《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 20


As Blake and I leave the clinic my mind has completely zoned out.

What are we going to do? What are we going to tell our parents? I'm not scared of my parents, but I'm scared of what Blake's parents might do.

Not only am I worried about that, I'm worried about her future. I don't want to be the cause of ruining it.

"Baby?" I hear Blake call my name and I turn to look at the girl as we sit parked in my driveway.

"Sorry." I softly say as I turn to face her.

"Are you okay?" She asks as her hand reaches for mine. I feel her take my hand within hers and I feel the same sparks that I felt the very first time we touched.

"Yeah, I was just thinking." I softly say as I stare into her blue eyes that I love so much.

"What were you thinking about?"

"What's we're going to do, how we're going to tell our parents, what your parents will do, your future." I say as I watch her face contort in confusion.

"What about my future?"

"How having this baby will affect it. I don't want you to miss out on the experience because of me."

"Why would you be the cause of me missing out on it?"

"Because it's my fault I got you pregnant."

"I'm going to stop you right there. This is not your fault. I'm not really big into religion but I think this was meant to happen to us. And to think I was already pregnant when we found out the condom broke."

I nod my head understanding everything she is saying but I still feel guilty. I should have been more careful with the condoms.

"I know you're right, but I can't help but feel guilty." I say sadly and I feel her move my hand over her small bump.

"This baby and I are incredibly lucky to have you Y/N. This may not be what we pictured for our future at the moment, but I wouldn't want to experience this with anyone else."

I can't help but lean across the console and attach my lips to hers in a sweet, soft kiss. When we pull away we spot my mother on the front porch waving us to come inside.

"So, are you ready to tell my family?" I ask the blonde who looks at me nervously before nodding her head yes.

Blake gets out from the driver's seat before moving around to help me out of the car. I crutch my way into the house and my mom hugs Blake immediately.

"Hi honey, we missed you!" She says as she smiles brightly at my girlfriend. I hope my mom doesn't change the way she feels about Blake after I tell her what's going on.

I've kept my parents in the dark about the way Blake's father has been treating me. Every time they ask why Blake hasn't been around I come up with an excuse.

But tonight I think we're ready to lay it all out. My mom leads us into the living room where my dad is already watching tv.

Blake and I take a seat on the couch and before my mom can leave the room I stop her.


"Hey Ma, could you stay. We need to talk to you guys." She looks at me with a worried face as she takes a seat on the arm rest of my fathers chair. He turns off the tv and the two of them give us their full attention.

"There's a reason why Blake hasn't been coming over anymore." I say swallowing thickly as my parents look between the two of us.

I then go into full detail of the past events with Blake's parents. Blake chimes in too as she explains what her parents are doing to her.

"Honey why didn't you tell us this was going on?" My mom asks as she looks at me sadly.

"Because you guys have enough on your plate right now. You don't need to hear about my problems."

"Y/N, you're our daughter. We want to know everything that's going on in your life. No matter what we are dealing with, you and your siblings come first." My dad says and I nod my head at him in understanding.

"We have something else to tell you." I say and my mom holds onto my dad's hand as she gives us the go ahead.

"Blake's pregnant." I say watching their eyes widen.

"And it's my baby." Their mouths fall agape as they stare at the two of us before my mother shakes her head.

"Y/N, you know what the doctor said..."

"Mom, we just came back from seeing him. He tested me again and out of some miracle I'm not sterile anymore."

"You aren't.."

"No. This is my baby." I say and I watch her look at my father before standing up from the chair. She begins to pace around the room as her hands run through her hair.

"I'm too young to be a grandma!" She says and it causes me to smile because I know she's taking this better than I thought.

"We taught you to use protection." She says as she turns to look at me with a stern face.

"We were careful. Things happen, condoms break." I say and I watch my mom sigh. She looks down at the floor before walking over to the two of us.

I turn to see Blake with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Oh honey, it's going to be okay." My mom says as she pulls Blake into a comforting hug. I watch as my mother tries to calm down my pregnant, hormonal girlfriend and I turn to see my dad with an unreadable expression.

"Dad?" I call to him and his eyes finally meet mine.

He stands up from the chair and approaches me. I stand up and he pulls me into a hug.

"I know things have been rough for you. And I know you thought your life was over after blowing your knee out, but it looks like it's just beginning." He softly says as he hugs me tightly.

"I know you will do right by her, and I expect nothing less. You have a family now Y/N, it's your job to protect and love them." He says as he pats me on the back. When we pull back I notice some tears leaving his eyes.


My dad being emotional is something that is very rare. So seeing him like this hits me hard.

"Have you told her parents yet?" My dad asks and I shake my head no.

"I understand this is a conversation that the two of you should have with them. But your mother and I would like to talk to them as well." He says and my mother and Blake pull away from one another.

"Are both of your parents home tonight Blake?" My dad asks and Blake nods her head yes.

"Okay, let's get going then." My dad says as he moves to grab his keys and cellphone.

All four of us leave the house together and get inside my moms SUV. I give them Blakes address and they type it into my moms GPS system.

When we pull up into Blake's driveway my parents eyes widen at the sight. Blake types in the code so we can enter and as we draw closer to their home my mom lets out a small gasp.

My dad pulls up and parks. We all four get out of the SUV and Blake is immediately clinging to my side.

As my parents walk ahead of us I pull her into me and place a kiss to her forehead, causing her eyes to close in bliss.

"Everything's going to be okay baby." I whisper as I pull away. Our eyes meet and we follow behind my parents.

Blake holds my hand as she leads us up to the front door. She opens it and we all follow behind her.

"Mom, Dad." Blake calls out and soon enough her parents appear. Her father looks at me in pure disgust but quickly changes his facial expression as he notices the two adults standing behind us.

"Honey, who are your guests?" Katherine asks as she and her husband walk closer towards us.

"These are Y/Ns parents." Blake says softly and I feel her hand clutch onto mine.

"Hi I'm Jennifer, you have a beautiful home." My mother says as she extends her hand to Blake's mother. I watch closely as Katherine accepts her hand and she gives her a small smile.

"Thank you. I'm Katherine, Blake's mother." Katherine then looks towards my father who extends his hand.

"Jeffrey,Y/Ns father." He says with a genuine smile and Katherine shakes his hand.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on?" I look away from my dad and Katherine to see Paul looking unamused by this whole thing.

"Why don't we take this conversation to the living room." Katherine suggests as she leads us all towards the living room.

Blake immediately cuddles into my side as she sits close to me and I notice her fathers glare has not left me.

"Blake I thought we made ourselves very clear." Paul says as he grits through his teeth.

"That's actually something we wanted to talk to you both about." My mom says as she looks at the two.

"We made it very clear to Blake that we do not approve of her experiment." Paul says and I watch my mothers facial expression change into a very pissed off one.

"Your daughter is eighteen, she's an adult and can make her own decisions on who she wants to date." My mother bites back and I watch Paul's face get even redder.

"Not when she's living under my roof!"

"Paul.." Katherine tries but he just continues.

"My daughter has a bright future ahead of herself. She doesn't need your daughter getting in the way of it."

As the parents all continue to fight with one another about Blake and myself I look to see my girlfriend looking at me with sad eyes.

"I'm pregnant!" Blake yells and everyone shuts up immediately.

Blake's parents look at her in pure confusion.

"So you're with a boy again? Was it Wyatt? I can finally get that business deal arranged." Paul says with a look of relief but Blake shakes her head no repeatedly.

"No! I'm not with a boy and the baby isn't Wyatts. It's Y/Ns."

Both of their eyes land on me and Paul looks at me disgustingly.

"What do you mean it's Y/Ns, she's a girl!" Paul says with pure confusion in his voice.

"I'm intersex. My lower anatomy consists of male reproductive organs." I say and I watch Paul's face twist as it turns red.

"You little freak! You got my daughter pregnant!" He yells as he stands from the couch and my father stands up as well as he protectively stands in front of me.

"Dad stop!" Blake pleads as her father looks like he's ready to murder me.

"You're getting rid of it!" He seethes and I watch fear quickly fill Blake's eyes as the tears leave her blue eyes.

"Paul, calm down." Katherine pleads with her husband but he's too far gone.

"You two are done! Blake go upstairs to your room." He yells with his eyes cold.


"Now Blake! And you all need to leave my property now or I'll call the authorities." Paul says with menace behind his voice.

"No! I'm eighteen and you have no say over what I do with my baby or my life. I'm done letting you control me. I'm leaving." Blake says as she stands up to her feet. Paul tries to move towards her but I step in his path so he cannot lay his hands on his daughter. He goes to shove me out of the way and since I don't have very good balance with my leg I fall back into a chair.

This sends my dad in a rage as he moves to grab Paul.

"Keep your hands off my daughter!"

I look up to see my mother and Blake helping me off the floor and Katherine sits in her same position as she's shocked at what's going on.

"Get your hands off of me!" Paul yells as he swings his fist at my dad's face.

"Let's leave please." Blake pleads and I look towards my mother who nods her head. We all make our way towards the door and move to walk out the door.

My dad appears behind us as he helps us out of the house. As we get closer to my mothers SUV Paul walks out the door.

"If you leave Blake you will no longer be a part of this family."

"Bye dad."

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