《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 33


"Good morning." I hear the voice I love more than anything. I then feel her lips come in contact with my chest making me flutter my eyes open.

My eyes immediately land on Blake. She hovers over top of me and I can't help but feel my heart flutter at the sight of her beautiful face this morning.

Her hair frames her face and her blue eyes shine as she stares at me lovingly.

"Morning." I rasp out as my eyes continue to take her in. A smile forms on her lips and I watch her eyes twinkle like stars in the sky as she looks down at me.

I swear I've never felt anything like this before. I've never felt such a connection, such a strong wave of emotions. She's the one for me. I knew it all those years ago and as I lay underneath her right now I'm once again reminded that she's it.

Blake Lively is my soulmate. She's my future.

"I love you." I whisper out and I watch her smile only widen as she moves a hand to caress my jawline.

"I love you too." Blake whispers before attaching her lips to mine. I feel her straddle my waist and my morning wood immediately comes into contact with her center.

My hands find her hips as our lips move together in perfect synch. Things start to heat up quickly as Blake grinds her center against my shaft.

"Mommy?" We both hear and Blake pulls away. She gives me one last peck before rolling off of me. I watch as she quickly pulls on one of my t-shirts along with her panties.

I quickly grab my boxers and sports bra and pull them on along with a t-shirt.

Blake opens the door and Hope stands before us rubbing her little eyes. Her stuffed bunny hangs from one of her arms and I can't help but smile at the sight of her.

"Good morning baby." Blake softly says as she bends down to our daughters level. Hope reaches out for Blake and wraps her small arms around her neck. Blake picks her up and Hope cuddles into her further.

Blake stands up and I approach my two girls. I run my hand through Hope's long blonde hair before placing a kiss to her head.

"Good morning Princess." I whisper softly and from what I can see of my daughters face she smiles brightly.

"Good morning." She mumbles into her mother's neck and I look to see Blake smiling at the two of us.

"I have a big day planned for us." I say causing the smallest blondes head to perk up.

"After we eat breakfast we're gonna go to the beach, how does that sound?" I ask and Hopes eyes widen and her smile only brightens as a small gasp leaves her lips.

"Really!?" I nod my head and I swear my heart could explode at any moment. Seeing how happy she is only lets me know that I'm doing something right.

"Mommy we're going to the beach!" Hope says to Blake like she hadn't heard what I just said.

"I know." Blake softly says with a smile of her own. Blake and I lock eyes and I give her a genuine smile which she only returns.


This weekend was going to be the best, I'll make sure of it.

"Mommy look at our sandcastle!" Hope yells to Blake who's sitting on the beach towel sunning.

Blake stands up and my eyes can't help but take in her perfect body. My eyes roam her long tan legs, her toned abdomen, her large breasts, and up to her gorgeous face.

I watch her with every step she takes and the sun only magnifies her natural beauty.

"It looks amazing baby." Blake says as she kneels down beside Hope and myself. Her eyes haven't left our daughter and mine haven't left her.

She takes notice of my obvious gazing and it only causes a small blush to form on her cheeks.

"Momma helped me put the seashells on."

My eyes widen and my heart speeds up in my chest. It's beating so hard I swear it's ready to burst out of my body.

Did I just hear her right?

"Well you both did an amazing job." Blake says looking at me with a soft smile. She knows what kind of an effect this has on me because not long ago she was in the same position.

Hearing our daughter call her by her rightful name.

"Momma?" Hope calls to me and I finally snap out of my trance. I look down at my daughter who stands up so she's even with me now. Her small sandy hand cups my cheek as she looks me in the eyes.

"Don't cry." She softly says and I didn't even know I was crying at this point. Her small hand wipes at my tears and I can't help but smile.

"Okay." Is all I can get out which seems to satisfy her because she smiles.

"Can we get ice cream now?" She asks and I nod my head causing her to squeal in excitement. She takes off running towards our blanket and Blake takes my hand, helping me up.

Her hands find my toned abdomen as she cuddles into my side. She brings one hand up to wipe the sand from my cheek that our daughter left behind.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I've never been better." I say with all honesty and I watch the smile form on her lips. I lean down and capture her plump lips within my own, leaving a chaste kiss upon her lips.

"I have my family, that's all I could ever ask for." I softly say as I pull back and Blake's smile only seems to brighten.

This day had turned into one of the best days of my life. I have both of my girls by my side and we're making memories that we'll never forget.

It's been a month since Hope's first official sleepover with Blake and I.

And today she's moving in with us officially. I couldn't be more excited and neither could Blake.

"That's the last box." I say setting it down in Hopes bedroom. Blake's been putting all of her things away as I carried in the boxes. So everything is settled in beside this last box that has 'pictures' written on the outside of it. I decide to carry the box into our bedroom and I set it on the floor.

Ever since Blake and I slept together that night we've been inseparable. She sleeps in my bed every night and she's moved her things into my room. I have no objections at all because I honestly want her by my side when I go to sleep and when I wake up.


But we haven't discussed what we're doing. I want more than anything to make her mine. I just don't want to scare her away, but I'm also afraid of being rejected too.

"My mom and yours are downstairs cooking in the kitchen. Everyone else should be here soon." Blake softly says as she places her hands on my broad shoulders.

I nod my head and don't say a word. I think she can tell something is bothering me.

"What's wrong?" She asks as she moves so she's in front of me now. She lifts my head with the index of her finger underneath my chin. Our eyes meet and I release a shaky breath.

"Nothing.." I softly say but she raises an eyebrow at my response.

"I'm just in my thoughts that's all."

"And what are those thoughts?" She questions as her hand caresses my cheek now. Her thumb rubs against my lower lip and chin as her eyes bore into mine. I swallow the lump in my throat and release a shaky breath.

"Just that I wish you were mine. How I want us to be together again." I softly say and I watch her eyes look across my face as a genuine smile forms on her lips.

"I want that too." She softly says and my eyes meet hers. A smile slowly forms on my lips as I see that she's being genuine.

"You do?" I softly ask and she lets out a small chuckle.

"Baby sometimes I swear you're so oblivious. Of course, I wouldn't have moved in here with you if I didn't see a future with us."

"I love you Y/N, and I want us to be a family." Blake says and I don't even give her a second to say anything else. I bend down and attach our lips together in a passionate kiss. A kiss that leaves us both craving for more. But a knock on the door causes us to pull apart.

"Just wanted to let you guys know everything's ready." My twin sister says with a smirk on her face. I shake my head as she leaves the room and I cup Blake's face with my hand. I lean down and give her a quick kiss before removing my hand from her face. She grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers as she leads me out of our bedroom and downstairs.

When we enter the backyard our whole family is here.

Everyone is talking amongst themselves and are having a great time. Hope is playing with her aunt and uncles, laughing as they run around the yard.

I can't help but smile and feel so at ease now. I officially have both of my girls back. I don't think it could get any better than this.

But my phone ringing pulls me out of my thoughts. I quickly answer it and the voice on the other end makes me smile.

"Are you ready to take over my job?" I hear my old high school coach say over the phone.

"What's the matter Coach, ready to retire already?" I ask with a chuckle.

"You know I've been waiting for years for this."

"Well I guess you found yourself a new head coach." I say and we talk for a few more minutes before I hang up the phone.

"Who was that baby?"

"That was Coach. You're looking at the new head coach of the varsity girls team." I say with a smile and Blake pulls me into a hug.

"That's amazing, I'm so happy for you!" Blake says before attaching her lips to mine.

The rest of the welcome home party for Hope goes by smoothly. All of our friends also showed up and none of them can get over how much Hope looks and acts like Blake.

"Are you sure you're her parent? Because she is all Blake if you ask me." Cara says and I chuckle knowing she's right.

"I'm one hundred percent sure she's mine." I say and just as I do Hope makes a certain face and Cara really starts to lose it.

"Oh yeah, she's definitely yours." Cara says as the two of us laugh.

"So when are you going to make a move?" I ask my best friend as she continues to stare at Megan from across the yard.

"Last I heard she was dating a girl she works with." Cara says and I shake my head with a small laugh.

"When has that ever stopped you?" I ask my best friend who shrugs her shoulders. I watch her stare at the ground in silence and I realize that maybe Cara didn't tell me the whole reason why they needed things.

"Car, what happened?" I ask and she sighs heavily before looking at Megan again.

"She wanted kids and I got scared and ran." Cara says and I look at my friend shocked.

"Why are you.."

"I saw what happened to you and Blake. I didn't want that to happen to us, even though it ended up happening anyways."

I watch as my best friend stares at the only woman she's ever loved. I can see the pain in her eyes, and I realize that I need to help my two good friends get back together.

It's time they have a happy ending too.

"Hope!" I call out to my little girl and she raises her head and smiles as she hears my voice. I wave her over and she runs towards me. I bend down and whisper my plan in her ear and she smiles eagerly as she nods her head.

I stand back up and she grabs Caras hand, pulling her towards her mother and Megan.

Before I know it Hope has both Cara and Megan on each side of her as she takes them across the yard. Blake makes her way towards me and I wrap my arms around her as we watch Hope work her magic.

"What did you put her up to?" Blake asks with a genuine smile and I shake my head with a small laugh.

"She's just helping two people realize they still love each other." I say causing Blake to hum softly before attaching her lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

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