《Chasing Charlotte》Chapter Seven


Jonathan mustered up the last of the strength he had and hoisted her in his arms. The rain was getting stronger by the minute and Charlotte seemed to have passed out unconsciously due to her fear. He didn't know she had been afraid of drowning and it was a vulnerability that he took to heart now. He wouldn't do it again, not ever.

The trudge back to their gathering was difficult and nonetheless, many of the carriages had left, the only ones that had remained were his and the Cecils. Fanny looked more than displeased to see that her granddaughter was in such a mess but didn't blame him. William was silent, his jaw clenching as he observed his soaking sister.

Jonathan brought her into his own carriage and told the Cecils that he had an estate just minutes away - they'd follow to ensure that Charlotte would be alright after all. He hadn't given them a chance to speak of indecency or impropriety; the man had a plan of his own. He had her in his lap, one arm wrapped around her head while the other rested near her leg - supporting her weight so she wouldn't roll from his grasp. He could feel her breathing, a bit weak but steady. In her sleeping state, she looked like a princess from a children's novel. The arch of her lips parted perfectly and her long lashes shut made her look heavenly. Jonathan resisted temptation, resisting the urge to kiss her awake as if she was a damsel in distress in need of true loves kiss.

Charlotte awoke to the sound of rain pouring outside, breathing in the smell of cotton. She fluttered her eyes open when she looked at her surroundings. She was in a bed, one that wasn't her own, in a room that wasn't hers either. She was no longer in the same clothes she was wearing before, fear flitting through her mind before her thoughts were interrupted.

"Finally awake girl!" Fanny muttered as she closed the curtains.

"Where am I grandmama?"

"At the Lennox's private cottage, well, one of their many .... estates."

"Why at the Lennox residence?"

"Because you two idiots managed to wander off somewhere far from the picnic grounds and got yourself soaked!" William barked.

"I didn't g-"

"Do you know how worried I was?" William exclaimed.

And for once, Charlotte bit her lip and was silent as she watched her brother pace back and forth. "I'm sorry."

"Damn right you better be!"

"LANGUAGE WILLIAM," Fanny hollered.

"Knowing you, you probably purposely tried to get lost. On top of that, you were with him alone which makes me presume that you are engaged in something. The picnic goers were all too aware of the outcome of events. Even though I gave you a choice Charlotte, now you have none anymore. You must marry Jonathan!" William's fury exploded like a gust of wind in front of Charlotte.


"I wasn't the one who walked away. It was Ellen who did!" she feebly came up with an excuse but knew better. She could have escaped when Ellen ditched her but she didn't.

"At least Wilmington seems to have given up on you," William sighed.

"It's all his fault!" Charlotte huffed as she narrowed her eyes, thinking of the devil who had caused the mess.

"Tut tut child, don't be so rude. You would have most likely been missing for even longer if it wasn't for Lord Lennox. Not only did he carry you back to the carriage, he made sure to get the doctor as quickly as possible. He himself passed out not much longer after we arrived. Seem's like the man got sick on your account." Fanny said with her nose in the air.

And that's when the guilt struck. If she hadn't been so hard headed to against what he had requested, they would have made it out of the eye of the storm. But she had fought him on every step of the way.

"I should apologize," she murmured softly.

"That you should," Fanny agreed.

Charlotte had requested to visit Jonathan's quarters - hoping to apologize quickly and leave swiftly after the deed was done. She carefully opened the door to his room, the creak of the wooden doors squeaking louder than she had expected. She was fearful that he'd stir from his sleep but he only turned to his side instead. His sleeping figure was restful even and she noticed an old man by his side, shaking his head.

"Ah you must be Lady Charlotte." The man deduced.

"Yes and you are?"

"Pardon, Cornelius Lennox." he said warmly.

Charlotte gasped quickly doing her best to curtsey but he held up his hand as if to dismiss tradition.

"My grandson here is a fool but a fool with a good heart," Cornelius started, "he's my only grandson too."

"How is he?" Charlotte asked afraid to approach the bed in case of disturbance.

"Fever, that's all. He should be fine. But I heard of his chivalry today. He rescued you from the rain didn't he? The boy's an idiot, pushing his limits really." Cornelius said with a sigh, pulling up the sheets for his grandson who only momentarily stirred before returning back to sleep. "He had anemia as a child and it had always hindered his activity but he fought against it."

Charlotte felt immensely guilty.

"It isn't your fault Lady Charlotte. I think he's quite taken to you hence his abrasive foolishness. I won't blame you for his actions. Though I do ask for you to be gentle with him, patient even. He needs that ..." Cornelius trailed off. "My look at the time, if you'll excuse me I've got an engagement to attend to." And the old man shuffled off quickly closing the door behind him.


Charlotte remained still as she watched his sleeping form rest - the locks of his hair a mess, the sweat beading at his forward dripping as he tossed and turned.

In the moment, out of guilt, Charlotte decided to take pity upon him and stayed by his side. She loomed over him as she patted down his sweat with a cloth in a basin, hoping to cool him down. Her eyes glanced at his mouth, deliciously welcoming in that instant. She was curious, curious to think how it would feel to press her own against them. She blushed at such a shameful thought. Never in the world did she think she would desire such a notion. But she was starting to now.

Hesitantly, Charlotte waited for him to be still before leaning down near him. And then she took a leap of faith and pressed her lips against his, feeling the warmth of his mouth against hers. They were soft and supple as she expected, she was drowning in his mouth.

Jonathan had fallen asleep and succumbed to his ailments after he had brought Charlotte to one of the guest chambers. With the littlest of strength he had, he had taken a bath and clothed himself as the doctor took a look at him and scolded him to be careful with his body. He noted it of course but he didn't care about the consequences he paid for the rain. It was worth it - anything was worth it for Charlotte.

He felt something warm pressed against his lips, awaking his unconscious. And as he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find her in front of him. He was joyous, despite being sick. She looked mortified at the discovery of her act but he didn't care. She was starting to like him, that satisfied him.

"Lady Charlotte's quite perverse too... interesting."

"I ... shut it." She blushed turning to exit the room.

But Jonathan wasn't going to let her off so easily, his hand clasped onto hers, his fingers entwining with his. The palm of her hand was so small compared to his, the slender ridges of her fingers and the pale pinks of her nail only emphasized more of her femininity.

"Don't go," he begged hoarsely.

On most occasions, Charlotte would have demanded immediate release and stormed off. But she was at fault for his condition and plus he was shamelessly aware of her act - he'd hold it over her, she was sure of it.

"Fine," she obeyed sitting down besides him.

He brought her hand up, kissing it upon his lips as she shivered at the touch of his lips coming in contact with her skin.

"Why are you so upset?" Jonathan questioned as he did his best to sit up, coughing albeit but still pulling himself through.

Charlotte avoided his probing and his face and resisted saying anything.

"Do you want to go? You can, if you want to." Jonathan said dejected as he loosened his grip on her fingers, allowing her to remove them so she could bolt out of the door as she wished.

She shook her head, her tresses shaking like waves.

"Why won't you look my way?"

His index finger and thumb rested on her chin as it gently tilted her head to face him. Charlotte's eyes were glassy and brimming with tears and Jonathan felt terrible. He didn't expect to see her cry but she looked like she was ready to bawl. "Char-"

But before he could even finish his sentence, she began to sniffle and tears were falling from her face. Even when she cried she looked pretty. "I-I'm sorry, I d-didn't know you had a-anemia and I acted like a b-brat. I truly d-didn't mean to be so i-impertinent."

Jonathan's heart softened at her confession and without another thought pulled her into his embrace, her form shook in his arms as he patted her hair, comforting her to the best of his abilities. To see her cry hurt him too.

There was something so warm about the vast expanse of his chest as she couldn't help but cry out. He made her feel weak but not in a sense where she felt helpless, no, in a way that she felt with genuine compassion. The way his hand brushed against her hair softened her cries and she began to breath normally again. She parted from him, smiling meekly at the mess of water stains she caused on his shirt before wiping her face again. "I should go now before my grandmother and brother find me missing," she said softly.

And Jonathan nodded, watching as the door to his room close.

Charlotte brought her fingers to her lips, flushing at all she had done privately in Jonathan's Lennox's chambers.

A/N: Aw aren't things starting to warm up between the two of them??? Isn't it cuteeee. I'm screaming in the meantime since school's starting and between 5 classes, 3 jobs, I'm going to dieee I'm so excited and looking forward to life guys! Anyways hope you guys are having a good time wherever you are in life :)

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