《Chasing Charlotte》Chapter Six


When the trio walked far enough from view, Ellen was quick to excuse herself as she quickly scampered off in glee. Her one and only friend had decided to abandon her alone - with a man she couldn't quite stand. How dare her! Everything about this was improper. She crossed her arms, eyes narrowing as she refused to stand next to him. Instead, she picked up her pace and walked in front of him so she wouldn't have to stare at his face - perhaps then their little stroll would end quickly. His visage was a weakness for her and he knew it too.

"Why are you so against marriage Charlotte?"

"That's Lady Charlotte to you," she stated sharply.

"Forgive me, Lady Charlotte."

"Nothing for you to be concerned with."

"And that you are wrong," Jonathan remarked as he caught up with her pacing, his eyes lingering toward her bosom which were pushed up at the way she crossed her chest. It was sinful to look and quite unbecoming of a gentleman, but one couldn't simply avoid what was right in front of his eyes.

Charlotte spun around, her voice climbing, "why would you choose me as your bride?"

"Because you're lovely," Jonathan said without thinking.

Charlotte's skin blushed furiously at his compliment, refusing to turn to him and glance at the expression on his face. "How shallow."

"Lovely in every way, not just your looks. Personality too," he smirked.

"Now you're being too kind," she drawled with sarcasm.

"I know you're more than that steely exterior lets on."

"You know nothing about me Lord Lennox."

"It's Jonathan, please."

"As if I cared."

"Well you're still speaking to me aren't you?"

The more Jonathan spoke, the more infuriated Charlotte grew. He knew exactly how to push her to her limits with his own maneuvering. And it was annoying. He was handsome but he was annoying.


"I can be silent."

And so she was. They walked on for what seemed like forever and the sky started to darken. Jonathan's voice finally broke the silence.

"Seems like you've walked us the wrong way."

"No I have not." Charlotte rebuffed - knowing full well that she really had little to no idea where they were.

"You needn't be so stubborn. Come along, let's go this way."

Charlotte refused as she stayed put and Jonathan stopped in his tracks.

"Come on Charlotte, don't make things difficult."

"Lady Charlotte! And I'm not a child. You can go on your merry way and I'll go on mine."

She was irksomely stubborn like a bull and had her a thick skull, almost as thick as his own. He sighed deciding to do as he pleased without announcing his intent. And so with a quick couple of strides, he had managed to pick up the girl and haul her over his shoulder as she fought against it, her feet attempting to kick at his chest while her hands pummeled his back. It hurt of course but Jonathan withstood it. He had gingerly brought his arm around her waist, avoiding the derriere as to be as proper as one could get. Though truly, propriety was the last thing that was put up for concern.

"Let me down you bastard!" Charlotte screeched as she fought against it.


"I hate you Jonathan Lennox! I absolutely despise you!"

A small grin cracked at the corners of his lips, this was the first time she had called him by his name. He was quite pleased with himself. "The more you fight it, the more tired you'll be. Stop it and we'll get back to the picnic area before it starts to rain."


"I'll be damned!"

"Quite a Lady, Charlotte,"

"Shut up!" She yelled.

Charlotte fought him until she grew tired, her whole body warming at his touch. She could feel the muscles on his arms flexing as he gripped her tightly. He jested with her, teasing her that he'd drop her head down forward if she tried any more to resist his 'help'. So she complied at the end, her breath haggard from yelling and whining. The sky was darkening and the two seemed to be lost.

"If I put you down, will you stay?" Jonathan asked.


"Is that a lie?"

"Yes I mean...no."

"You'll regret it Charlotte."

When his grip was loosening on her, Charlotte broke free and triumphantly declared her freedom. Until she realized that she had fallen into a strong current of water. She could feel the rage steaming from her bones as she glared up at him. But he looked quite amused at the scene, his sculpted lips curving with a smile, revealing subtle dimples on both of his cheeks. It was hard not to admire and she could feel her face burning. The water was strong and colder than she had expected, it's waves starting to push against her.

"This is all your fault, you bastard!" Charlotte's shrilled. Now she was sensing dread, fear really. "I-I can't swim!"

And at her declaration, Jonathans face paled as he quickly waded in, his body fighting the water as it gushed against the pair. He grabbed onto her arm as tightly as possible and pulled her to him with all his strength. From the waist down, he was drenched but Charlotte was in even worse condition as her bummed had landed flatly onto the bottom, soaking all her garment. She was shivering and quickly, he stripped himself of his jacket before covering it around her. He did his best not to look at her, her garments had paled and visibly outlined the curves of her body.

And it was as if God was mocking them. The once sunny sky was no more and instead, the sound of thunder echoed. It started bloody raining.

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