《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 28


"Before we do, I think I owe Dylan and Alexis an apology." I tell the three as my eyes remain on my daughter.

"I should apologize too." Blake says and I begin to lead us back inside the tent. Everyone has seemed to get back to the celebration and both of our families stand off to the side as they discuss what just occurred.

I spot Alexis and Dylan standing off to the side talking amongst themselves and I instantly feel bad for ruining their day. But I knew this was my one shot at confronting Paul in a public place where I have witnesses.

The two of us walk towards our best friends who turn to see us.

"Dyl, Alexis I'm so sorry for everything." I plead with my best friend and his wife. He shakes his head and places his hands on my shoulders making me let go of Blake's hand.

"Are you kidding me? You just found out your daughter is alive. How could we be upset with you?" He says with pure sincerity as he pulls me into a hug. Alexis hugs Blake as the two shed some tears.

"Now our wedding will definitely be one to remember." He says as he pulls back.

"I'm sorry Lex." I say to the girl who gives me a small smile.

"It's okay, I'm just glad something good came out of this day besides us getting married." She says as she hugs me tightly.

"I hope your parents aren't too mad." I say with a winced face because I know how Dylan's parents can be.

He waves it off as he wraps his arms around Alexis.

"Who cares, it isn't their wedding day, it's ours." Dylan says and Alexis smiles while nodding her head in agreement.

"I think both of your families really want an explanation though. So if you guys need to leave we totally understand. But you guys are more than welcome to stay too." Alexis says and we look to see our families still talking amongst each other trying to wrap their heads around the whole situation.

"Congratulations again guys." I say as I hug them both. Blake does the same before we both walk towards our families.

Adam and Sarah are back with them all and my family is marveling at the sight of my daughter.

"Hey guys." I say grabbing everyone's attention. I run a hand over my face stressfully before running it through my curls.

"I think there's a lot of explaining to do. So with that being said, I think it's best we all leave and go somewhere more private so they can continue celebrating." I say and Garett laughs at my words.

"Don't you think it's a little late for that?" He snickers again and my mother slaps him in the chest while shaking her head.

"We can go back to my place." Blake's mother Katherine says as she steps forward. Everyone nods their head and we all begin to walk out of the venue.

I start walking towards my car when I hear Blake call my name.

"Can I get a ride?" She asks with hopeful eyes. Her bottom lip is tucked under her teeth and I nod my head for her to join me.


Once we both get in the car I start it up and she smiles as she makes herself comfortable in the familiar seat.

"As much as I wanted to take Hope with us, I know ripping her from your sister will only cause more harm." I softly say as I turn to look at Blake who once again is looking down guiltily.

I reach across the console and raise her face by her chin so our eyes meet.

"Stop blaming yourself. Please." I plead with the woman who nods her head.

"We have her now. She's alive and that's all that matters." I softly say and Blake lets a few tears fall from her eyes.

I lean across the console and pull her into a much needed hug. I feel her hold onto me tightly as her nails hit the nape of my neck.

"Everything's going to be okay." I softly whisper to the woman before pulling back.

I scan her face and release a shaky breath because in just four years her beauty has only magnified.

No words are spoken as I slowly pull away from the woman and begin to drive towards her parents mansion.

When we pull in everyone else is already here waiting on us. The two of us walk into Blake's home to see everyone patiently waiting in the living room for us.

When we enter, all eyes fall on us. Well except for our daughters.

I watch Blake's niece and nephews take Hope into another room so the adults can talk but my eyes can't help but follow her as she leaves.

I can't help but feel scared that someone will take her away from me again.

"She'll be okay, I promise." Katherine says as she notices my unsteady gaze.

I nod my head as I remove my tux jacket as I feel myself become hot. I roll up the sleeves on my dress shirt and unbutton the vest. I remove my tie and start to have some trouble with it. I feel a pair of hands grab it from me and my eyes meet Blake's as she helps get the tie off from around my neck.

Our eyes hold so much and everyone in the room can see that.

We turn our attention back to our family members who look at us with amused smiles.

"So who wants to start?" I ask and Sarah looks at Adam before releasing a deep breath.

"I will." Sarah says as she tucks her hair behind her ears. Adam places a comforting hand on her back encouraging her.

"Dad approached me once you moved back in the house." Sarah says as she runs her hands on her dress.

"He told me about his plan to get you away from Y/N. He knew nothing could get you guys to break up besides the loss of your baby." Sarah shakes her head as tears begin to fall from her eyes.

"I told him he was crazy! That's when he said that Adam and I have to take part in his plan."

"I refused and so did Adam. We didn't want to be involved in his evil ways." Sarah says as she looks at Blake and myself.


"We wanted to tell you both, we wanted to warn you what he had been planning. But Dad being himself had a way planned out and he knew I would do it." Sarah says as more tears fall from her eyes.

"He threatened for her to disappear altogether. That if we didn't take her home after she was born that Mya would disappear from this world." Sarah cries and Adam holds her softly.

"I planned on telling you, I just had to find the right moment where I knew Dad would have no control over what happened. I needed to make sure Mya was safe. I couldn't bear to have him take her away from you completely. I would never let him do what he did to me." Sarah cries and I look at Blake with furrowed eyebrows as I grow completely confused as to what Sarah is referring too. And by the look on her family's faces they are just as confused.

I watch Adam kiss her on the head before looking at us with sad eyes. I watch him look at Katherine and that's when I watch Blake's mother hang her head.

"I had a baby when I was sixteen." Sarah softly says and my eyes widen in pure shock. She looks at Blake and myself as she cries even harder.

"Dad didn't like the guy I was with because he didn't come from money. He refused to let me see him. Did everything you could possibly think of to keep us away from each other." Sarah cries and I can see her trying to hold it together but it's no use.

"His name was Brian. He liked to work on cars. He had built his own." She says with a sad smile as she looks at me.

"One night I snuck out of the house to meet him. We were going to run away together. We were going to be a family." Sarah begins to get choked up again and she looks up at Blake with broken eyes.

"He crashed his car on his way to meet me, and he didn't make it." Sarah says as the tears continue to flow down her cheeks.

"Dad said I was unstable to care for a baby. That I didn't deserve to keep my child because I couldn't even get myself out of bed. He was cold and heartless. He told me that I wouldn't ruin his name. So he took my baby." She says as she stares at Blake and myself.

"What did he do with it?" I ask and she swallows nervously before standing up. I watch her stare at her mother with this look of almost hatred before looking at Blake.


No fucking way.

"He kept her and that was sort of my punishment. I was forced to watch him raise my daughter as his own." Sarah says and I watch as she walks towards Blake and myself. I don't know why I never noticed this before. Blake and Sarah share a lot of similarities.

"No.." Blake says as she shakes her head as tears quickly fill her eyes.

"After I had you, he said if I didn't give you to him that he would make you disappear. I wouldn't let him take my baby away. I'm so sorry.." Sarah cries even harder as she stands in front of Blake.

"You're my mother not my sister?" Blake questions softly as she's almost scared of the answer.

I watch Sarah wipe away at her tears before biting her trembling bottom lip. She nods her head and Blake bursts into tears.

"You've lied to me my whole life." Blake yells at Sarah along with her mother.

"Did you guys know?" She asks her siblings who shake their heads no.

"We were too young to remember." Jessica says as she points to Eric and herself.

"All I remember is Mom going away for a while then she came back with a baby." Samantha says and I watch Blake shake her head.

"I'm so sorry, please don't hate me. I only did all of this to protect you. Paul is an evil man, and I didn't want him to hurt you or Mya." Sarah cries and I watch Adam move to comfort her.

I reach for Blake's hand and she jumps at first before looking at me with tears eyes. She looks at the woman who she now knows is her true mother before looking at Katherine.

"Why would you let him do this? Why would you do that to your own daughter!?" Blake yells at her grandmother and I wrap my arms around her from behind so she doesn't do something she will regret later.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I was only trying to protect you all. This is all my fault, if I hadn't married that monster we wouldn't be in this situation." Katherine says as she finally breaks as tears leave her eyes.

"But they wouldn't also be here either." My mother says and she makes a good point.

"That sick man is the reason why I have all of you. As much as I hate the man I can't be truly ungrateful." Katherine says as she wipes at her eyes.

"This is so fucked up!" Garrett says causing my mother to slap him hard in the chest.

We all stand and bask in the news. I watch as Blake stares at the woman she once knew as her big sister and tries to wrap her head around that she's actually her mother.

"So my Dad isn't a psychopath?" She asks with a soft chuckle as the tears continue to leave her eyes and Sarah finally breaks into a small smile as she chuckles through the tears.

"No. He was a passionate, sweet man who loved us both very much." Sarah says as she looks at Blake with a newfound softness.

"So what was his last name?" Blake asks as she wipes at her eyes.

"Walker. Brian Walker."

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