《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 9


After having breakfast with Blake, my mom, dad, and sister I ran upstairs to grab a quick shower. Once I was finished I dressed myself in some blue jeans and a long sleeved navy shirt.

I make sure I smell good before leaving my room and heading downstairs. As I get closer to the bottom I hear my mother talking with Blake.

As I grow closer I notice the two are looking at the collage of pictures my mother made on our living room wall.

"This was Jeff and I's very first picture." My mother says as she points to the picture in the center of the wall. It's where it all started, where our family first became possible.

"We had only known each other for a week and he told me he loved me." My mother says and I watch Blake look at the picture.

"Y/N said you guys have been married for thirty three years." Blake softly says as she meets my mother's eyes.

"We have. I won't lie to you and say that all of those years were easy, but the struggles have been well worth it." My mother says with a genuine smile.

"My parents met in college and married after a year of dating. Their marriage is more like a business deal than a loving relationship."

My mother gives the girl a sad smile before resting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

I decide to make my presence known and enter the living room making both women turn towards me.

"Hey." I softly say and Blake gives me a genuine smile.

"Hey." She softly says and my mother excuses herself but not after telling Blake it was great meeting her.

My mother gives my shoulder a small squeeze before leaving us in the living room.

"You ready to go?" I ask softly and she nods her head while giving me a small smile.

"My Mom should be getting back today." Blake says and I nod my head as I lead us towards the doorway.

The two of us walk out the front door and towards my car. I open the passenger door and help her inside before getting into the drivers side.

I back out of the driveway and begin our journey towards Blake's home. She gives me her address and she lives twenty five minutes away from my house.

And when I pull into her drive my eyes nearly bulge out of my head. Blake gets out of the car to type in the code to the gate and it opens. She gets back inside my car and as we drive up to her house I can't help but feel like my house looks like an old candy wrapper compared to her mansion.

Once we get pulled up I put the car in park and I turn to see Blake looking at me with a small smile.

"Do you want to come in and hangout?" She asks and I lick my lips before nodding my head yes.

I turn off the car and the two of us exit it. Blake waits for me and she grabs my hand, leading me inside her house.


As soon as we enter my breath hitches at all the expensive things my eyes can land on. Paintings, sculptures, and many other antiques decorate the house. And this is just in this one room.

I bet everything in this room costs more than my house does.

"Come on." She softly calls to me as she leads me up the elegant staircase. I'm honestly afraid to touch anything.

I find us walking down a hallway and soon enough Blake leads me into a room. As soon as her door opens my eyes marvel at everything in her room.

"Wow." I say as I look at her king sized bed and everything else that's fancy in her room. She has an all gold vanity and it's beautiful.

"I honestly like your room better." Blake says, causing my jaw to drop as I shake my head at the girl.

"I don't see how you could. Look at everything in here." I softly say as I hold my arms out motioning to all of her nice things.

"But your room feels more like a home." She says and I can honestly understand where she's coming from. This room does feel a little cold.

"I tried to decorate it with pictures but my mother had the maid take them down." Blake says as she rolls her eyes.

I move around the room as I take notice of everything.

"I'm going to go shower real quick. If you want to have a seat you can." Blake says with a small smile as she motions towards the small bench at the end of her bed. I nod my head and take a seat as I watch her go into her bathroom.

Ten minutes go by and eventually Blake emerges from the bathroom in just a towel. My eyes nearly bulge out of my head as my mouth falls agape at the sight of her. My eyes trail up her long legs until they reach the small towel that hides her most intimate parts of her body. But I can still see the top of her breasts and it makes my dick twitch within my jeans.

Blake smirks as she walks past me and into her walk-in closet. I can't help but lick my lips as I sit forward and rub my hands on my jeans. I try to calm myself down. Key word try.

Because as soon as Blake comes out from the closet I feel myself stir within my pants again. Blake stands before me in short booty shorts with a tight fitted tank top.

"So what do you want to do?" She softly asks as she moves in between my legs. Her hands rest on my shoulders and I look up at the blonde as she stares down at me with a glint in her eyes. I move my hands and rest them on her smooth thighs making her bite her bottom lip.

"Whatever you want to do." I say, finding my voice as it comes out slightly raspy.

"In that case.." Blake softly says as she pushes me back on her bed with a giggle. I'm caught off guard as she climbs on the bed with me. She connects our lips and I sigh into the kiss.


We somehow go from laying beside one another on the bed to her straddling my lap as we make out on her bed. My hands work their way from her hips down to her ass causing the girl above me to groan into my mouth. She grinds down against me causing my dick to harden within my jeans.

She moves her lips from mine, down my jawline and neck causing me to moan.

"Blake." I groan out as I feel her begin to mark up my neck.

"Mhm." She hums against my neck before pulling away with a smile as she admires her work.

I stare up at the girl with swollen lips and dilated pupils as I try to control myself.

"Isn't your Mom supposed to be coming home?" I ask and it's as if right on que.

"Blake, I'm home." I hear a woman yell and Blake moves off of me. She fixes her hair and adjusts her clothes as do I. I move to sit in the chair at her desk while she sits on her bed.

An older woman comes into view in the doorway and she smiles at her daughter before her eyes land on me. Her eyes widen in surprise as she looks back to her daughter.

"Who's your guest dear?" She asks and I stand to my feet as I approach the woman slowly. The first thing she does is take notice of my height and probably the clothes I'm wearing.

"Hi Mrs. Lively I'm Y/N Y/LN, Blake's friend." I say while extending my hand out to the woman.

She gives me a small smile as she accepts my hand and gives it a shake.

"It's nice to meet you, but please call me Katherine." She softly says as she lets go of my hand.

"Blake you have your tutor coming over in an hour." Katherine says to Blake before giving me a small smile and disappearing out the door.

I turn to see Blake walking towards me with a frown on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I cup her face within my hands.

"I don't want you to go." She softly says as she looks at the floor but I lift her head up so our eyes can meet.

"We'll see each other again soon. I have to take you out on that date, remember." I say with a cheeky grin causing her to smile brightly at me.

"That is very true." She softly says as her fingers tug on the bottom of my shirt.

"Friday after the game." Blake softly says and I nod my head in agreement.

"I'll pick you up at the game." I softly say and she smiles brightly.

"Sounds great." She softly says before attaching our lips together in a passionate kiss. As much as I don't want the kiss to end, I know I should get going. I pull away and give her one last peck.

"I'll walk you to your car." She softly says as I drop my hands from her face and she takes my hand within her own.

We walk out of her room together hand in hand and I happen to catch sight of her mother coming out of a room. She notices our hands and gives me a small smile followed by a wave.

I follow Blake down the stairs and out the front door. We get to my car and I lean against the drivers side door as her body presses against mine. Her hands rest against my chest as she looks up at me slightly.

"I promise I'll text you back this time." She whispers with a small smile and I let out a small chuckle.

"That would definitely be nice." I say and she smiles as her eyes shine at me.

"I'll talk to you soon." She softly says and I nod my head. I dip my head down and capture her lips within my own for a soft kiss.

What the two of us didn't realize is that someone is watching us from the upstairs window.

Blake pulls away with a breathtaking smile and walks away from me with a certain sway in her hips that leaves my heart racing.

I shake my head with a chuckle and I get inside my car. I start it up and turn the radio on before pulling out of her very large driveway. I get to the gate and I push a button that opens it up automatically.

I leave the blondes house and make my journey back home but not before dialing my bestfriends number.

"Y/N Y/LN." I hear Cara say into the phone and I chuckle softly.

"I heard you took a pretty blonde home with you last night."

"And who told you that?" I ask my friend who chuckles softly into the phone.

"I have my sources." She says and I pull out on the road.

"So how'd it go?" She asks and I sigh dreamily which makes her laugh into the phone.

"It went pretty good actually we talked. She opened up to me and I plan on taking her out this Friday after the game for our first date by ourselves." I say as I make a turn towards my house.

"That's great to hear. Megan and I made it official last night." She says, causing me to smile.

"That's amazing Car, I'm happy for you."

"Thanks, she's amazing." I hear her say and I can't help but chuckle.

"Sounds like you're already whipped."

"I think I am, but I'm okay with it." She says, causing me to laugh.

"I'm sure I won't be too far behind you." I say causing the girl to laugh now.

"I'm sure you won't be."

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