《Are you for real?! (Naruto various x reader)》Neji got canceled - pt. 2


The older Hyuga looked back at the two.

Neji: 'Oh god, he's annoying..."

With Hinata's new found determination, she composed herself.

"So you won't forfeit. Don't blame me for what happens next..." Neji trailed off, taking note of how Hinata's eyes have changed.

"I no longer want to run away!" Hinata stated, activating her own Byakugan and shocking a few people.

"Brother Neji..." Hinata started, getting in to a fighting stance, ready to engage in Taijutsu.

"...We fight." Hinata ended, finding the confidence to duel with her 'brother'.

"Fine." Neji obliged, mirroring Hinata's pose.

"Just as I thought. She uses the same Hyuga Style. Their stances are exactly the same." Lee commented, earning him two looks of confusion from Sakura and Naruto.

"Hyuga style?" Sakura asked.

"It's the Leaf's strongest style of Taijutsu, Sakura." (Y/n) said, eyes not removing the two Hyugas in the arena.

Lee's fist were clenching so hard to the point that you could see him shaking.

"I said it before..." Lee paused, looking down.

"The strongest Leaf Genin is most likely on my team..." He lifted his head to look at his Hyuga teammate.

"....That is, Neji Hyuga." The older Genin said.

The two in the arena started engaging in Taijutsu, a series of attacks and blocks were blurred as light dust clouds formed around them. Quick movements you shouldn't be able to see to a normal person's eye.

But hey, this is the Narutoverse, so what really is normal at this point?

Carrying on then.

Their movements stopped when Hinata managed to land a hit on Neji.

"She got him?!" Sakura exclaimed.

"No, that hit wasn't enough!!" Naruto said out loud.

"Using the Hyuga's style of combat, the slightest of touches can be enough." (Y/n) averred with crossed arms.


"Indeed, that makes their clan so great..." Lee added on.

"What does that mean?" Sakura inquired.

"The Hyuga have a special Taijutsu technique that has been passed down..." Gai implied, chiming in to their conversation.

As Rock Lee and his sensei explained the unique for of Taijutsu, Hinata and Neji's fight, continued.

Another pause.




Somone landed a hit.

No, it wasn't Hinata.




The hit made Hinata cough up some blood, but she wasn't down, no, the female Hyuga was still determined.

Hinata's fatigue was visible, she tried to land a hit on the opposing clan member, near his head, but Neji caught her arm, landing another hit on her.

With Hinata's left arm firmly in place via his left hand, Neji used his free hand to roll up her sleeve, revealing slight dents in specific places, to what assumed to be chakra points.

Hinata was then palmed in the chest, sending her flying back.

Neji then started talking.

"Hinata-sama...this is the difference in talent that can never change...The difference that divides an elite from a loser. This is the reality that cannot be changed. At the point you said 'I no longer want to run away' , were setting yourself up for regret...for this. You should be overcome with desperation right now."

Hinata stayed silent, still on the ground, but on a slow pace to picking herself.

"Just forfeit." Neji said, continuing to look down on her.

"I...don't...go back...on my word..." Hinata trailed off, slightly grunting between each pause whilst stepping up.

Naruto: 'Hinata...'

(Y/n): 'God...I have the icepacks ready'

"That...Is my ninja way!" Hinata said with a determined smile, a battered up one, but still a smile.

The match.....

Still continued.

Neji was unreasonably pissed off at this point, they both knew that he had the upperhand here.


But Hinata continued.

Continued to get beaten up.

Continued to try.

Then a fatal hit directly on her chest, Hinata's body fell limp.

Bruised and battered, on the floor, yet she still tried and got up.

The leaf genin along with their senseis were concerned and very much worried for Hinata and the situation she was in.

The male Hyuga was clouded with anger, he wanted to Hinata because of her persistence.

"NEJI-KUN!!! THIS MATCH IS OVER!" Hayate warned, yet the boy ignored him.

Neji came running towards her with a clear intent to kill his clan member, though he was stopped.

Stopped by Hayate, Kakashi, Gai and Kurenai, who came right before he could land a final blow on Hinata, who was clearly shaking.

Hinata knees gave in, falling over and coughing up blood.

(Y/n) and Naruto instantly came to her side, Rock Lee and Sakura soon following after them.

All noise was muffled as a ringing noise filled her ears until she finally blacked out, having the last thing she saw being (Y/n).

Kurenai left her position by a 'calmed' down Neji to check up on her Hyuga student.

Neji glared at Naruto.

"In the end...a loser is a loser, they cannot change." Neji sharply stated, successfully ticking off Naruto.

"You wanna test me?" Naruto gritted his teeth.

"Don't, Naruto. Let him fantasize about bullshit in his own little world." (Y/n) commented, holding him back via his sweater.

"(Y/n), drop the clone, I know that you wouldn't actually do it, but stop." Kakashi stated, making Neji and Gai realize the presence behind them.

The clone scoffed and melted in to water before finally disovling in to nothingness.

Neji and Gai look at (Y/n) in bewilderment, not remembering, nor sensing when she made the clone.

Medical nin rushed through the door and instantly, yet carefully, picked up Hinata and placed her on a stretcher, Kurenai wishing the best for her student as she was taken away.

Then she glared at Neji like an angry mom-


Carrying on then.

After clearing up the arena and a few people -mostly naruto- bickering here and there, Hayate cleared his throat to announce the next match.

There were four people remaining, which consisted of Choji, Gaara, Rock Lee and Dōsu.

Lee was being bratty about how he should basically go last, but in reality, he was trying to use reverse psychology so he would go next.

Choji was prepared to forfeit, mostly because the people who were left were all stronger than him

Gaara just really wanted to kill someone.

And Dōsu is irrelevant. 👍

But we all should know whose match next, right?

-Gaara vs. Rock Lee-

"LET'SSS GOOOO! SAFE!" Choji exclaimed, doing something similar to a T-pose.

"Alright Lee!! Go do it!" You could hear Gai motivating Lee from absolutely anywhere in the building.

"Yes!!" A pumped up Lee said, jumping down from the railings, successfully landing in front of his opponent.

Gaara and Lee were facing eachother.

"To be able to face you this early..." Lee trailed off.

"I couldn't be happier." Rock Lee said with much (youthful) determination.

Gaara remained still.

Dry ass reaction...


Word count: 1184

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