《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 30


"Do you want to go somewhere private?" Blake softly asks and I nod my head. I follow the blonde through her parents, well I guess I should say grandparents home.

She leads me into her childhood bedroom and I can't help but feel this nostalgic feeling take over. All the good memories we shared in this room, in the bed that she now sits on. Hell our daughter was conceived right there.

I swallow thickly before moving to the chair in her room. I take a seat and rub my hands on my suit pants.

I feel so many emotions running through me right now. Just from the small amount of time I got to spend with Hope, I can't tell she's so much like Blake. A miniature version of her, and it makes my heart swell in my chest knowing that my daughter has her as a mother.

"So.." she starts as she nervously sits on the end of her bed. She fiddles with the bridesmaids dress and I know she's just as nervous as I am about this whole situation.

"I guess I should start with Will first." Blake softly says as she lifts her head to meet my awaiting gaze. Her soft blue eyes stare into my own as she nervously licks her lips before ducking her head again.

"I met him at the beginning of my senior year in college." She starts and I just continue to look at the woman as she tries to find the words to tell me about this guy.

"We met at an event hosted by the Dean. I wasn't looking for a relationship at the time. But he asked me out and my roommates encouraged me to just go, saying it wouldn't hurt to get out." I watch her fingers play with the fabric of her dress before releasing a small shaky breath.

"So I went. It was nice because for once I wasn't thinking about you." She says as she lifts her head to meet my eyes.

"He was nothing more than a distraction. A distraction from the heartbreak I was feeling every single day after losing our daughter, and after losing you." She says this with tears in her eyes as she looks down at her lap. I watch them slowly fall down her cheeks.

"But he called you his fiancé?" I say barely above a whisper and her eyes meet mine again.

"He proposed, but I never accepted it. Paul on the other hand did. He started drawing up business deals with Wills family. I wanted nothing to do with it. I wasn't going to marry someone I didn't love." She says through her tears as she wipes at her eyes.

"I've only ever pictured myself marrying one person." Blake says as she looks away from my eyes and it makes my heart race.

"I never once stopped caring about you Y/N. My hearts always been yours." She says with so much emotion and I feel my heart speed up at her words. But my brain fights against it.

"But you weren't there for me Blake! You weren't there when my father died, and you weren't there when I won the NCAA championship four years in a row." I say with tears in my eyes now.


"I needed you." I say as I feel my heart break. I stand up from the chair and move to her window that overlooks the roof. I open it and allow the fresh air to enter her room. The slight breeze calms me down to an extent as I try to collect myself.

"I was there Y/N. I was there for all of it." She softly says from right behind me. I turn around with tears streaming down my face to see her standing in front of me now.

"I was at every single championship game. I was at your senior night where you won MVP." She says with tears in her eyes as a sad smile forms on her lips at my achievements.

"And I was at your fathers funeral." She says with a frown and I can't help but let the tears continue to flow down my cheeks.

"I wasn't sure where we stood, so I kept my distance. But I was with you Y/N, I was there for everything." She says with so much emotion and sincerity that I feel myself burst into tears. I hang my head as I feel her hands cup my face as she pulls me into her. I bury my face into her neck as her fingers run through the back of my hair.

"I'm so sorry baby." She whispers into my ear as I feel her lips connect with my cheek as she holds me.

"I know how much your father meant to you. He was an amazing man." Blake whispers softly as I calm myself down enough to pull away from her neck.

"He loved you. No matter what happened with us, you were still his favorite." I say to the blonde who gives me a sad smile.

It goes silent between us besides the sounds of our breathing and occasional sniffling. Her arms remain wrapped around my neck while mine softly hold her waist.

"He would have loved her ya know." I say grabbing Blake's attention. I chuckle softly as I remember one of the moments I shared with my father after he found out Blake was pregnant.

"He told me one night when we were working on the car that he knew our little girl would be so bright. He said that she would be as beautiful as a butterfly, sweet like honey, and yet hold her own." I say with a chuckle at the memory and Blake smiles at my words with a chuckle of her own.

"She's something else that's for sure." The blonde says as her fingers continue to play with my hair.

"But he was right, she's everything he said she'd be and more."I say causing the blonde to meet my eyes once again.

"She's so beautiful Blake." I softly say making the woman across from me tear up once again.

"She really is."

I move my hands from her waist and grab her hand, leading her towards the end of her bed. The two of us take a seat next to each other but I don't let go of her hand. I continue to hold it as I try to find my words.

"What are we going to do?" I softly ask with worry laced within my voice as I stare at the beautiful blonde.


"I don't know." She softly says as she looks down at her lap in defeat.

"I feel so cruel by taking her away from Sarah and Adam. They are the only parents she's ever known." Blake softly says as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"But she's our daughter, and we deserve the chance at raising her." Blake softly says as her eyes meet mine and I nod my head agreeing completely.

I know Sarah and Adam love Hope. They only want what's best for her and I appreciate that more than they could ever know.

"She's just so young she won't understand fully what all this means." I say and Blake nods her head agreeing with me.

"But I think we should try and ease her into it like Sarah and Adam said." I say to Blake who gives me a genuine smile.

"I think we should too." Blake softly says as she looks me in the eyes.

"But aren't you supposed to start Med school in the fall?" I ask the blonde who shrugs her shoulders.

"Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be a doctor. But I think bonding and building a relationship with my daughter is more important."

I can't help but smile at her words which causes her to smile softly at me.

"So how are we going to do this?" She asks me and I shrug my shoulders this time.

"I have my own place." I say causing the blonde to look at me.

"I bought a house and have been renovating it. So if you need somewhere to stay.."

"Yeah, that'd be great." Blake softly says and I nod my head.

"Great." I softly say as the room once again grows silent. The two of us just stare at one another as the atmosphere around us grows tense once again.

I feel myself raising my hand and I caress Blake's cheek within it as I stare deeply into her eyes. The two of us start to lean in and just as our noses brush together a knock sounds at the door. I clench my jaw as I use every ounce of self control to pull away from the blonde I've been missing so much.

Blake stands from her bed slowly and walks towards the door. When she opens it we're surprised to see Hope standing behind it with the biggest grin on her little face.

My heart starts to pound in my chest as I watch the mother of my child interact with our daughter. Blake kneels down the best that she can because of her dress and the way the two are looking at each other makes me smile.

"Everyone is waiting on you guys." She says as her little eyes move to me and I give her a genuine smile making my little girl smile brighter.

"Are they now?" I question the small toddler who nods her head triumphantly.

"Yup! And Alison says to quit sucking face!" Hope says with a giggle that makes butterflies erupt in my stomach and my heart feels like it's soaring at the sound.

"We'll be right down." Blake softly says to the small girl who looks at Blake with this shine in her eyes.

"Okay!" She says cheerfully before disappearing from the doorway. Blake slowly stands to her feet before releasing a shaky breath. I stand up and walk towards the woman. I place my hands comfortingly on her shoulders and she immediately turns in them.

I end up wrapping the blonde up into a hug and I feel her clutch into the back of my dress shirt.

"We can do this." I whisper into her hair before kissing the side of her head. I feel her grip on me tighten as if she's scared I'll walk away from her.

When we pull back I wipe the tears from the blonde's face as I softly look into her eyes.

"I never got to ask, are you okay?" I ask the blonde who chuckles with a small smile.

"I'll be as good as I'll ever be Y/N. I'm hurt, confused, enraged, but also happy if that makes sense." I raise my eyebrow at the blonde who only smiles to herself.

"Why happy?" I ask and she shakes her head before meeting my eyes.

"Because Paul and Katherine aren't my parents. I now know that my actual parents wanted me. That I wasn't just some game to them or convenient."

"Sarah has always been a mother figure for me growing up, hell she took care of me 99% of the time. It was always her I could count on. I honestly should have noticed." Blake softly says and I nod my head understanding.

"So are you going to start calling her Mom now?" I ask the blonde with a cheeky smile which causes her to shove me back causing us both to laugh.

"I don't know! Maybe in the future, but right now I'm trying to wrap my head around everything." She softly says with a genuine smile and the two of us one again get lost staring in one another's eyes.

I take a step forward and she does the same. All rational thoughts are out the window at this point as I dip my head down and brush our noses together softly as my lips capture hers.

I've never felt my heart at such ease, and I haven't experienced this feeling in such a long time. The way her perfectly plump, soft lips fit within mine has my head spinning.

The kiss isn't anything heated nor is it rushed as I slowly move my lips with hers before pulling back.

I rest my forehead against hers softly as I try to catch my breath because every kiss with her takes my breath away no matter how small it is.

"We should go downstairs." She softly whispers across my lips and I hum in agreement causing the blonde to smile brightly.

"We can continue this later." She softly whispers before pulling away from me completely. I watch her walk away from me with a whole new sway in her hips and I feel my heart racing once again.

No matter how much time has passed, the woman still has an effect on me. And I don't mind one bit.

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