《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-34


It was ten days constant ride to Arabia.

The sun was setting behind the mountains when Osman ordered to set up the tents in a meadow to spend the night.

Osman helped Arta dismounting from her horse.

"Are you tired?"

"Of course, but I'm fine."

"Let's walk to the village until they set up our tent."

Arta nodded. Osman held her hand and they walked toward the village. Pomegranate and walnut trees were everywhere. The houses were surrounded by low adobe walls and between them were streams of clear water. The sound of stream combined with the sound of wind in trees and the rustling of leaves were enchanting them as they were walking in the narrow streets of the village.

Arta inhaled deeply and closed her eyes "Oh my God! This place is heaven. I can live here for the rest of my life."

Osman looked at her happy and calm face. He wished that too. He also wanted to have a calm and stress-free life with Arta, but he knew it was impossible. He was the crown prince of a nation and the governor of another. His life would be even more hectic if his father dies.

There were a few people here and there waving hi as they were passing by. They reached the city's main square. Osman and Arta approached the only vendor who was slowly collecting his goods on an old cart. He was an old man with a long white beard. He had all sorts of things from old chipped vases to clothes and even carpets.

"Hello! How can I help you?" the old man said with a kind smile on his face.

"Hello, can I ask what is the name of this village?" Arta asked.

"Here is called Paishia."

Osman was looking at the goods in the cart, while Arta was talking to the man.

"Where are you from?" Asked the vendor.

"From Parse." Arta replied.

The man smiled again "I could tell. From your fine dresses, you are not like villagers. And you must be from a noble family or better to say you were from a noble family?!"

He looked at Osman who was attired in Arabian clothing with his Arabian sword. Then he whispered to Arta "Are you in trouble my daughter?"

Arta smiled at his kind and concern face "No Baba Jan! he is my husband."

The old man looked shocked and a bit ashamed "Oh!"

"I know!" Arta laughed. Osman's attention averted from the vendor's cart to Arta.

"What did I miss?" Osman asked as he was approaching Arta.

"Nothing! Let's go. Thank you Baba Jan." Arta smiled at the old man and shook his hand gently.

"Have a safe trip!" the man replied.

Osman nodded to the man and they left to return to their camp.

"Oh wait I think I forgot something." Osman said as they turned to an allay on their way back to the camp. "Wait here I'll be right back." He did not wait for Arta's reaction and quickly ran back to the square.

"Wait! What? What did you forget? Osman?"

"I'll be right back. Just stay there" Osman shouted as he was running.

"Is he crazy or what?" Arta nagged "Offffff"

After a couple of minutes, he came back.

"What happened? What did you forget?" Arta asked as he was approaching her.


"Nothing! I thought I had forgotten my gloves on the man's cart as I was examining his goods but then I remembered I had not brought them with me" he laughed nervously.

Arta narrows her eyes. She did not believe him but she was too tired and hungry to argue with him. "Ooookaaaay"

"Let's go back to the camp now, our tent must be ready by now."

It was almost dark when they reached the camp.

"Wow, this is huge!" Arta looked at the tent which was supposed to be their bedroom for that night and also the following nights on their way to Arabia.

"My prince." Nahla bowed in front of them at the tent's entrance "the dinner table is set, as you ordered."

"Thank you Nahla, you may leave." Osman replied. Arta also smiled at Nahla.

They entered the tent and Arta's eyes widened in surprise as she saw how beautiful, luxurious, and colorful was inside "I must admit, I never could have imagined that you live in such luxury tents in the middle of deserts."

"Hey! Arabia is not all desert." Osman walked toward Arta as she was examining their tent and hugged her from behind. He kissed her neck and whispered in her ear "I will show you the beauty of Arabia. You and I together will travel across the country as my wife and the future queen."

Arta inhaled deeply and closed her eyes as she felt thousands of butterflies in her stomach.

Osman stepped back "But first let's eat, I'm starving." He laughed.

Arta looked nervous and with trembling legs, she sat behind the table.

After dinner, Nahla prepared a hot bath for Arta. She helped her to take a bath behind the curtains in the tent. Osman also went out to instruct their companions and soldiers about tomorrow.

When Osman came back Arta was still in the bath. He could hear her arguing about something with Nahla. He lied down on the bed, waiting for Arta.

A couple of minutes passed and Arta came back to the sleeping area of the tent. Osman was fast asleep. She tiptoed to the other side of the bed and crawled under the sheets.


It took four days to reach the border of Arabia.

"Now we are officially in Arabia." Osman said cheerfully to Arta, who was riding on her horse beside Osman. "Welcome to Arabia, my love."

Arta smiled back. She was excited but also nervous. She had never left Persia before. Stepping into a foreign land specially Arabia, their enemy's land was not something that even she could have imagined a few months ago. She was trying to hide his nervousness from Osman and not to spoil his enthusiasm.

After a few hours of riding into the foreign land of Arabia, there was nothing around them but a plantless desert. Although it was close to sunset Arta was still feeling the excruciating heat radiating from the ground and was constantly sipping from her water flask.

"I think it's better to set up our camp here for the night and continue tomorrow."

Arta looked around, there was nothing around them, no villages no mountains. There were just a few dry bushes here and there. "fine with me!" she shrugged.

"Come with me, I'll show you something." Osman told Arta as he helped her got off her horse.

They walked for a couple of minutes, Arta was already tired and sweating "There is nothing here, what do you want to show me?" she wished they could pass this desert and reach a village or at least somewhere less harsh.


Osman could see her frustration. They walked for a couple of minutes until the sound of their companion could not be heard.

"How much more should we walk? There is nothing here."

"Exactly, there is nothing here! Look around and enjoy it."

"What? Are you crazy? Enjoy what? I'm going back. I need to find a shadow otherwise I'll faint." Arta raised one of her eyebrows and turned to walk back to their camp.

Osman grabbed her wrist "You cannot survive if you don't embrace the desert. Have you noticed how calm everyone else is?"

"Yes, but I thought they are used to this kind of situation."

Osman laughed "honestly no one can get used to it. But they've made peace with it."

Arta shrugged "Can we go now?"

Osman took her hands and stood in front of her "close your eyes!"

"No! I cannot stand this agonizing situation." She tried to release her hands but he did not release her hands.

"Trust me!" Osman looked deep in her eyes.

"Offff, ok" she gave up.

"Close your eyes" Osman said softly and pulled her closer.

Arta closed her eyes. Osman was so close to her that she could feel his breath on her forehead.

"Take a deep breath and try to relax." Arta did what she was told. "Now listen!"

"To what?"

"To the sound of the desert."

"I cannot hear anything!"

"Just be quiet for a second for God's sake and concentrate, you will hear!"

Arta sighed.

They stood there hand in hand for several minutes. Osman was looking at Arta's expression which was getting calmer and calmer. He whispered in her ears "Can you hear it?"

"Uhum" Arta said and opened her teary eyes.

"Are you sad my love?" Osman was shocked. "I'm sorry, let's go back. I think you need to rest. Sorry for pushing you!"

"No no, please!" she stopped Osman. "Thank you!" she said and hugged Osman tightly and started to cry.

"I don't understand. I was trying to make you calm, not sad." He said while kissing her head and hugging her back. He was so confused and felt guilty.

"I am calm, actually for the first time in I don't know how long. Just let's stay like this for the moment. Don't worry, the crying is good for me now. Just let me empty myself."

Arta stepped back and looked at Osman with her wet eyes "I don't know what happened and I cannot explain it but it is as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

"It's the magic of the desert. You can find peace here." He kissed her hand then he laughed "I thought you've become crazy, you know, too much calmness probably not good for you."

"And now the moment is gone, thank you!" Arta looked irritated, she hissed and quickly walked back to the camp.

"Oh come on, I was just joking to change the mood." Osman said while running after Arta. "May Allah helps me understand you woman!" he whispered to himself.


After taking a bath and having dinner, Osman went to talk with their companions and soldiers like every night. Arta lied down on the bed staring at the tent's ceiling.

"Oh, it's a pity to be in the desert and not watching the night sky." Osman said as he entered the tent.

"Let's go out for a moment and enjoy the view."

Osman helped Arta leaving the bed and they walked out of the tent hand in hand.

They walked to the back of their tent.

"Did you prepare this?" Arta said as she was looking with joy at the scene in front of her. A carpet on the floor with a fire in front of it. There were fruits, sweets, and sherbet on trays.

"Do you like it?" Osman asked as he placed a kiss on her hand.

"I love it." They went and sat on the colorful cushions.

"I wanted your first night in Arabia to be special."

Arta leaned on Osman "every night is special with you."

Osman kissed her head.

They were mostly silent enjoying the crackling sound of the fire in front of them, cuddling each other, placing soft kisses, and appreciating the sweets in front of them.

"Give me your hand," Osman said and grabbed her hand then placed a ring on her ring finger.

"Oh my God!" Arta was surprised. "Where did you get that?"

"Do you remember that vendor in Paishis?"

"Oh... I see, your gloves." Arta laughed, she was so amazed that how an Arab warrior could be so romantic.

"Do you like it?" it was a fine silver ring with a small turquoise in the middle and two tiny pearls on the both sides. "I know it is not gold and not like your other pieces of jewelry but it would perfectly match your mother's necklace."

"My mother's necklace?" Arta whispered to herself. She had forgotten about the necklace. The last time she had it, was when she was running away from the palace with Abtin. Her face saddened thinking about that night and the necklace that she had lost.

"I guess I have lost the necklace." A drop of tear fell from her eyes.

"come here!" Osman hugged her tightly. "maybe you can remember your mom by this ring from now on."

"I'll remember love with this ring." She touched the ring in her hand "Thank you!" and kissed Osman on his lips.

She smiled "What a magical day and night. WOW to the desert. I already fell in love with Arabia."

"I'm sure Arabia falls in love with you too." Osman said and kissed her neck. Arta bent her neck to give him more room to continue his kisses. She could feel his hot breath on her neck. His kisses made her feel euphoric. She closed her eyes and a low moan escaped her lips.

The kisses become more intense and going down her neck. They were both breathing fast with excitement.

With a swift move, Osman lifted her in his arms and walked toward their tent.

He softly placed Arta on their bed and then they started to undress each other while their lips were connected.

Arta locked her hands around his neck and pulled him toward herself "I'm ready for another baby. Give me another baby." She said looking intently in his eyes. She was full of love and life. She was ready.

Osman blinked and stopped for a second, a chill ran down his spine.

Arta kissed his frozen lips, but he did not kiss her back.

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