《Chasing Charlotte》Chapter Two


The sound of the curtains being pulled opened by Annie awoke Charlotte as she clumsily rolled out of bed, head banging on the floor board first.

"Goodness, Ms Charlotte, are you alright?"

"Do I look alright?" Charlotte moaned as she lifted her head up and used a hand to rub the area of hurt.

"I hope this isn't one of your twisted plots to avoid the ball this evening." Fanny's voice pierced through the doorway, tsking at the sight of her grand daughter drowning pathetically on the floor.

"No grandmama, it isn't." Charlotte muttered as she pulled herself up to her feet, the mess of blonde tresses covering her face. At that moment she looked like the ghost of christmas past.

"Get dressed girl, we have a long day of shopping to do," Fanny instructed waving her cane around as she tapped the floor impatiently before turning her back to give her granddaughter some privacy to get herself ready.

"We have a long day of shopping to do," Charlotte mocked her grandmama's voice under her breath. "More like shopping for my death."


And the rest of the morning was filled with another routine of chaos where the sound of Fanny's voice could be heard from the whole household. But the servants of the Salisbury carried on much indifferent to the ruckus - it was normal.

What felt like a decade, Charlotte was finally relieved back home as she exited the carriage with a sigh, breathing in the fresh air. She despised London and it's peeping eyes pointed at every person that walked the streets. She had a run in with the notorious Ladies of Kent and Bath who had the indecency to laugh at her and ridicule her impropriety. It was only right in Charlotte's mind to teach them a lesson. And to be fair, at least she had the last laugh when she watched both of the girls fall into the mud - screaming for their lives as if they were just stripped naked. Even though her grandmama was one for good etiquette, she only stared before waving her cane around pretending to be blind to their misfortune.


The evening couldn't have been more dreadful than what Charlotte had hoped for. She hated every god damn ball that she ever attended with the stifling old farts who situated themselves around the area looming like rats.

Plus the gown that Fanny had forced her to wear, well commanded - it was Annie who had shoved her into it; it was chokingly tight. The scoop of neckline was lower than her comfort and it pressed up against her bosom like two melons ready to explode. The dress was a fitting color of pale robin blue sewn with resplendent ribbons and lace. The slender pink of her skin was exposed in the ambience of the lamp light. Her hair was pinned up, her curls forced into position as it rested above her head like a death sentence. How she wished to end this evening as quickly as possible as she gagged at her appearance. She looked like a cow ready to be paraded off around like livestock to sell. To say she abhorred it all was an understatement. But for the sake of this predicament that she was in, she had no choice but to comply. Someday she'd kill William, she swore it under her breath.

"You look lovely," William murmured dryly as he lent his hand to his sister.

"And you look better than you've had in days. Stopped using closets I see?" she jabbed curtly only to get a tighter grip of her brother's fingers digging into her hand.

"For heaven's sake, shut it Charlotte," fuming as his temperament was starting to rise again.

"You two better behave this evening or else old lady Fanny is gonna spank you both on your bums!" Their grandmama hooted from the carriage. It was never an empty threat and so both siblings shut their mouth as the door to the vehicle closed and they were on their way to yet another evening of prissy chits and annoying twats.


The ball was as lavish as any that was hosted in London, decadently decorated with the sound of strumming drowned out by murmurs of delightful chatters between the opposite sexs. Jonathan had been preoccupied in the moment with a red headed lass who had seductively looped an arm around his, whispering in his ears about things that she wanted to do and see. But he dismissed it as his eyes darted through the crowd of people. There was only one woman he wished to see that evening and he was biding his time at this event. Truly he didn't care one bit for it, he himself had a goal and that was that.

"Lord Lennox, what are you looking for?" the girl drawled on as she clung to his arm.

Oh how dearly he wanted to shake the woman off his arm, what a ninny.

"Someone important dear," he answered.

"More important than me?" her voice sickening to hear as she brought her hands in places that were against every protocol in the book.

In irritation, he clasped her wrists and looked her in the eye with a stern, "no" before abandoning the girl in the corner as she stomped her foot in anger.

At every sight of blonde he saw, he looked for her. But it wasn't until he reached the exit of the room did he find her gracious form. She was just as much of a sight to behold as she was years ago. The curves of figure were fruitfully plenished as his eyes couldn't help but drift to her chest. The dress she wore emphasized her assets. Charlotte was well endowed, her slender neck turning to whisper to her grandmother something which only accentuated her form even more. The milky paleness of her skin matched the golden hues of her hair, pulled together seemingly against it's will. Jonathan hadn't realized he was holding his breath until William waved a hand at him to greet him.

Much to his disappointment, Charlotte was whisked off elsewhere. Jonathan felt his hand tighten but he came with a purpose. And that was to wed Charlotte. In order to do so, he'd need the assistance of her brother. William Cecil was an old friend from Eton who he had strove to remain close with. Though in genuine honesty, it wasn't only for the sake of Charlotte did he aim to maintain a friendship. No, he truly thought that William was quite an amiable person.

I'm attempting to upload a chapter a day which sounds quite insane but I think I can do it since school won't be starting for me until a couple weeks later. Anyways, please do let me know what you think, I'd love to hear any feedback!

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