave my eyes as she's right in front of me now.

I can't get over how beautiful she looks. She's everything I've imagined in my dreams and more. I'm the luckiest person in the world because after today she'll be my wife.

Adam places a hand on my shoulder before giving me her hand. I take Blake's hand within my own as I help her up the few stairs. She stands across from me and I can't even catch my breath.

Her dress hugs her in all the right places as the beautiful lace looks perfect on her. Her long blonde locks are all pinned up into an updo and her makeup is done to perfection. As I stare into her eyes I feel myself get emotional all over again and I watch a few tears leave her eyes.

The priest gets right to it and everything he says is a blur as I just marvel at the woman in front of me. Before I know it he says it's time for us to say our vows. He looks at me and I know I'm to go first.

I release a shaky breath as I hold both of Blake's hands within my own. I stare deeply into her eyes as I lick my lips.

"Blake, I never knew one night could change my life forever."

"That night turned into a week. And in that one week I fell in love with you."

"Growing up I watched the relationship my mother and father had. Love and passion was so evident and it was something I hoped to experience myself one day."

"The day I first saw you I knew I had to have you. I knew I had to get to know you. And you may have seen more of me than you intended to the night we first met." I say with a chuckle at the end and everyone laughs including her.

"I promise to hold you when we sleep, to kiss you even when I'm mad at you, to let you pick the movie on our date night, to wipe your tears on a bad day, to hold your hair back when you've had too much wine." I say with a small chuckle at the end and once again everyone laughs.

"I'll be your anchor, your best friend, your soulmate, and your wife. I promise that my love for you will never waver, I'll love you with my very last breath."

Blake is blinking back her tears at this point and she has to pull a hand back to wipe under her eyes.

It's Blake's turn now and she grabs both of my hands within hers.


"As a little girl growing up, I always wished to find my soulmate early on in life. That way we could spend more time together."

"The night I saw you at the beach I felt my heart race in my chest for the first time. I was so nervous, but once I looked into your eyes it all vanished."

"I've never felt like myself until that night. And it was the best feeling ever."

"As our relationship went on I knew I was so right about you. The connection was so evident and my heart yearned for your touch."

"So many things have happened, but I wouldn't change a single one of them. It brought us back together. It brought our daughter back to us." Blake says with tears running down her cheeks and I can't stop crying myself at this point.

"I promise to listen to you talk about cars, to cheer you up when you're feeling down, to never go to bed angry, and to love you with every ounce of my being." Blake softly says as she looks into my eyes.

The two of us exchange rings and the priest announces us wife and wife.

"You may kiss the bride."

I don't even wait another second as I softly cup Blake's face within my hands. I dip my head down and attach our lips together in the most passionate kiss I've ever experienced in my life.

As our lips move together I can't help but feel so many new feelings.

Everyone is cheering as Blake's hands find the back of my neck. And when we pull apart the smiles on both of our faces is the brightest they've ever been.

The two of us begin to walk out of the venue hand in hand as we pass all of our family and guests that came to be a part of our special day.

Blake and I get inside our awaiting limousine and all of our wedding party climbs inside besides the kids.

Blake grabs me by my bow tie and pulls me into a passionate kiss causing everyone to cheer us on as they pop the bottles of champagne.

I can't help but smile into the kiss causing us to pull apart and laugh softly. Everyone gets a glass and we clink them together before downing our drinks.

Tonight is definitely going to be a day to remember.

Once we reach the reception we all pile out of the limousine. After all of our wedding party walks ahead of us, Blake and I walk together last. But before we go in I wrap my arms around her as I pull her body incredibly close to mine. I let my hands wander all over her and it causes her to smirk at me because she knows the look on my face all too well.

"Later baby, I promise." She whispers before attaching her lips to mine. I sigh and know she's right as I pull back slightly. I hear them announce our name so we make our way through the reception doors.

Our families and friends cheer us on loudly as we head to our table. The food is served and we all get to eating.

After we all finished our food it was time for us to have our first dance. I led my wife out to the dance floor and she wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap mine around her waist as I hold her so delicately.

Prayed for you by Matt Stell begins to play through the speakers and I can't help but smile as I look deeply into Blake's eyes.

"I've never been one to ask for help

If I need a mountain moved, I move it myself

I ain't the church pew regular, twice on Sunday

Quote you the scripture kind

I'm far from a preacher

But I'm a believer."

I softly sing to her as I move with her on the dance floor. Her eyes never leave mine as a smile forms on her lips.

"Cause every single day, before I knew your name

I couldn't see your face, but I prayed for you

Every heartbreak trail when all hope failed

On the highway to hell, I prayed for you

I kept my faith like that old King James

Said I'm supposed to

It's hard to imagine, bigger than I could fathom

I didn't know you from Adam, but I prayed for you."

I spin her around and flashes go off as people capture our first dance together. I pull her back into me and the two of us are smiling like love struck teenagers.

"For someone to love me like you do

Graceful eyes to see me through

A smile that steals me, a heart that heals me

A touch that kills me too

Baby you're perfect, I guess the good Lord heard it."

I sing just to her and I feel her bring her hand up to cup my cheek. I rest my forehead against hers as I continue to let the lyrics leave my lips.

"Cause every single day, before I knew your name

I couldn't see your face, but I prayed for you

Every heartbreak trail when all hope failed

On the highway to hell, I prayed for you

I kept my faith like that old King James

Said I'm supposed to

It's hard to imagine, bigger than I could fathom

I didn't know you from Adam, but I prayed for you."

"Every single day, before I knew your name

I couldn't see your face, but I prayed for you

Every tail light fade in the goodbye rain

Girl even today, I prayed for you

I kept my faith like that old King James

Said I'm supposed to

It's hard to imagine, bigger than I could fathom

I didn't know you from Adam, but I prayed for you

I prayed for you

I prayed for you."

I sing the last lyrics to her before dipping her. Blake gasps softly and her hands rest against my chest. Everyone cheers and I can't stop smiling as I pull her back up into me. We share a passionate kiss before Adam comes to the dance floor.

I give her one last kiss before leaving her to dance with Adam. As I'm walking back to our wedding party table I feel two small arms wrap around my leg. I look down to see my daughter looking at me with the happiest smile and I feel my heart just melt at the sight of her.

"Mama!" She says with her arms reaching up for me. I pick her up and carry her back to the table as we watch her grandpa dance with her mommy.

"I love you Mama." I hear her small tired voice say as she snuggles into my neck. Her small hand clings to my suit and once again I feel myself get emotional. I look down to see her eyes shut and I release a shaky breath before bringing one of my hands up to cup the back of her head.

"I love you too Princess, so much."

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