《Love Returns (Blake/You) ✔️》Chapter 5


"You ready for this double date?" Cara asks as she walks into my room at the beach house.

"More than you know." I say as I run my hand through my hair as I look into the mirror. I look at the outfit I picked out for tonight. I settled on some cargo shorts along with a simple baby blue v-neck.

"I can't believe we scored dates with two of the hottest girls in Raleigh." Cara says and I nod my head agreeing. The two of us are basically nobody's when it comes to their people.

"Let's get going. I don't want to be late." Cara says and I nod my head agreeing I make sure I smell good and we leave my room. The two of us head out the door and climb into my Chevelle.

As I drive to the girls beach house I can't help but get nervous all over again. When we pull in Cara and I both get out of the car and walk to the front door. Cara rings the doorbell and I stand off to the side with my hands in my pockets. I rock back on my heels as the nerves only seem to escalate.

Soon enough the door opens and I spot Megan.

"Hey!" Megan says with a bright smile as she pulls Cara into a hug. She pecks her on the lips before pulling her towards my car.

I move towards the door and when I do my eyes land on the tall blonde who's managed to consume my thoughts.

My eyes roam up her very long, tan legs until they meet her own. The way she's looking at me right now in this moment makes my heart race. I can't stop the smile from forming on my lips and neither can she. She closes the distance between us as she wraps her arms around my neck. My hands instinctively go to her waist as she hugs me. When we pull back our eyes meet and I dip my head down, capturing her plump lips within my own. The kiss is short and sweet as I feel her fingers run through the back of my hair.

When I pull away a bright smile forms on her lips.

"Hi." She softly says as her eyes bore into me.

"Hi." I reply just as softly with a smile of my own.

"You look beautiful.'' I say as her hands begin to slide down my arms. I grab her hands within my own before bringing them up to my lips. I kiss her hands causing a blush to form on her cheeks.

"You look great yourself." She says as she intertwines our fingers together in one of her hands.

I begin to lead her towards my car and I notice the other two are already in the backseat.

I open the passenger door for Blake and she thanks me before I get in the driver's seat.

Once I'm in I begin to drive us towards the boardwalk carnival. The whole ride there I listen to Cara tell the two girls about our friendship. Some of the most iconic stories are told and the car most of the time is full of laughter.

She even goes on to tell the girls how we met and how our friend group came about.


"I'll never forget the day I met Y/N in grade school. Alison was such a bitch even then." Cara says and I can't help but chuckle because she's right.

"Ali was yelling at her for something and I still to this day have no idea what it was about."

"She wanted me to give her my fruit snacks that my Mom packed me for lunch." I say causing Cara to chuckle along with the girls.

"Anyways, I walk over to the lunch table that they're at and I tell Alison to get lost. But she won't leave so I take my milk and accidentally spill it on her feet."

"You don't understand how I had to hear all the way home that day how you ruined her shoes." I say with a small chuckle.

"A friendship blossomed over spilt milk, how cute." Megan says from the back causing me to laugh softly once again.

Soon enough we arrive at the carnival and I find us a parking spot. The four of us begin to walk in together. Blake's hand works it's way back inside my own and I use my thumb to stroke the back of her hand.

Cara and Megan walk ahead of us and the two of them are holding hands as well.

"So what do you want to do first?" I ask the blonde as I give her my full attention.

"Let's ride some rides first." She says and I nod my head agreeing with her.

The four of us get on some of the rides that they have and I can honestly say I'm having a great time with Blake. The last one that we ride together is the Ferris wheel. I wrap my arm around Blake's shoulders and she snuggles into my side immediately. Out of natural instinct I lean down and kiss the side of her head. Blake holds my hand that hangs around her shoulder and this moment with her just feels so right.

But they eventually stop us at the top. Megan and Cara are below us and I can't help but marvel at the sunset on the water.

"Y/N." Blake says my name so softly it causes me to turn towards her. When I do I notice how her eyes are staring at me deeply. I feel her hands move to cup my face and she pulls me into her. Once our lips meet I can't help but sigh. Kissing her is like breathing in fresh air. The two of us continue to kiss passionately at the top of the Ferris wheel.

This kiss is probably one of the best ones we've shared. Hell every kiss I share with her is amazing. But this one feels so different.

But the Ferris wheel begins to move so we pull away much to my dismay. I brush my nose against hers softly before giving her one last peck. I feel her fingers caress my jawline and soon enough we're at the bottom. We get off the Ferris wheel and my hand finds hers immediately. Cara and Megan both get off and the shit eating grin on Cara's face let's me know something happened with them.

"Do you guys wanna grab something to eat or play games?" Cara asks and the girls look at one another before meeting our eyes.


"Food sounds good." Megan says and Blake nods her head in agreement.

We all walk towards the different food stands and I buy Blake whatever she wants. Once we eat our food I buy a cotton candy and she insists on sharing it with me. Every so often as we walk she sticks some in my mouth and her fingers brush against my lips causing me to feel some type of way.

I lead Blake towards the games and I notice her eyes linger on a giant stuffed bear at the basketball game.

I head towards the game with Blake by my side and I give the guy some money. He hands me the balls and I release a shaky breath as I work to get her the one thing I know she wants.

Each shot I take swishes through the next signaling it went through and by the time I finish I have the giant fluffy brown bear that she was eyeing.

"I can't believe you just won this for me!" She squeals with so much excitement as I hand it to her. She cups my face and pulls me into a passionate kiss before pulling away and grabbing her bear. She has some difficulty carrying it and honestly I would too because the things huge.

The rest of our evening consists of us playing games and getting to know each other on an even deeper level.

Our night comes to an end as we all get back into my car and drive the girls back home.

"I still can't believe you won her this giant thing." Cara frowns from the backseat as Blake's giant stuffed animal separates her and Megan.

I can't help but laugh and Blake laughs along with me.

The rest of the ride home is silent besides the radio playing softly. When we arrive at their house Blake and I get out. Allowing Cara and Megan to get out. The two walk towards the house and I grab Blake's stuffed bear and carry it with me as we enter their beach house.

I follow Blake through the house and into what I assume is her room. She tells me where to set the bear and I throw it down in a large chair.

"I had so much fun tonight with you." Blake says as she moves towards me in her room. And for the first time I realize how elegant it is.

Her hands move to rest on my shoulders before she slides them behind my head. Her fingers begin to work through my short curls and I find my arms wrapping around her waist.

"So did I. Thank you for letting me take you out." A smile forms on her lips as her fingers continue to work through my hair.

"Thank you for asking me." She whispers as her lips get incredibly close to mine until she kisses me. Her lips meet my own and the two of us continue to kiss in the middle of her room. Until she manages to push me towards her bed. I fall back and she lets out a giggle at my surprised face.

Blake crawls up the bed until she's laying beside me and attaches her lips back to mine. Just as things start to heat up a knock sounds on Blake's door. It opens and we pull apart to see Alexis looking extremely uncomfortable.

"Blake, Wyatt is downstairs and he won't leave." Blake tenses up beside me slightly and the two of us stand up. She thanks Alexis before turning towards me. She rests her hands on my chest as she takes a deep breath.

"I'll be right back. Just stay here." She softly says and I frown but nod my head in understanding. She gives me a quick peck before disappearing behind the door.

I wait for a few minutes but I just get this off feeling. I decide to leave her bedroom and walk downstairs. As I grow closer to the living room I can hear Wyatt yelling.

"You don't get to just use me for your entertainment then drop me whenever you feel like it." He seethes and I finally lay my eyes on the two.

"I wasn't using you Wyatt. I told you how I felt before we started that whole thing." Blake replies as she tries to get away from him but I watch his hands clutch around her arms harshly.

"You can't tell me that you don't want me anymore." He says as he dips his head down.

"Wyatt, stop." She says with so much strain in her voice and I decide to step in.

"Get off of her." I yell as I move around the room to Blake's side. I pry his hands off of her arms and shove him away from her. I step protectively in front of her as she hides behind me.

"What did you do, get a new person to toy with Blake?" He says with a chuckle and I don't know what came over me because before I know it I bring my arm back and connect my fist with his face, sending him flying to the floor.

I hear Blake gasp and Wyatt lays on the floor as he holds his busted nose. Cara along with Megan, Alexis, Jordana, and Aspen all rush down the stairs and into the living room. I feel Blake's hands rest on my back and I turn around to face her.

"I suggest you get moving, unless you want my friend to actually break your nose." Cara says to the guy as he gets to his feet. He gives me one last look before walking out the front door.

Everyone in the room is silent, all the girls give me a small smile before disappearing in the house. It leaves Blake and I alone and I run a hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.."

Blake cuts me off with a kiss, and I revel in the way her lips feel on my own.

"Thank you." She whispers softly as she pulls away and rests her forehead against my own.

The two of us stand in the living room in one another's embrace. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't stand seeing him lay his hands on Blake and force himself on her.

I have this strong urgency to protect her, and protecting her is something I feel close to my heart.

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