《Sweetest Escape.》CHAPTER SIX


Three weeks have passed since Thembisa and I last saw each other. I have been trying to meet up with her and she always seems to be busy. I was honestly starting to think she was just giving excuses because she didn't want to meet up but I was pleasantly surprised when she sent me a text letting me know that she'll be free this Saturday.

I pull up to her complex and I send her a text letting her know that I'm outside. She sends a simple 'okay' and I wait a few minutes before she finally walks out of her complex. I get out of the car so she can spot me because I doubt she remembers what my car looks like because a significant amount of time has passed since I drove her home. I raise my hand and I wave at her and she smiles when she notices me. She is dressed in a black and neon green Nike set with some black Nike shoes to match. Her face is free of any makeup and her hair is tied back which makes me see all her beautiful features.

We hug and I inhale the scent that has become hypnotizing to me and the coconut smell in her hair entices my senses. I open the door for her and she settles in before I walk round to the drivers side. I hand her the aux cable and her playlist fills the car. We engage in small talk which involves talking about our week, how we've been doing since the night at the club and random talk. I put the car in park once we get to our destination and I grab a satchel from the backseat before we start our hike.

The hike is slightly challenging but she does not complain at all. It's around 5pm when we finally get to the top and we take a moment to appreciate the view. Coming here has become one of my favorite things to do because it offers and spectacular view plus I seem to relax and forget about my problems for a moment.

"This view is absolutely beautiful." she gushes.

"I know but wait till the sun starts to set, it's even more beautiful."

"How did you find this spot?"

"I heard good things about this place from my bros so had to check it out and when I did, I fell in love."

"I can see why you fell in love."

"You're probably tired so maybe we should sit down and talk."


I pull out the picnic blanket I packed in my satchel and I spread it on the ground. She sits crisscrossed and I sit facing her with my legs bent. I observe her as she looks into the horizon and I can't help but feel mesmerized by the beauty that is sitting in front of me. She probably thinks this view is the most beautiful thing ever but she hasn't seen my view of her—it's kinda corny I know.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she breaks me from my gaze.

"I'm just appreciating the beauty that is in front of me." I confess and she smiles.

"Thank you. At first glance I wouldn't take you as a sweet guy because you have this hard exterior but you made me realize that I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover."

"I get that a lot but there's a lot people don't know about me."


"So would you mind telling me more about you?"

"You're quite inquisitive aren't you?"

"I just like learning more about people."

"Well I'm an introvert if you haven't already noticed and I may seem quite closed off when you first meet me which may be perceived as being rude but that's because I don't trust easily. People I put so much trust into let down so I don't allow people in but somehow you make me want to talk and open up."

"I tend to have that effect on people." she jokes.

"You have jokes I see."

"I can't help myself but I feel exactly how you feel. I typically don't open up to guys that quickly but you make it so easy for me to talk to you and for me to be myself around you."

"Well I'm glad you decided to meet up with me because I was starting to believe that you didn't want to see me."

"I apologize about that but I have been extremely busy working on my lingerie line. I would like to launch it soon so I have been working hard trying to finish it in time."

"Now I feel bad for kinda putting pressure for us to meet. If I had known I would have given you all the time you need."

"It's okay. I needed a break and I'm happy to be here with you." she gives me a smile that reassures me that I didn't force her into coming here.

"What made you want to start a lingerie line?"

"I want women from all walks of life to feel good and confident all the time at an affordable price. We do wear lingerie to look sexy for our partners but it's mainly for us to feel beautiful no matter what our bodies look like."

"I take it you're all about empowering women."

"Yeah, every woman deserves to look in the mirror and feel sexy and I thought to myself, why not make lingerie so I can help with that."

"That's amazing. Well I have my own business which makes detergents. It has been running for a few years now and it has grown significantly."

"What made you want to start your own business?"

"I didn't want to be another statistic of a boy that grew up in the hood and ended up selling drugs or doing illegal business. I wanted to prove that we have potential to be great as well and that the streets aren't the only place we belong."

"Your parents must be proud." she adds and I feel and lump forming in my throat.

"I wouldn't know, I haven't seen them in years."

"I'm sorry." she gives me a sympathetic smile and I just give her a shrug. Talking about my parents makes my mood sour and I wouldn't want to ruin a good time with this lovely girl by talking about them.

"If you weren't doing what you do now what would you be doing?" she changes the subject to my relief.

"I'd probably be playing football. I played football in college but I quit when I realized it was clashing with my schoolwork. I enjoyed playing football but it wasn't something I wanted to do for the rest of my life so I decided to put more effort into something that I really wanted to do."


"I understand. I wonder what you were like in college, you were probably the life of the party."

"You're spot on, I enjoyed partying which may be surprising considering how much of a homebody I have become. I also dibble dabbled in a few flings." I give her a mischievous smile.

"So you were a player?"

"Not necessarily, I was simply having fun." I add and she playfully rolls her eyes. I pull out the food that I packed in my satchel and we indulge in the food in silence until she breaks it.

"You said you made this delicious food so what hidden talents do you have?"

"I can paint. I haven't painted in a while but it's something I think I'm good at and maybe I can give you a personal exhibition of my paintings."

"I love art and maybe I'll take you up on your offer."

"What type of guys are you drawn to or what qualities do you look for in a partner?"

"A guy that takes care of his appearance is quite attractive to me. I'm also drawn to guy that is down to earth, one who doesn't have to show off his money to prove to people that he is doing well in life. I find guys that respect women very attractive because we live in a generation where men call women bitches or mistreat them and it has become normal. What about you?"

"A woman that is all about her bag is attractive because I has come across women that stay in other people's business while they do absolutely nothing with their own lives. I love a woman that smells good and takes good care of herself. A confident woman is very sexy to me and I don't have a preference when it comes to looks, if we vibe, we vibe."

"Why did your last relationship end?"

"At first things were good until she became sneaky. She tried to pin a baby on me and when I did the math of the last time we were intimate, it didn't add up with how far along she was."

"Her loss. You know finding someone who is truly down for you has become kinda rare these days."

"You're right but I'm still hopeful that I'll find the one for me, she may even be in close proximity." I confess and she smiles at the last part of my sentence.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" she asks and I take a moment to digest her question.

"I don't have much knowledge about soulmates but I do believe that there is someone out there for everyone. What about you?"

"Even though my heart was shattered by the man I once loved, I still do believe that the man for me is out there. But I'm scared that I'll end up with the wrong guy because I honestly thought I had found the one then it turned out my judgment was wrong."

"I think a lot of people have that fear but with love comes taking risks."

"I hear you. So what is your love language?"

"I'm a guy that enjoys spending quality time with my person. We don't have to be out and about, we could be watching a movie at home or cuddling in bed and I would be so content."

"I wouldn't pin you as the type that likes cuddling."

"Well I'm a huge teddy bear on the inside but noone knows that expect you now. I like being affectionate with my person which may surprise people considering how mean I look."

"I guess you learn something new everyday."

"What's your love language?"

"I like words of affirmation. Hearing how much you appreciate me or value me being in your life is something that makes me happy."

"I hear you."

"What's an ideal date for you?"

"Are you trying to take me on a date or something?" she jokes.


"I love art and music so a date that incorporates both would be amazing."

"A sip 'n paint type of situation."


"I'll keep that in mind." I mumble

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." I smile

We go quiet again and I watch her eyes light up when she turns her attention back to the view. I had forgotten about the real reason we came here because of how much I have been enjoying my time with Thembisa. When I finally turn my attention to the view, I understand what she is marveled by. The sun is setting and the sky has a combination of orange yellow, red hues which are beautiful. We watch the sun set for a little before we head back to the car before it gets too dark.

I drive us in silence but it's not the kind of silence that is awkward but the kind that is just comfortable. I keep a grin on my face and that doesn't go unnoticed by the beauty sitting beside and when she asks about it I simply say 'nothing.' I don't want to scare her off by telling her that I'm already taking a huge liking into her because we've only met three times. My bros always told me that when you meet the right person you'll just know and I thought it was bullshit until I met Thembisa. I pull outside her complex and switch the car off.

"Thank you for taking me on the hike and showing me a sun set I will never forget. I had a good time."

"You're welcome. Thank you for hanging out with me. I enjoyed spending some time with you."

"Well I should head up."

"Okay before you go there's something I've been wanting to do."

"What is it?"

I lean in and I am pleasantly surprised when she leans in as well. The moment our lips meet sparks erupt. What starts off as a regular kiss turns into a make out session. My tongue slips into her mouth and we fight for dominance which I win. She does the unexpected when she sucks on my tongue making all the blood in my head go down to the other head.

We pull apart panting and she gives me a shy smile which is far from what she was a couple of seconds ago. She gets out of the car and I drive off once she has entered her complex. I have a stupid smirk on my face as I drive to my apartment and I ask myself how I got hard from just a kiss. Usually it takes more than just kissing for me to get hard but when you're into someone, any little thing they do can get you aroused.

I get home and I'm still hard when I get into the shower. Ten minutes later after a cold shower, I go down and I dry off. I lay in bed in my briefs, facing the ceiling thinking about a girl that has my mind twisted. I manage to fall asleep but she is last person on my mind.

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