《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 29


As I stand here next to Blake I can't even imagine how she is feeling right now. All in one day she found out her daughter is alive, her dad is a psychotic asshole, and her big sister is actually her mother.

Now that I think about it, Sarah and Adam were the only ones who were really ever trying to get to know me. I thought Sarah was just being a protective big sister, but in reality she was making sure her daughter had chosen the right person to be with.

When Blake and I were together Sarah always made me feel welcome. I never once felt like an outsider when we would spend time with them, which we did often.

"I know you may be angry with me, you may even hate me.." Sarah says as she wipes at her eyes as she stands in front of Blake.

"Which I understand and accept. But I want you to know that I never stopped fighting for you. I never stopped trying.." Sarah says as more tears leave her eyes.

"You've always been there for me, for as long as I can remember." Blake softly says as tears leave her eyes again.

"Every time it stormed late at night I would find myself running into your bedroom. You'd help me climb in bed with you.." Blake says through sniffles as the tears don't stop flowing. Sarah nods her head that she remembers as she takes Blake's hand within her own holding it tightly.

"I would sing to you until you fell asleep." Sarah says through a sad smile as the tears continue to flow between them.

"I never ran to their room, it was always yours I found myself going to." Blake says through a sad smile herself.

"It was always you I wanted when I got hurt or was upset." Blake says as she takes Sarah's other hand.

"I'm so sorry." Sarah says through a choked sob and I watch as Blake wraps her arms around the woman who is her true mother. Sarah hugs her back just as tightly and I feel myself get emotional at the sight. It grows quiet until someone decides to break the silence.

"I'm gay."

My eyes widen as I turn to see Blake's brother Eric standing from the couch.

"I've been gay for as long as I can remember." He says with a soft smile as he looks at his siblings and mother.

"Dad found me with a boy in my room after school when I was fourteen. So he sent me to boarding school which didn't do anything but give me more access to boys." He says through a chuckle.

"He told me that no son of his would ever be gay. He hired a prostitute to have sex with me. He held a gun to my head and made me have sex with her. He said he'd kill me." Eric says as he shakes his head at the terrible memory.

"Jesus Eric! Why didn't you ever say anything to me?" Katherine says as tears fill her eyes.

"I already knew what he was doing to you Mom. I wasn't about to add more to your plate."


"Well I can promise you all he's not getting out anytime soon." I say as I move to take a seat on the arm of the couch.

"I saw that the police arrested him. But what all is he being charged for?" Jessica asks as she looks at me intrigued.

"Kidnapping, Fraud, Extortion, and that's just from my case against him. I guess the police have already been keeping an eyes on him from some shady business he's been doing." I say, causing the whole family to look at me wide eyed.

"Good. I hope he rots in prison." Jessica says with an eye roll and it seems like everyone agrees.

"So what are we going to do about Hope?" I ask the two women who stand in front of me.

"I mean for the first four years of her life she's thought that Adam and you were her parents." I say to Sarah who looks back at her husband and he moves towards us.

"She's still young so she won't understand what's going on." I say with a heavy sigh and I watch as Blake looks at Sarah and Adam.

"It will take some time easing her into it, but I know she will adjust well." Adam says as he places his hands on Sarah's shoulders.

"She's a very bright girl and has the biggest heart." Sarah says as she looks at Blake with a soft expression.

"Is it okay if I go and see her?" I ask as the aching feeling of being near my daughter is driving me crazy at this point.

"Of course." Sarah says and she insists that I go. I leave Blake with her family and I begin to search for the small children.

I can hear their laughter down the hall so I follow the noise until I reach a room filled with toys.

My eyes land on Hope as she plays with who I now know as her Aunt Stella.

"Hi Y/N!" Stella says as she continues to play with her baby doll. Hope turns her head towards me and I feel my heart speed up within my chest.

She gives me this smile and I feel my eyes start to fill with tears. The smile is so familiar because her mother has given me the same smile more than a handful of times.

"Hi Hope." I softly say as I feel my voice trying to crack.

"Hi!" She says with such a cheery little voice that it makes the tears fall from my eyes.

"Can I play with you guys?" I ask the girls who look at one another before nodding their heads yes.

So I sit down next to the two on the floor as I watch them talk and play with their babies. I could sit here all day and watch Hope talk. The way her eyes shine also remind me so much of her mother. If it weren't for her dimples she would be Blake's miniature. She already is really, but knowing she's a part of me makes my heart swell with pride in my chest.

"I'll be right back Hope!" Stella says as she gets up and leaves so it's just the two of us.


"So do you like to play with baby dolls?" I ask her as she pretends to feed her baby.

"This is my baby, it's not a doll!" She says with some sass and I can't help but smile as I chuckle softly to myself. Definitely Blake's mini.

"Oh I see." I say as I watch her turn her head back towards me. Her long blonde curls swing in the air as she does this and it brings another smile to my lips.

"Do you like babies?" She asks me with a serious face and it takes everything in me not to laugh because she has her little eyebrow raised at me.

"Yes, I love them." I try to say with a straight face but watching her nod her head in triumph causes me to chuckle softly.

"What's your favorite color?" She asks as she goes back to feeding her baby.

"Blue." I say causing the little girl to look at me again.

"I like blue, but purple is my favorite!" She says with a bright smile that makes my heart leap.

"Here." She says as she begins to hand me her baby.

"Feed her." I just do as she asks and I watch as she stands up and leaves me alone in the playroom. I don't know why but I stayed put like she asked.

"Who knew that all those years ago playing baby dolls with me would teach you a few things." I turn to see my twin sister standing in the doorway with a smirk on her lips.

"You forced me to play, I didn't have a choice!" I say causing the blonde to chuckle.

"I guess that's true." She says as she walks into the playroom. Ali takes a seat next to me and I sit the baby doll down as I turn to look at my twin.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay?" She softly asks and I see the sincerity in her eyes.

After finding out we lost the baby four years ago Ali saw me at my absolute worst. She stayed by my side and held me at night while I cried. I had never seen my sister cry so hard in her life. She was just as devastated as I was. Through that rough time she opened up to me. I found out why my sister became so cold, and bitchy.

She had gotten pregnant and miscarried not even a week after finding out. It was Colton's baby and she made me swear not to tell him. They weren't in a serious relationship and neither of them wanted one with one another.

That night we cried together. I learned so much about my twin sister at that time. She's still the compassionate, protective Ali that I grew up with.

"I'm okay, still processing a lot of it ya know." I say to my twin who nods her head in understanding.

"I thought our family was fucked up, but this is a whole other level." Ali says with a chuckle and I can't help but laugh.

"I think Paul tops off any crazy relative we have." I say making her laugh. It goes silent until she breaks it again.

"My niece is gorgeous." Ali says with a genuine smile and I can't stop the smile from spreading on my lips.

"She really is."

"So where does this leave you and Blake?" Ali asks me the question I honestly haven't been thinking about.

The only thing that's been on my mind is my daughter. I never once stopped and thought about what is going to happen between her mother and I since she ended it with Will.

"I don't know.."

"Do you still love her?"

"I never stopped." I say truthfully and I watch my sister give me a sad smile.

"I know how bad she hurt you the last time. I'm not saying to not go for it, just be cautious with your heart Y/N." I nod my head understanding what my sister is saying.

"Just don't jump back into it if you're not ready."

"I know Al." I say softly and she reaches across and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back and when we pull apart Hope comes walking back through the door. She looks at Ali then at myself and walks towards us.

"Hi!" Hope says as she looks at Ali with a bright smile. Ali looks at me with a genuine smile on her face and I can't help but return it.

"You're really pretty!" Hope says as she stands next to me.

"Thank you, you're really pretty too." Ali says as she looks between us.

"Thanks! Do you want to play babies with me?" Hope asks with so much excitement and Ali laughs softly.

"I would love to!" Ali says and I shake my head with a small laugh. I decide to stand up to leave Ali with Hope and before I walk away I stop and admire the two in the doorway.

"They seem to be getting along." I hear her voice and it's like every nerve in my body stands on edge.

"Yeah, she's great." I softly say as my eyes soften at the sight.

"She's so beautiful and smart. She's even sassy." I softly say before turning to look at the blonde who birthed my daughter. The blonde who still holds my heart.

"I wonder where she got that from." Blake softly says with a small smirk and I chuckle as I shake my head.

"I think we both know where she got that from." I softly say and the laughter dies down as we stare intensely at one another.

"Do you think we could talk now?" She asks softly and I can hear the fear within her voice. Honestly I'm scared of this talk too. It can go in so many different ways.

But as I turn to look at my daughter and I watch her laugh at something her Aunt Ali says I can't help but feel hopeful.

"Yeah, I think it's time we do." I softly say as I turn to face her.

As our eyes meet I can't help but once again feel hopeful. There's nothing I want more than to be a family. I just hope she wants that too.


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