《Are you for real?! (Naruto various x reader)》💫💓A Date With Rock Lee💓💫


"Eh, why are you up so early, (N/n)?" A slightly tired Naruto asked, walking out of his bedroom.

"Hm, oh, I have a date soon." (Y/n) bluntly answered, fixing on her shoes.

"Oh, alright." Naruto paused, processing (Y/n)'s statement.

"WAIT WHAT?! WITH WHO?!" Naruto exclaimed, immediately snapping out of his tired-like state.

"Well, with L-"

Just then, someone knocked on the door, interrupting (Y/n) midway through her sentence.

The (h/c) haired girl got up to open the door.

"Hello (Y/n)!" Rock Lee brightly greeted said girl.

"Ah, Lee, you're here." (Y/n) had a small smile on her face.

"BUSHY BROWS!" Naruto pointed at Lee.

"(Y/n), you did not tell me you lived with Naruto." Lee stated.

"Well, congratulations, now you know." (Y/n) partially irked at the blonde.

"Shall we go now?" Lee said, offering (Y/n) a hand.

Naruto looked at Rock Lee, he was in a state of bewilderment and 'slight' jealousy.

But this part isn't about him, so carrying on.

"Breakast should still be warm, and there's probably some juice or milk in the fridge. Anyways, bye, Naruto!" (Y/n) stated, taking Lee's hand and stepping out.

As the door closed, Naruto was left there, staring at where (Y/n) used to be standing.

"I want to take (Y/n) out on a date..." Naruto slumped forwards in disappointment.


"So where are we planning to go?" (Y/n) asked, moving her arm to hold hands with Lee.

"I was thinking we could either get Ichiraku Ramen or go the new dessert shop that had opened up recently." Lee answered, a shade of pink spreaded out on his face.

"Mmh, dessert sounds nice right now..." (Y/n) trailed off, thinking about how anime food in general looks overall amazing.

"To- (insert the shop name because the author isn't creative right now) -it is!" Lee exclaimed, pulling (Y/n) closer to his side.


(Y/n) let out a airy laugh, and simply walked along with Lee.

(𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙)

Due to (Y/n)'s automatic Google maps in her head, the two were close to the shop.

"Hey, (Y/n)." Rock Lee called out, catching the (h/c) haired girl's attention.

She simply turned towards him with a hum.

"Thank you..." Rock Lee started, looking back at the girl.

(Y/n) looked at him intently with a slightly tilted head, waiting for Lee to continue.

The look he was getting from (Y/n) brought a light blush on his face, yet he didn't break the eye contact.

"...for being here and accepting my invitation to take you out on this date. And for giving me a chance!" Lee said the last part with a bright smile.

(Y/n) gave her date a soft smile in return, but her attention quickly shifted to the building in front of them, though Lee was in a trance looking at her.

"We're here, Lee." (Y/n) said, her tone matching her smile.

After a few moments, Rock Lee had snapped out of his daze and cleared his throat.

"Ah, right, sorry about that!" Lee quickly apologized in a bashful tone, and opened the door for the two.

The interior wall were a neutral brown, and peeking behind the display of pastries were greyish brick walls in the cooking area.

The dark oak flooring were a nice touch with the tables and chairs being birch wood.

But of couse it was all in the Naruto animation style.

The two found themselves on a table for two near a window after ordering, to which you two were bickering for a while on who would pay, but alas, Lee ended up paying being the gentleman that he is.

(Y/n) would just transport some of her own money in his wallet later.

The order consisted of Lee getting a slice of Soufflé cheesecake (a.k.a Japanese cheesecake) with a vanilla milkshake. And (Y/n) getting (dessert of choice) and (beverage or choice).


As the two were idling chatting whilst eating their desserts, (Y/n)'s mental radar picked up several familiar chakras nearby.

(Y/n): 'Naruto, why the fuck did you tell- y'know what, nevermind, its Naruto'

The (h/c) haired girl sighed, which didn't go unnoticed by Rock Lee.

"Is something wrong?" Lee asked, a hint of anxiousness laced in his voice, hopinh he wasn't the cause of (Y/n)'s sudden change in mood.

"It's nothing." (Y/n) glance outside, more specifically, the alleyway in which Naruto and a few other people hid.

Who else was there you might ask?

Let's see...

(Y/n): 'Naruto, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Choji, Kiba... Shikamaru? Neji?! Who the fuck is gonna pop up next?! Better not be Sasuke-'

(Y/n) silenced her own thoughts and deadpanned.

"Please excuse me, (Y/n), but I have to go to the washroom." Lee said, which (Y/n) nodded, watching him get up and enter the washroom of the dessert shop.

She immediately got up, and left for the door, not before leaving a note saying that she was just outside, in case Lee comes back earlier than her.

(Y/n)'s whole ass aura changed once she started to pace towards the paralyzed group, no, literally. She hand made it so they couldn't move from their spots.

•ᵂᶦᵗʰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳˢ•

"I knew this was a terrible idea." Shikamaru complained, Neji agreeing with him.

"Then why'd you come along then?!" Sakura whisper-yelled.

"Curiosity to see if the dumbass in front of us was telling the truth." Shikamaru answered, having Naruto in front of the rest of them.

"What I'm more curious about is why everyone else is here aswell?" Shikamaru asked.

"Well Naruto just came banging at our doors about this." Sasuke started, referring to Sakura and himself.

"And then Sakura told me after." Ino stated.

"You and I were hanging out with eachother for lunch, we then heard their group." Choji replied.

"We also know that Kiba saw our group and decided to go along with us after Naruto explained what was happening." Shikamaru added.

All eyes shifted to Tenten and Neji.

"We overheard Rock Lee and Gai sensei talking about the Lee going on a date yesterday." Tenten replied.

(Y/n) sternly said, having everyone one shiver at the tone of her voice, they were just so used to the laid-back version of (Y/n) that they've never experienced her like this.

"Tell me," (Y/n) paused, a 'smile' forming on her face, but they all knew, and felt, the sinister meaning behind her expression.

"Why.The.Fuck.Are.You.Guys.Here." (Y/n) had her arms crossed with sharp and narrowed (e/c) eyes glaring holes at the group of people that were presently in front of her.

Naruto was about to speak up, but instantly closed his mouth.

"Choose your next words wisely." (Y/n) glared them down, waiting for an answer from somebody.

Before Naruto could've spoken up, the sound of the shop's door opening and closing made (Y/n) release the paralysis and turn towards Rock Lee.

(Y/n) decided to save them both the awkwardness and second-hand embarasment, by walking up to Rock Lee and making sure he didn't see the stalker-ish group behind her, but she did not forget to spare them a deathly glare before she left.

The rest of the day was spent with (Y/n) and Lee bringing the food to his house just to vibe around.


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