《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 31


It's been two weeks since everything went done at Dylan and Alexis's wedding.

It's been two weeks since I found out my daughter is indeed alive.

It's been two weeks since Blake found out all the secrets her family has been hiding from her.

And it's been two weeks that Paul's been in jail.

The doctor who had helped Paul cover everything up has been arrested and the man has lost his medical license now.

Blake and I both are taking him along with the hospital to court.

We still haven't heard why this doctor decided to cover up for Paul. But something tells me we're about to find out in this trial the reason behind it all.

"All rise." We hear and everyone stands in the courtroom as the judge takes her place.

"You may be seated."

Everyone sits down and I lick my lips as I watch the judge look over some of the files in front of her. Blake sits next to me along with our lawyers. Our family members all sit behind us including our daughter.

Things with Hope are going better than I ever thought they would. Sarah, Adam, Blake, and I sat down with her and tried to explain that Blake and I are her real parents. She was very confused at first, but she's really taking to it. This weekend she's supposed to stay with us for the first time. Well have her for three days and Blake and I are so excited about it.

The court session takes place and I take everything in that the judge is saying along with all of the lawyers.

They finally call the doctor to the stand and I can't help but glare at the man. I feel Blake take my hand under the table and the feeling of her skin touching mine causes me to calm almost instantly.

Things with Blake and I hasn't gone anywhere. We haven't kissed since the night everything went down. The two of us are just trying to focus on our daughter at the moment and get through this trial. I'd love to be with her, but we're putting what matters most first.

And that's getting our daughter back and building a relationship with her.

"Can you state your name for the court?"

"Doctor Nicholas Johnson."

Once he states his name our lawyers begin to grill the man on the stand. He's breaking a sweat and it looks like he doesn't know whether to puke or shit his pants.

They ask him how he knew Paul Lively and that's where it gets worse.

"Paul and I grew up together. We went to the same high school."

The lawyers go on to ask him more questions about his relationship with Paul and they finally get him to crack and reveal why he did what he did.

"When Paul and I were eighteen we went out drinking one night. I was driving the car and we didn't see the girl crossing the road. We hit her and killed her instantly. We were scared so we fled the scene."


"So what you're admitting to is vehicular homicide?"


"Did Paul Lively blackmail you into stating the baby of Y/N Y/LN and Blake Lively was dead?"


"The girl you hit on the road, what happened to her?"

"Paul and I dragged her off the road and threw her in the river."

I'm honestly not surprised with what Paul did. The man is straight evil. I've never met someone so close to satan before.

Our lawyers continue with the questions and put the final nail in the coffin. The hospital doesn't want to testify and they want to settle the case.

The judge finds the hospital at fault and grants us 25 million. The doctor will never practice medicine again and will serve time in jail.

But before he can leave they arrest him for the murder of the girl he hit with his car.

The judge gives Blake and I her condolences and wishes us nothing but the best for our future.

When we leave the courtroom I can't help but feel a wave of relief. Paul for once in his life pleaded guilty and we avoided trial with him.

So from this point on we're done with court and we can move on with our lives.

"I think this calls for a celebratory dinner." My mother says as she pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek.

"I'm starving." Garrett says and I roll my eyes at my brother's words.

"When aren't you hungry?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders.

"Well I'd love to cook dinner for everyone back at our place." Sarah says with a genuine smile and I look to see Blake deep in thought.

"That sounds good." I say softly as I give Sarah a small smile. She nods her head and both of our families walk ahead of us out of the courtroom.

Once we get into my car I turn towards Blake to see her already looking ahead.

"Blake." I softly call to her and she finally turns to look towards me now.

"Are you okay?" I softly ask and I watch her look down at her hands in her lap before meeting my eyes again.

"Just seeing him and listening to that day brings back so many memories."

I reach over the console and take her hand within mine causing her to meet my eyes.

"It's over now." I softly say as I look deeply within her eyes.

"Our baby girl is alive, healthy, and happy." I softly say, causing a tear to leave her eye.

"You're right." She says through a sniffle and I decide to reach over the console completely and pull her into a hug.

She buries her face in the crook of my neck and as her nose brushes against my skin I can't help but shiver. I then feel her breath hitting my neck and I feel myself starting to get worked up. But nothing does it better when I feel her lips come in contact with it.


I try to control my breathing and think of something else besides this beautiful woman's lips against my skin. I use one hand to cup the back of her head and I turn, placing a kiss on her head.

She pulls out of my neck and I move my hands to cup her face. I brush away her tears as our faces are mere inches apart.

As I stare into her eyes I watch her take me in completely. Her eyes roam my face and I watch them zero in on my lips.

My breathing picks up as I feel every nerve in my body stand alert. I don't know who leaned in first but before I know it our lips are attached.

The softness and plumpness of her lips causes goosebumps to arise on my skin as I move my lips against hers expertly.

When we both pull back the two of us are trying to catch our breath. I drop my hands from her face and let them rest on her hips while she caresses my cheek.

I feel her fingers dance along my jawline and down to my chin. Her thumb plays with my bottom lip as a smile forms on her lips and her eyes stare at me dreamily.

"We should get going." I softly whisper even though I want to continue kissing her.

"We should." She whispers before attaching her lips back to mine. I kiss her back with just as much want until I find the strength to pull away.

As I do, I can't help but give her one last peck before fluttering my eyes open and looking at the woman with swollen lips.

Blake opens her eyes and looks at me like I'm her world.

I grab her hand from my face and pull it towards my lips. I give her one last kiss to her hand before turning my attention to the road. I startup my car and begin to drive towards her sisters place.

My hand remains in Blake's lap on the drive there. When we arrive we both head inside as everyone else is already here.

As we enter Blake's hand finds mine and I turn to see the blonde looking at me with a small smile. A smile only reserved for me and my heart swells in my chest.

We enter her sisters front door hand in hand and find everyone spread amongst the house.

Ever since the wedding both of our families have grown closer. Sarah and my mom have grown a friendship amongst each other along with all of our siblings.

"Y/N." I hear my name and my heart melts at the voice who just said it.

"Chase me!" My daughter says with a bright smile as her blue eyes look at me. Her dimples are on full display and I let go of Blake's hand as I begin to chase her into the backyard.

"I'm gonna get you." I playfully growl causing her to squeal. Once I finally catch up to her I wrap my arms around her and lift her into the air.

Giggles and screams fill the air and I can't help but smile and laugh myself. I bury my face into her small neck as I pretend to eat it making her laugh even harder.

As I pull away I can't wipe the smile on my face as I turn the small girl in my arms. She looks down at me as I hold her against my chest. Her small hands cup my face and it's like a deja vu moment as her mother has done this so many times to me.

Her blue eyes shine as she stares down at me and a smile is permanent on her lips.

"You're my Momma right?" She asks and I nod my head with a smile.

"And Blake is my Mommy?" I once again nod my head with a smile.

"Do you love her?"

"I do." I say with a soft smile and I feel her fingers play with my hair now.

"Does she love you?"

"I think so." I softly say and Hope smiles so big it makes my heart swell.

"Good!" Is all she says and it causes me to chuckle.

While Hope and I have our moment in the backyard Blake stands by the door smiling at the whole scene. The blonde can't help but feel so overwhelmed by the whole thing and everything she's ever wanted is happening in front of her.

I feel eyes on us and I turn to see the blonde looking at Hope and myself.

"Look who it is." I whisper to Hope and she turns to see Blake.

"Mommy!" She squeals for the first time and I watch as Blake's eyes well up with tears. I set Hope down and I watch her run towards her mother.

As I watch Blake pick her up and kiss her I can't help but feel at ease. The only woman I've ever loved holds our little girl.

I can't help but get emotional at the sight. Hope is finally coming around to accept us for who we really are in her life.

I'm just hoping that we can continue the progress we're making and eventually our daughter will come and live with us. We'll become a real family and there's nothing I want more than that.

I decide to head towards the two and as I do I watch as Blake whispers something into Hope's ear. My daughter giggles and smiles brightly as her eyes land on me along with Blake's.

The smiles on their faces only causes me to smile and once I reach them Hope reaches out for me. I take her from Blake's arms as we all stand together.

My daughter moves towards my ear as she attempts to cup it.

"She loves you too." Hope whispers loudly and I look at Blake who is smiling softly at us.

She loves me.

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