《The Stranger on the Train》Chapter 36: Lizzie
Pov y/n
I breathe in and lean my elbows on the counter, resting my head in my hands. We just had a lot and I really mean a lot of customers in the coffeeshop. Jesse and I had both hands full with work and I think we never were faster in making coffee but somehow it was still not enough.
Where did they all magically come from?
I don't know. It's good when we have customers and earn money, of course but when it's so many and all stressed from whatever job they're doing, it is certainly no fun.
They weren't patient to begin with and it didn't help that those people vocally made clear they are annoyed.
I mean, I get that you can have a bad day and be annoyed and also be stressed by work but in my opinion it doesn't give you the right to yell at someone who's doing their best to get you your coffee. Yelling in general isn't something I like, it just makes me feel uncomfortable and small, something I truly dislike.
I run my hand through my hair before I tighten my ponytail. Jesse looks as exhausted as I feel and I give him a weak smile. Only an hour more before our shift ends.
Luckily, I don't have to work at the aquarium today. It's closed for some reason that I already forgot again. Something about an inspection and paperwork or so. Doesn't matter though because then I have a free afternoon and can calm down from the stress this morning. Besides, I get to spend the afternoon with Scarlett, which definitely is a win.
As soon as I heard about my free Thursday afternoon, I texted her and she was really happy for me and asked if I wanted to spend the day with her and Rose. I agreed in an instant and when she added we'll be joined by a friend of hers, I got excited.
Even though we've known each other for almost three months now, I never met any of her friends. We talked a little about them at some point, I think but it wasn't a long conversation, I think. She didn't want to tell me who this friend is because she wants to surprise me. I'm fine with that but it still makes me a little nervous because I really want her friend to like me.
Well, maybe because sometimes friends have a better sense in who is right for you and who isn't and I'm worried this friend might doesn't see me as the right fit for Scarlett, especially after the gossip.
I don't know how much her friend is involved in Hollywood-gossip but if they are just a little, they will know about what is said about Scarlett's and my relationship. Of course, that doesn't define me, or us but it still may give an subconscious impression or something.
I'm starting to spiral again, so I take a deep breath and stand up straight again, stretching my arms out. Jesse looks at me, seeming to admire my free will to move since he doesn't seem to have it.
He suppresses a yawn that makes me a little suspicious. Yes, this amount of customers is stressful and exhausting but not enough to yawn. I narrow my eyes at him, trying to figure out what's different. Then I notice the sleeping bags beneath his eyes and frown a little.
"Are you okay, you seem like you didn't sleep enough last night?" I observe and a blush overcomes Jesse's face.
"I'm perfectly fine, don't worry." He says and stands up as well. I slowly shake my head and a smirk evolves on my lips that makes him blush even harder.
"Why didn't you get enough sleep last night?" I ask, the smirk now present on my face. He looks around the shop to see if anyone is near us, before he leans a little closer.
"You remember my almost-boyfriend?" He asks with a mischievous grin. I nod, of course I do.
"Well, we might have changed our relationship status yesterday on our date. And well, after that he came with me back to my apartment..." He trails of a little and I look at him in surprise but also happy. I wiggle my eyebrows and his face turns red again, giving me an answer to my silent question.
"How is he? You know..." I say and give him a smirk. He looks around us once again before his face turns into a wide grin and he starts to swarm about his now boyfriend.
"Amazing! It was better than I expected and he was so careful and sweet and just perfect!" He whispers and his eyes light up at the memory. I smile.
"That's so great, I'm really happy for you." I say honestly and pad his shoulder. Jesse gives me a huge smile in thanks.
"But enough about me and my love life, what about you? Have you..?" Now it's his turn to wiggle his eyebrows and I chuckle a little before shaking my head.
"No, we didn't do the devil's tango yet." I deny and he nods.
"Any specific reason why?" He asks and I shrug.
"The moment just never was there." I answer.
"Would you want to do it, if the moment was there?" He asks and seems to analyze my facial expression. I grin at the thought.
"Hell yeah! I mean, have you seen her? Have you been around her? She doesn't need to do anything, not even dress sexy, to make me weak in the knees and crazy for her." I answer and Jesse's smirk widens.
"First of all, yes I've seen her but I'm into guys, so there's that. Second, no I haven't been around her since you are all over her when she visits the shop and third, you're so whipped for her." He teases and I roll my eyes and playfully nudge his shoulder.
"Oh shut up, I'm not all over her, when she visits." I stay my ground but Jesse seems unimpressed.
"Mhm, sure because you weren't mentally begging her to undress you yesterday when she was here." He grins and now it's my turn to blush.
"That is not my fault. The shirt she wore yesterday totally made her eyes look even brighter." I try to defend myself but by the look on Jesse's face I can tell, he doesn't buy it. I huff in surrender and roll my eyes playfully at him.
"Fine, I am whipped for her but who can blame me?" I ask and he chuckles before pulling me into a short hug.
The doorbell rings and we turn to the door to serve the next customers.
The last hour goes by quickly and about five minutes before my shift ends, I see Scarlett walking into the shop, making my face light up in joy and excitement. Next to her is another woman, she's a bit taller than Scarlett and also has blonde hair. Her features are soft and she gives me a calm and caring vibe. They are in the middle of a conversation, so I assume that's the friend Scarlett told me about.
Jesse takes a step back, knowing that I love making Scarlett's coffee. I don't even have to put on a customer smile because seeing Scarlett is enough to make me smile. Okay, yeah, I might be whipped for her.
"Hey." I greet them after they finished their conversation. Scar's attention diverts to me and she gives me a loving smile that makes me warm and fuzzy from the inside.
"Hi." She replies before looking at her friend. She observes us with a small smile.
"Hi." She answers as well, her voice soft and happy.
"What can I get you two?" I ask, knowing Scarlett brought her friend here to show off my coffee. Apparently I make the best one in whole New York, her words not mine. I doubt that a little but Scarlett insists although she admitted she might be a little biased.
"I'll take my usual order to go." Scarlett says and I nod before looking at the other blonde.
"I'll take an iced coffee to go." The other woman orders after looking at our board. Once again I nod and start to make both drinks. I hand both women their drinks before putting the money in the register and giving Scarlett a nod before I go into the staff room to get out of my apron and grab my bag.
When I step out, I see them in front of the shop, sipping their drinks and chatting.
Suddenly I feel nervous again and worry about if her friend will like me or not. I start to play with my fingers and take a deep breath before stepping out of the shop and putting on a shy smile. Scarlett notices me first and reaches out a hand that I gladly take. She pulls me closer to her and intertwines our fingers, helping me in staying calm.
"I don't think we were properly introduced yet." The woman says with a soft smile. Taking a closer look, she seems somewhat familiar but I'm not sure enough to make a guess.
"I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie." She says and holds out her hand to me.
"I'm y/n, nice to meet you." I introduce myself and shake her hand. It's surprisingly soft but it fits her appearance.
Now that I know her name, I look at her again and puzzle together who she is.
"She's a friend from work." Scarlett helps me as she seems to have guessed my thoughts and now I nod, certain who is standing in front of me. Lizzie chuckles a little.
"You look like you were trying to guess who I am. I'm Elizabeth Olsen." She confirms and I blush a little, embarrassed that I didn't notice her directly.
"You play that witch in Avengers...Wanda, right?" I try to remember since it's been almost a month since I watched the first few Marvel movies.
"That's right, I play Wanda." She nods and tugs some hair behind her ears. Her and Scarlett change a short glance.
"Y/n hasn't watched a lot of Marvel movies yet." Scarlett explains and I nod with a slight blush. I feel like everyone else would freak out if they met Elizabeth Olsen and that's why she is confused about my uncertainty.
"Ohh, okay. Did you like the movies so far?" Lizzie asks and sips her coffee. The mood shifts a little and gets lighter, which I'm thankful for. Scarlett starts to lead us down the street.
"Yes, they are really good. A little confusing because I'm not familiar with most of the characters yet but I'll get there some day." I say and Lizzie chuckles again, still a soft smile on her lips.
"I'm sure. Do you have a favorite character?" She asks and I feel myself relaxing at the casualty of her voice. She doesn't seem to judge me in any way and seems interested in getting to know me.
"Easy, Black Widow." I answer and feel Scarlett squeezing my hand.
"A totally not biased answer." Lizzie laughs and I join in, feeling the conversation getting lighter by the second.
"I'll admit that the fact that Scarlett is playing her does add to it but Black Widow is simply cool how she is so trained and tough and stands up to all the men." I explain a bit further and hear Scarlett chuckling beside me. She seems to enjoy this conversation without talking a lot herself. Lizzie nods.
"That is true, she was the only powerful female for a while but now there's Wanda." She drags the name and gives me a look that makes me laugh a little.
"Wanda is pretty cool as well with her powers, that's true. She seems like she isn't fully herself though. I only saw one movie with her and she was really insecure about a lot of things, which I understand but I hope she will embrace her powers more and show everyone her potential." I think out loud, earning a smirk from Lizzie.
"You'll just see what's in stock for her and maybe she will become your favorite Avenger." She says cryptically and I look between her and Scarlett, who just shakes her head with a grin.
"Okay, I feel like I should definitely watch the other movies now." I state with a small smile, earning nods from both blondes.
We reach the car and get it. I let Lizzie sit in the passenger's seat and sit behind Scarlett. She looks at me through the mirror, giving me a smile. I return her smile and buckle up. Scarlett starts the car and we drive onto the street. Lizzie turns a little in her seat to be able to look at me.
"So, y/n, wanna tell me something about yourself?" She asks and gives me a soft smile again. I gotta admit, that smile is really adorable and if I wasn't with Scarlett, I'd might start flirting with her. But I am with Scarlett and I couldn't be happier about it.
"Uhm, sure. I'm 25, live in New York and currently work two jobs. One at the coffeeshop, as you saw and one at the aquarium." I tell her, thinking what else there is to say about me.
"And she makes the best coffee in New York." Scarlett adds proudly and I blush a little and shake my head. As if she knew I would shake my head, she continues.
"Don't be humble now, I really mean it. And it's not because of the machine or the coffee they use. I had one coffee made by a coworker once and it wasn't as good as y/n's."
I bite my lip at her praise and can't help but to feel a little bit proud that she likes my coffee so much.
"The coffee really is amazing." Lizzie agrees, taking another sip from her cup as if to prove her point. I only blush even more and hide my face behind my hands.
"So, what do you do when you don't work?" Lizzie asks and I peek between my hands to look at her. My hands drop into my lap and I think about her question.
"Well, there's always errands to run after but I like to listen to music while doing so." I shrug and think further about what to answer. Lizzie hums in responds.
"Yeah, having to do all the household alone after work does take a lot of time. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be able to split the work." She says and looks between Scarlett and me, raising her eyebrows. I chuckle a little at her indication.
"Yeah, maybe one day but we're not quite there yet, I think." I vaguely answer and she nods understandingly.
"If you do have time, is there anything you burn for?" Lizzie continues her interrogation and even though she asks a lot of questions, she doesn't appear nosy, just genuinely interested.
"I like to swim." I think out loud and Lizzie nods.
"She knows a lot about the underwater world." Scarlett chips in and I smile a little. It's not that I forgot about it, it's just that I don't think other people will find that very interesting. But apparently it is because Lizzie looks at me surprised and impressed.
"You do?" She asks and I nod.
"Yes, I also studied marine biology for three years. Back home I also dived a few times in the lake we have there, it's really beautiful and fascinating. Seeing all those fish and other animals swim around in the water and a whole new world unfolding when you dive down there...that's just..." I try to find words but I can't. It doesn't seem to bother Lizzie though because her eyes sparkle at how happy I talk about it.
"Were you ever able to dive in the ocean?" Lizzie asks interested and I shake my head.
"No but I imagine it to be an incredible experience since the amount of species is of course higher there than in a lake." I say, drifting off into my own thoughts and smiling at the image of diving in the ocean. The rest of the car ride is filled by music playing from the radio and all of us occupied with our own thoughts.
We arrive at a school's parking lot and get out. I look around a little while following Scarlett to the entrance. They told me that Rose doesn't know about Lizzie being here yet, so it's a surprise and honestly, I can't wait to see Rose's face when she sees Lizzie.
It took me a few moments until I figured out that Lizzie is 'Aunt Lizzie' that Rose told me about and it made me smile.
We wait outside the school building and watch the first bunch of children coming out of the building. When I see a familiar blonde, I smile and as soon as she notices her mom, Rose directs her way to us. Only a second later she notices me, her eyes growing big with joy and when she also sees Lizzie, she squeals in excitement and starts to run.
Lizzie crouches down, ready to catch Rose and with another squeal, Rose jumps into Lizzie's arms who picks her up and spins them around, making Rose giggle. The giggles don't stop when Lizzie comes to a halt and plasters kisses all over Rose's face. Rose grins widely and hugs her aunt tightly.
"Aunty Lizzie!" She exclaims after leaning back and Lizzie's arms move under her butt, to keep the child up.
"Surprise." Lizzie says with the same excitement and I catch myself adoring how they look at each other with bright eyes and as happy as one can be.
"Are you only here today, or will you stay?" Rose asks and rests her arms around Lizzie's shoulders.
"If you don't mind, I would stay over the weekend." Lizzie says, making Rose nod excitedly.
"Does that mean we can play together all weekend?" She asks and her eyes start to sparkle. Lizzie bops her nose.
"Sadly not, honey. I have a few interviews tomorrow and one photo shooting on Saturday but I'm completely free on Sunday and after my press meetings." She explains and Rose pouts a little but nods.
"Okay." She agrees but the pout stays on her lips.
"But, if you're up for it, we can spend a Lizzie-Rose-day on Sunday." She says and the pout washes away in an instant and makes room for a huge smile.
"Like the one in LA?" Rose asks and when Lizzie nods, Rose cheers excitedly and hugs her aunt again.
I see Scarlett smiling contently at the two and by the not surprised look on her face, I can tell that she talked to Lizzie about this 'Lizzie-Rose-day' before.
Rose lets go of Lizzie and she sets her down, so Rose can hug her mother, and get rid of her backpack, and then me. I return the hug with a smile and kiss Rose's forehead. She stays in my hold, my hands resting on her sides as she bounces a little on her feet.
"We learned about dolphins in science today and I was the only one that knew that dolphins aren't fish and that they jump out of the water because they need air." Rose tells me proudly and my heart fills with love for the child in my arms.
"That's so great, sweetie! I am very proud of you for knowing all of that." I praise her and it almost looks like Rose's smile is bigger than her face.
"I also told them that there are more than one kind of dolphins in the ocean but in movies and stuff they only ever show the most popular ones." She adds and my heart swells with proud that she remembered that from when we first meet on the train.
"Do you even know, how smart you are?" I ask her and tickle her sides a little, making her squirm and giggle. She gives me another huge smile before turning around to Lizzie.
"Can we go get ice cream, Aunty Lizzie pleaseeee?" Rose asks and looks up at her aunt who doesn't seem to be able to withstand Rose's puppy dog eyes.
"Of course, we can, sweetheart." She agrees and Rose cheers again. Scarlett doesn't complain or say anything about it, she just watches them happily as Rose takes Lizzie's hand while we go back to the car.
This time, I sit up front with Scarlett because Rose has to catch up Lizzie on what happened since they last saw each other. I smile when I hear my name in there as well.
"Mommy and y/n are girlfriends now." Rose shares with Lizzie and my heart makes a tiny jump at the mention of that fact.
"That is just like when a boy and a girl are together because two girls can like each other in that way too and so can two boys." Rose explains and I hear proud swinging in her voice, making my heart melt a little. Lizzie nods agreeingly and brushes some of Rose's hair behind her ear.
"Yes, that is very true." She agrees and even though she didn't seem to judge Scarlett and me being together, hearing her say it, makes my heart warm up.
It's always nice to know that people accept you for who you are and don't care if you love a man, woman or non-binary person.
Scarlett shoots me a quick glance and I can see the same emotion in her eyes. She holds out her hand for me and I take it. She lifts our hands up to her mouth and kisses them, making butterflies appear in my stomach. The day may have started stressful but it turns out to be pretty great.
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