《Chasing Charlotte》Chapter Four


The sound of dropped utensils permeated through the air.

"I can't believe you, you filthy mongrel beast brother of mine! You agreed to marry me off like a slave without even asking for my permission!" Charlotte was in hysterics as she threw the utensils at her brother, aiming specifically with the knife which had only fallen haphazardly onto the floor - almost striking the butler instead.

"Well he asked with good intent." William stated calmly as he proceeded to cut his food, chewing it in his stupid mouth of his.

"GOOD INTENT? You're not the one getting married you imbecile!"Charlotte was on the verge of shredding him to pieces and it wasn't until Fanny's cane thudded against the table did she freeze, stopping her antics.

"Shut up girl! Your brother is a senseless fool, we all know that," Fanny declared, displeased with both of her grandchildren's abrasiveness.


"SHUT UP," the old woman yelled, William's trap immediately closing as he watched his grandmother swing around her cane like a riding stick. She was a woman to be reckoned with. This was her house even if she didn't carry on the title.

"Now listen good Charlotte, although I do not condone your brother's stupidity, I see why this is a good opportunity for you. All the suitors that had once wanted you are married off. The rest of the damn decent lot have been besotted by younger girls. Either you agree to wed Lord Lennox or you can dig yourself an early grave and bed that ninny of a wimblewart!"

And at her rational, Charlotte closed her mouth and gulped. Even though she didn't want to hear it, she knew it was true. She had turned away several suitors before and racked up a reputation of being a condescending snob. Most of the ton looked at her like rotten vegetables, either judging her with their stank eyes or gossiping about her behind her back. Her choices were limited. But both options looked dreary. Either pick the arrogant egghead who had the physical appeal of a Grecian god or the sniveling snot twit idiot who had the belly the size of a pig. Perhaps it would smarter to pick the Grecian.


"I should've become a nun."


Charlotte glared at her brother who met her gaze with a smug look. To retain her title, her status, her lifestyle, women like her had to marry and her brother had only quickened the speed by allowing her arrangement with Jonathan Lennox to occur. He had no qualms in wedding her off just so he could continue on his antics without his sister raving about his indecencies. Marriage was unavoidable. She was one and twenty, soon to be two and twenty ... she was getting old. If she dared wait any longer, she'd truly be on the road of becoming a spinster.

"Freshen up Charlotte, there's a picnic this afternoon with your suitors." Though William did his best to present the information stoically, she caught the smirk rising up in his features. Charlotte wished she could connect her fist with his cocky face. It'd make her feel better.

"Freshen yourself up you arse!" Charlotte spun off from the dining hall with a huff, hiking her skirt up with little dignity left. "You'll get what's coming to you William Cecil! One of these days!" Her voice fading into the distance.

Jonathan had lived the previous evening in his head over and over again. She was absolutely divine and he had resisted every urge he had to deflower her there in then in that room. He knew she had been intimidated by his imposing demands but he didn't care, he needed her to want him as much as he did her. In all truth, things were looking pleasant. All he had to do was remove the nuisance in his way which was that of bumbling fool, Howard Wilmington. He'd bloody sock him in the face if he looked at Charlotte unscrupulously again.


"You look quite content with yourself." Cornelius's said.

"I am grandfather, I intend to propose this year."

Cornelius Lennox looked at his grandson in peculiar surprise. He knew his grandson well enough to understand that the boy had never showed interest in settling. Jonathan had always caused a ruckus with his distasteful hobby of ravishing women - all a game that he played to seemingly amuse himself. And now that he heard his grandson speak the unbelievable, well, it was quite a shock. Jonathan Lennox seemed to be serious about a certain someone, a special lady for the first time in his life. This was something Cornelius couldn't have predicted but the old man was pleased nonetheless. His grandson was finally becoming a worthy man to inherit the Richmond Dukedom.

"Who's the girl?"

"I'll introduce her to you when you meet her," Jonathan said lethargically.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing boy?"

"Yes, I have every intention of having her."

"Having her?" Cornelius remarked, a brow raised. "You aren't taking in a stray animal from the streets boy. One has pets, one has books - you don't just have women."

"Woman," Jonathan corrected. "I want to wed her. I want her to love me as I do her."

Cornelius snorted at Jonathan's preposterous comment, "love? Boy when were you a romantic and when did you fall in love? You only returned to London a few days ago."

Jonathan dismissed his grandfather's words. "It doesn't matter grandfather. She's different. I know it."

"You sound idiotic Jonathan."

"That I am."

"I do hope this love of yours goes as well as you want it. I wager if you do love her as purely as you exclaim then for god's sake, marry her by the end of the six months."

"Right you have."

"Confident are we?"

"Of course. I'm a stud."

Cornelius shook his head with a laugh. And the two shook hands on it.

This is the fastest I've ever written a story which is almost complete all I have to do here on wattpad is upload it and edit. I'm quite proud to be very honest haha. I tried something new with this story and it worked wonders. I used a timeline this time. It's ridiculous I know, should be something writers use all the time right? But I hadn't up until now and it works magically for me. Really helps organize all the clutter in my head as well as the messy handwritten notes. But I'm proud at my progress. Anyways, vote, comment, smile!

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