《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 34


Everything with Blake and myself seems to be falling into place as we take care of our daughter.

Things with Hope have been amazing. We haven't had any trouble with her but I know in time it will come.

My relationship with Blake has only grown stronger through this time together. Everyday I'm reminded of how lucky I am to have her in my life. Falling in love with Blake was one of the easiest things I've ever experienced in my life. Everything with her is so natural and I find myself loving her more each day.

Today Hope and I have a surprise for her.

"You ready princess?" I ask my daughter as we arrive at the beach house where the two of us first met. Well technically we won't be in the house but we'll be on the beach. And that's really where everything began for us.

"Yes Mama!" Hope says with the brightest smile as her little blue eyes shine at me.

"You remember the plan right?" I ask her and she nods her head eagerly causing her blonde curls to bounce.

"That's my girl." I say before giving her a soft smile.

I feel my phone vibrate and I look to see my plan is already working. Megan texted me and said she's on her way with Blake and the girls.

As I look around the beach everything is perfect. The wind isn't blowing too hard and the sun is getting ready to set. The candles and rose petals that I have scattered all over this beach only sets the mood.

Our daughter is standing next to me in a white sundress and matching sandals is everything I need. I myself am wearing a long sleeved white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Khaki shorts along with sandals rest on my feet as I suddenly feel a wave of nerves rush through my body.

I run my hand through my short curls as I release a shaky breath. I feel my phone vibrate again and I don't bother looking at it because I know it's Megan telling me they are here.

And on cue the sun begins to set and the most beautiful woman comes into view on the beach with her best friends.

Blake stands in front of Megan, Minka, Jordana, and Alexis with a hand covering her mouth.

"Mommy!!" Hope yells and begins to run to her mother. I watch and my heart swells when I watch the woman I love more than anything bend down and wrap our daughter up in her arms.

I feel tears work their way to my eyes as I watch the emotional moment between both of my girls.

Once Blake lets go of Hope, our daughter takes her hand within her small one and leads her towards me. I swallow all the nerves I feel creeping to the surface and I can't help but feel a few tears leave my eyes.

"Mama has a question for you Mommy." Hope says with her soft voice that soothes every nerve in my body.


Blake's eyes soon meet mine and I can see the tears threatening to spill from her gorgeous eyes. I feel a wave of emotion take over me as I continue to let my own tears fall.

"Blake Ellender Lively.." I start and I can see the anticipation in her eyes.

"Meeting you here on this beach was one of the best days of my life. Seeing your beautiful face made my heart race faster than I thought possible."

"Right here on this beach is where our life together started." I softly say as I get down on one knee.

Blake's tears finally fall from her cheeks. One hand holds onto our daughters and the other rests comfortably in my hands.

"I have never loved someone the way that I love you." Tears roll down my cheeks as I release a shaky breath.

"You gave me one of the best gifts." I say looking directly at our little girl who is smiling the brightest at the two of us.

"I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. I want to be the person you come home to everyday, I want to continue this journey of life with you right by my side. I want to make our family official and add more to it someday." I say and the woman is a mess in front of me as the tears continue to flow.

"I love you Blake."

I look to Hope and she smiles knowing what's coming next. She pulls the ring from her pocket in front of her dress that has a small button to close it.

I hear Blake gasp as Hope hands me the ring.

"Mommy?" Hope calls to Blake and I watch the woman I love look into our daughter's eyes.

"Will you marry Mama?" Her small voice asks and I watch the sun set against Blake's beautiful face. She nods her head eagerly as the tears continue to flow.

"Of course I'll marry her baby." Blake says through a choked sob as I slide the ring on her finger.

I pick up Hope in my arms as I stand to my feet. Blake's hands cup my face as she pulls me down into the most passionate kiss I think we've ever shared.

I can hear the clicks of a camera going off and I can't help but smile into the kiss as I hear all of our friends and family cheering us on.

Blake pulls away from the kiss to look at the big diamond that rests on her finger now. She gasps once again before kissing me and then our daughter.

"We're gonna have a wedding!!" Hope cheers and Blake along with myself can't help but chuckle.

"Yes we are princess." I softly say as I give her a quick kiss before setting her on the ground. I watch as she rushes to her aunties who are just as excited for us.

"You really know how to make a woman cry." Blake softly says as her hands find the back of my hair.


"Did I do good?" I ask and she nods her head yes before attaching our lips back together.

"You did more than good baby. This is amazing." She softly says against my lips as one of her hands moves to caress my jawline.

"It's time to party!" Garrett says and I shake my head at my older brother as Blake chuckles.

"I guess we have a wedding to plan." Blake says and I give her a genuine smile as I rest my forehead against hers. I brush our noses together before attaching my lips to hers softly.

"That we do." I softly whisper as I pull away from her addictive lips.

Today we're celebrating our daughter's fifth birthday. I can't believe she's five already.

"It's my birthday!!!" Hope sings as she enters the kitchen with her pajamas all out of place. I can't help but chuckle at her crazy bed hair.

I watch as Hope scrunches her little eyebrows together as a scowl forms on her lips. I've seen her mother give me this look plenty of times, but seeing her do it causes me to chuckle even harder.

"Don't laugh at me Mama!" Hope says and I feel bad instantly.

"I'm sorry princess. You just have some crazy hair this morning." I say as I bend down and wrap my arms around her.

I pick her up in one swift motion and I start to spin her around the kitchen in circles, earning squeals and giggles out of her.

One of my favorite sounds. We all know what my other favorite sound is.

"What are you two doing?" Hope and I continue to laugh until we come to a stop. We both stare at her mother who's already dressed for the day. I look down at Hope and I's outfits and laugh because we're still currently in our pajamas and it's noon. Her party is in two hours and we haven't even started setting up.

Blake begins to give us the look, the same look Hope was giving me less than five minutes ago.

Hope looks at me and we both begin to laugh once again.

"What is so funny?" Blake says with a raised eyebrow as she approaches us.

"Nothing Mommy." Hope says as she tries to keep a straight face.

Blake just shakes her head at the two of us before she moves towards the refrigerator.

"You two better hurry up and get ready. Your party is in two hours sweetie." Blake says and I set Hope on the ground. I watch as she rushes through the kitchen and I begin to hear her feet go up the stairs.

I move around the kitchen counter and Blake has her back to me. I softly place one hand on her hip while the other moves her long blonde hair aside. My lips come in contact with the exposed skin and Blake lets out a soft moan but tries to shake me off.

"Baby I need to get the food ready." She lets out another moan as my lips find her sweet spot.

"It can wait. I need to pleasure my wife." I softly whisper as I move my hand on her hip underneath her dress.

"I'm not your wife yet." She says through a moan as my fingers work their way to the front of her thong. I brush them against her sex and she nearly melts into me already.

"Two weeks, two weeks and you'll officially be my wife." I whisper as I tug on her ear with my lips which makes her knees buckle but I catch her.

"You two have no shame!" I hear a familiar voice and I groan as I pull away. I roll my eyes as I turn around and see Megan with two large bags. Cara is right behind her with more bags and she mouths a sorry to me. I chuckle as I shake my head and move towards the two.

"Good to see you too Megan." I softly say as I give her a friendly kiss on the cheek before moving to help my best friend.

"You better get your ass ready. Unless you're wearing Batman pajamas to Hope's party." Cara snickers as she looks at my pajama pants.

"I'd look better than you."


"Hu uh! No way. Y/N get your ass upstairs and get ready. I will not let you wear that to my nieces first birthday with her parents." Megan says and I look to Blake who just smirks and shrugs her shoulders.

"Damn what's got her so moody. She acts like she's got a bun in the oven." I whisper to Cara but I guess I wasn't quiet enough.

"That's because there is a bun in my oven!" Megan says and my mouth drops along with my fiancé's.

"You guys are pregnant?" Blake asks and Megan nods her head with a smile of her own.

We congratulate the two of our friends and I honestly couldn't be happier for them. They've had a long journey of getting back to that old place they were once in. But I think Hope had a lot of play in all of it.

Cara finally grew some balls and confessed her undying love to her. And now here they are expecting their first child together.

I quickly hurried up to our room and showered. As I was getting out of the shower I saw something in the trash can that made my heart stop.

I slowly reach inside and pull out a pregnancy test. I feel a wave of sadness hit me as I read the negative sign.

But I frown once again because Blake thought she was pregnant and didn't tell me.

I definitely want more kids with her, there's no question about that. The two of us have been somewhat careful. This is something I really should talk to her about.

But I need to get ready for our daughters birthday party. This conversation can wait until afterwards.

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