《MY LOVE--(EreMika)》Chapter 3


Mikasa was now walking home.

Not until a heavy rain poured down, she decided to run. She ran and ran and ran, she covers her head with her bag and she found a small cafe named carthasis. She quickly went in having no choice.

Panting, she saw there were no people inside well except of the owner in the counter and a boy with green eyes staring at her. It was Eren, sitting by the stools on the counter.

He said waving his hand. She didn't answer and just walk up then sat next to him.

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)He said then turned around to his bag to get something. She opened her bag too, trying to find a towel, but she didn't found one.

I must've left it...

Eren tossed a shirt to her and she catch it.

Staring down at the shirt, she grossed out but it didn't show it.

He reasoned.

Mikasa is still staring down at the shirt, and seconds later she rubbed it on her now dripping hair. After she's done, she gave it to him but he didn't grab it yet.

He demanded, Mikasa twitched.

This guy..

Closing her eyes she sighed then opened it again, she give her best fake smile to him.

Eren fall for it, he didn't realize it was a fake smile because Mikasa is too good to hide her feelings. And now, there he is, staring at her with awe.

Why did his heart beat faster? Why did he kept staring at her? Why did he blushed?



He snap, then shook his head.

Mikasa narrowed her eyes at him and he gulp.

He blinked a few times then shook his head.

Before he knew it Mikasa put the shirt in her bag.

She didn't listen after all! He thought.


With that she went out.

Eren is left there staring, the owner of the cafe snap him.

the old man snickered.

He shouted denying at his uncle.

Why do this thing beats so fast right now?


The next morning, Mikasa was walking through the halls on her way to their classroom. She slid the door open then it caused a bang again. All the students looked up at her, she glared making all of them to go back into their business. She walk up at Eren's desk and put the folded shirt there. And she proceeded to her desk then read.

The door slid open revealing Armin and Eren and some fangirls behind, when they step in they quickly slid the door closed then locked it. Eren walked up to his desk and grab the shirt then turned her head to Mikasa.

He said with a big smile and receive a nod from her.

Its beating fast again..



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