《" Soulmates " - Sanemi x Reader // choinamraswifee》Chapter 1 - " Soulmates "


"" You run to the door before your little brother could get there and you open the door to see Sanemi , " Sanemi !! " You yell and jump into his spread out arms resulting to you guys falling to the ground . " Hello to you too " He laughs as you help him up . " Hey Y/N ! " Sanemi's mom yells by the end of the yard , " Hey Mrs . Shinazugawa !! How are you today ? " You give her a bright smile and she can't help but smile back . " I'm doing great , you ? " She gives you a smile back , " Same , would you like me to get my mother ? " You ask as you point behind you , " Yes , I need to talk to her ... " She trails off , her smile fading . You notice Mr . Shinazugawa walking up looking a bit angry . " Oh no ... " Sanemi mumbled stepping towards his mother . " Dad , what do you want ? " He boldly says , stepping between his father and mother . " Getting your mother . What does it look like ? Now move out the way , brat . " He angrily says stopping where he was . You walk beside Sanemi and bow , " I'm sorry sir but she will be talking with my mother first .. " You try to hide the fear in your voice because you could feel his stare looking through your soul . " Ugh , stupid women . " He says annoyed , walking away . You stand up straight and turn to Mrs . Shinazugawa , " Very sorry ma'am ... My mom is in the living room with Tadashi . " You smile at her then Sanemi . She bows , " Thank you dear .. " She smiles and walks in the house , closing the door behind her .

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" Really ?! Then what ? " You excitedly grab Sanemi's hand as he was telling a story , " They just ran away crying ! It was hilarious ! " He smiles at you , " I'm glad to be your friend , (Y/N) .. " His smile fades . " Me too , It's getting a bit dark ... Maybe we should head back .. " You get up , extending your hand for Sanemi . " Yea , maybe we could have a sleepover !! " He grabs your hand and starts walking . " Yea ! " You laugh as you walk with him home , luckily it wasn't that far .

" Mother !! " You open the door and stand their shocked .. Your eyes start to tear up , looking at the scene in front of you . " (Y/N) ! What's wrong , why are you cry --- " He stops talking as he looks inside the house ...

" Omg ... (Y/N) ... " He looks at you , tears in his eyes too . " Why don't we get some of your clothes and I can take you to my house ? " Hw hugs you tightly which helps you feel better a little bit better , you nod as you guys walk inside stepping over all the blood and bodies of your family . " I wonder what happened ... " You trail of as you walk down the stairs , towards the basement . " Same .... I feel so bad for you , I wish I could help you .. " He walks carefully behind you , "Its alright Sanemi " You give him a faint smile as you turn on the light to the basement revealing a dresser and a bed with a vanity . " Time to pack I guess .... "

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" Mother .. ? Father ? " Sanemi yells entering his home beside you , " Yes dear ? " His mother calls out walking towards you guys . " Oh ? Sanemi , why is (Y/N) here ? " She asks looking at you . " I'll explain to you in the other room ... " He looks at you sadly , " (Y/N) could you go up to my room .. ? I want to explain to my mother about what happened , I don't want you to have to hear it again . " You give him a smile and a nod , " I understand , thank you " You start walking up the stairs as he says your welcome .

" (Y/N) ? " You hear a voice curiously say as you walk up the stairs . " Hey Genya , I'm just staying the night ... " You say walking into Sanemi's room , closing the door and dropping your bag on the floor . ' I can't believe this .. This is horrible .. How did that happen ... ? ' Images of the bodies of your parents in the kitchen sitting at the table with horrid expressions ... and your little brother in the living room , sprawled on the floor with a scared face and a big bite on his arm ... You start crying when all of a sudden you hear a loud bang . ' What was that ?! ' You think running to open the door and run downstairs , Genya was huddled on the floor when you ran down the stairs ... "Sanemi ! " You yell to him as you see him fall to the ground . When you got down the stairs you saw his mother on the floor and his dad standing above both him and his mother on the floor . " What the heck ?! " You run and smack his father , " Don't ever touch Sanemi again ! " You angrily look at him as he freezes before hitting you , " Go ahead ! Do it !! " You yell angrily at him , " (Y/N) ... ? "Sanemi says , sitting up slowly , his father's eyes start tearing up as you kneel beside Sanemi and hug as he hugs you back . " I -- " His father begins getting cut off , " Don't even . " You angrily look at him helping Sanemi up then helping his mother up and hugging her . " I'm sorry .... " His father runs out the house crying , " No ! " His mother yells , running after him . " Mrs . Shinazugawa !! " You yell too late as she is already running out the house , " Don't worry (Y/N) she'll be back .. Luckily you know how to cook , am I right ? " He nudges you with his elbow , smiling .

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