《The Road To Nowhere (Matt Tuck Fanfic)》1


I looked out of my apartment window to see the Bullet For My Valentine bus pull up by the side of the road. Today was the start of their UK tour and they had asked me to come along with them, seeing as I was good friends with them.

I was quite well known to the music industry, I had my own band, Roses Bleed Blue, for a while until we decided to go our separate ways. After that, I focused on my YouTube channel that I had and also got offers to tour with many bands that I was friends with.

Usually I'd go on the tours to be some sort of support act, singing a couple of covers before the main bands. This time however, I was only tagging along purely because the boys wouldn't stop nagging their tour manager until he asked me.

Anyways, I watched as the bus door opened and out walked Jay and Padge, making their way up to my door. I beat them to it, jogging up to the door and opening it before they had the chance to knock.

"Hey! I missed you guys!" I smiled, as I gave each of them a hug.

"Ahhh, we missed you more," Padge replied, picking me up and spinning me round.

Jay came up and hugged me, saying hi, before we grabbed my bags and headed out to the bus.

Upon entering the bus, we walked through to the bunks and put my bags in the one I'd be sleeping in, when we heard someone walk out of the back room, closing the door behind them. I looked up to see Moose standing there with a sad look on his face before quickly putting on a smile and coming over to say hi to me.

"Hey stranger, glad you're touring with us again, we missed you!" He said, while wrapping his arms around me, acting like nothing was wrong beforehand.

"Yeah, I missed you guys too. Where's Matt?"

"Oh um... He's in the back, he'll be out in a bit... Hopefully," Moose explained, murmuring the word 'hopefulley' so that I wouldn't hear it. It didn't work though.

"Why hopefully? What's wrong with him?" I asked. It's not usually like Matt to be down about things.


The three boys exchanged glances before heading to the front lounge to sit down, with me following them.

"Matt uh... Is kinda going through a bad time at the moment, um... Him and his "wife" had been having problems for a while about him going on tour all the time and not being able to see their kid as much as she wanted him to," Padge explained, air quoting the word wife. I then sort of knew where this was going.

"The tour we've just finished a couple of days ago was when the arguing was at its worst, and he left for the tour without the two of them properly sorting things out and apologising. Then when we all went back home to grab new stuff for this tour, he got home to see all of hers and the kids stuff just gone and no sign of the two of them anywhere. Just up and left, not another word from them since."

"To say he's heartbroken is the goddam biggest understatement ever," Jay finished off.

I couldn't believe I just sat through that. How could anyone do that to someone they're supposed to love?

"Can I go see him? To make sure he's Ok?" I asked slowly.

The boys nodded in response and I got up, making my way to the door of the room, then knocking softly before creeping in, letting out a small gasp at the state in front of me.

Before my eyes, Matt was slouched on the sofa over in the far corner, turned away from the door and a cloud of cigarette smoke lingering around him. He wore grey jogging bottoms and an old black worn out tank top. His hair was a mess and there was a plate of untouched food next to him.

"Guys, I told you to leave me alone," His voice broke the short silence, it was barely recognizable. He sounded so hoarse and it seemed like he was trying to hold back tears.

"I'm not any of the guys," I replied quietly, making him look straight around at me.

My god he was such a mess.

"I can give you some space if you want though, they told me what happened."


With that he closed his dark, sleep deprived eyes and tried to stop the tears escaping. I sighed and walked over to him, sitting next to him and pulling him in for a hug. He hugged me back instantly and let the tears fall, holding onto me as if I was going to disappear at any given moment.

I buried my face in his hair while he cried into the side of my neck.

"Shh, it's Ok, you're gonna be Ok soon," I soothed as he soon his head in disagreement.

"She's fucking gone, I loved her so much and now I'll never see either of them again. I miss my boy so much," He said through the crying.

I held him closer to me as I felt my heart shatter at hearing him say that. That was the words of a truly heartbroken man. We stayed like that until he stopped crying, it wasn't even the first official day of the tour and he was already such a mess.

"Hey guys, we're ordering food, did you want Some?" Padge asked, appearing at the door.

I looked towards Matt and waited for him to respond. After a short moment of him staring into nothing, he gave a small slow nod and I looked back at Padge, telling him that we'd be out in a bit.

Padge nodded and left Matt and I alone again. There was a small moment of silence before Matt got up to change his shirt.

Now, I know after comforting him about his breakup with his wife, that this might be the wrong time to let my mind wonder, but I couldn't help but keep my gaze as he rid his body of his tank top and putting on a newer, cleaner one.

I watched as his back muscles flexed while he pulled the top down over his torso, than ran his hands through his hair to neaten it up a bit.

He turned to me and held out his hand for me to take. I grabbed hold and he pulled me up, maybe a little to much as I stumbled gently into him, looking up at his blue eyes which were trying their hardest to fill up with any sort of positive emotion. He still looked torn apart.

He smiled at me slightly then wrapped his arms around my waist, giving me another hug. I put my arms around his neck and stood onto my tip toes to hug him back. Dam being being so small and short!

We pulled apart when we heard Moose shouting from the other end of the bus that the food was here. Matt followed me out into the main room and sat down next to me, earning triumphant looks from the others.

"Yay, finally the dead has come out from the firey pits of cigarette smoke!" Moose cheered, making Matt nod a little bit in response.

We all sat down to eat, with me not letting Matt leave the table until he ate something. I gave up once he had gotten as far as eating the cheese off of his pizza and a few fries. He began refusing after that.

After clearing everything up from dinner, I went through to grab a change of clothes and headed into the bathroom.

I took off my jeans and shirt and changed into a pair of Batman pajama pants and a plain black crop top with long sleeves that went slightly past my hands. I then took off all my makeup and tied my long dark purple hair into a messy side ponytail.

Walking out of the bathroom, I called out to the others that I was going to sleep, turning to face Matt who was heading in my direction.

"Goodnight Crystal," He said, hugging me again and kissing the top of my head, before heading back off into the back room.

I hopped up onto my bunk and closed the curtain, laying there scrolling through my social media for a bit before putting my headphones on and playing This Wild Life's cover of Sleepwalking by Bring Me The Horizon. That song always gets me to sleep easily.

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off, my last thought being how I could help Matt feel better about everything.

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