《You're the risk I'm willing to take》Chapter 13
I walked back up to my room, and found Angela attempting to sing 'still into you.' She stopped when I walked in, and looked at the drawing in my hand.
"What's that?"
I showed it to her, and grabbed what I needed. The stuff stinks, so I opened my window and my door. I worked on it, a little more before starting to get stuff ready.
"You sure you don't want to go downstairs?"
She shook her head, moving stuff off my desk. She sat on the bed, while I got everything ready.
"Hey, want me to go look for a frame for that? I'm pretty sure there's one in the cupboard downstairs?"
I nodded, it wouldn't get ruined that way.
"Yeah, thanks Angela."
"It's no problem, Bella. I'm just happy you're with someone who actually cares about you. I'll be right back."
I got started, and was glad I had opened the window. I heard Angela swear as something fell out of the cupboard. She walked back in, as I finished, rubbing her head.
"Please tell me it's just a bang on the head?"
She groaned, sitting on the bed. She had found the perfect frame for it and put it on the bed next to her. I sat down, after making sure the drawing was OK.
"I'm fine, your dad needs to clean that thing out, though. I'm sure she'll like that though. It's pretty good."
I shook my head, moving the frame. I had to get something for my head, and I grabbed some for Angela. Her tolerance for pain is practically zero. I walked back in, giving them to her. She took them, smiling at me.
"Thanks, Bella. When will that be dry?"
I looked at it, thinking. I may have exaggerated when I said Wednesday.
"Tomorrow afternoon. I may have told Alice Wednesday, though."
Angela shook her head, smiling.
"Well, I'm sure she's going to be happy when you give her that. I'm sure she was freaking out when you told what happened?"
I shrugged, I was more concerned about her. It's not the first time, I'd hurt myself.
"Yeah, she was. But, once I explained everything, she seemed OK about it. She's going to visit her parents, leaving on Sunday. So, we're spending Saturday together."
Angela opened her mouth to say something, but I just looked at her, and she didn't say anything.
"Yeah, yeah. How's Eric?"
"He's fine. Trying to work out how you did that, but he's fine."
"I fell, and hit my head, Angela. That's all."
Angela left a little while later, and I got something ready for my dad, who got home about 5 minutes after Angela left.
"How are you feeling?"
I shrugged, I was feeling OK, considering everything that had happened.
"I'm OK, dad. What about you?"
He sat at the table, and I sat across from him.
"I'm OK. You're staying off tomorrow to, OK?"
I nodded, I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere until Wednesday. But, I understood that he was concerned. Not only about my fall, but with getting Mitch's case ready for Friday.
"I know, dad. But, what are you going to do about Friday? Do I"
"No. I'm going to bring you down to get those out early, and seeing as you get off early on Friday, you can spend some time with some friends here. I don't want you doing to much on Friday. OK?"
I knew better than to argue, but I thought I would have to do more about everything going on.
"I know, dad. But, what about"
"Let me handle that, Bella. OK?"
Apparently not, it seems. I just nodded, looking down at my hands.
"OK, dad. I'm gonna go lay down, OK?"
He nodded, as I stood up.
"OK, but what's that stink? You weren't using that stuff for your drawings were you?"
"Yeah, but I had the window and the door open. I needed to make sure it wouldn't fade."
He shook his head, looking at me.
"Bella, you shouldn't have done that. And you never let anyone, even me, see your stuff."
Well, there is one person who not only saw a drawing but is getting to keep it. But I couldn't say that.
"It's OK, dad. And I just like to keep them."
He grumbled something about 'waste of talent,' and I went upstairs. He was right, the stuff did stink. But, it was starting to dissipate. I checked on it, before laying down. It should be ready by tomorrow.
I got up late the next day, around 11. I had trouble sleeping, my head hurt. So, when I got up, the drawing was ready. I made sure it was OK, and put it in the frame. I was hoping she would like it.
I got something to eat, and went back up to my room. I was relieved there wasn't any more I had to do on Friday, but found it odd.
I really didn't want to see Mitch again though. I really didn't.
Angela arrived, after school. I showed her the finished drawing, and she said Alice would love it.
"She'll love it, Bella. Trust me, she will."
That made me smile, and I sat on the bed next to her.
"So, how are you feeling?"
"OK, had a tough time sleeping. But, I slept late, so I'm OK."
She nodded, looking at me.
"But, you're feeling OK, right?"
"I'm fine, Angela. Don't worry. And thanks for covering for us and everything."
"It's fine, Bella. Like I said, I'm glad she treats you right. Even if you have to keep it quiet, are you going to her apartment on Saturday?"
I shook my head. She had something planned, but I wasn't sure what.
"She said she had somewhere she wanted to show me, and won't tell me. So, I'll just have to wait."
She started to tease me, when there was a knock on the door. I hit her with a pillow, and left closing the door.
I opened the door, and she walked in. She put her stuff down, giving me a hug.
"How are you feeling, baby?"
I let go of her, and took her hand as we sat down.
"I'm OK, what about you?"
She smiled, looking at me.
"I'm fine, just worried about you. It's odd, not seeing you in class."
I moved a little closer, making sure she was comfortable with me. She didn't move away, and I cuddled up beside her.
"Yeah, but we can't do this in class though."
She laughed, and kissed me. I loved being with her, like this, knowing that I was one of very few people she felt she could trust.
"Yeah, I know."
I kissed her again, and she giggled.
"Nothing, baby. I just like this. Here, with you."
That made me smile. I felt great, knowing that she trusted me like this. She lay her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes. She looked cute, laying by me like that.
"I can tell you're watching me, you know."
She opened her eyes, looking at me. I blushed, looking away.
"How's the drawing coming along?"
She was trying to change the subject.
"I'll be right back."
She looked confused, when I stood up and walked towards the stairs. I walked up to my room, opening the door. Angela looked at me, turning off the music playing on my iPod.
"Everything OK?"
I nodded, picking up the finished and framed drawing.
"Yeah, I just want to give her this."
She nodded, and turned the music on. I shook my head, as I walked out and closed the door. I walked back down, and she was checking her phone. She looked up, as I sat down. I put it by my leg, so she wouldn't see it.
"Everything OK, pixie?"
"Yeah. Rosalie just wanted to make sure I was going back on Sunday."
"Oh, you looking forward to going back?"
She nodded, taking my hand.
"Yeah, I'll miss you though."
"I'll miss you to, but it'll be good to see your family though."
I let go of her hand, and she frowned. I picked up the frame and handed it to her. She took it, looking at the details I had added.
"This is beautiful, but I thought you said"
"I may have made a mistake about how long it takes to dry."
She looked at me, raising an eyebrow.
"Sure, you did. But, I love it, baby."
She kissed me, and put it on the table next to her stuff. We talked for a while before she left.
I went back upstairs, sitting on the bed, next to Angela.
"So, did she like it?"
I smiled, remembering her reaction when I gave it to her. It was a relief, knowing she liked it.
"She loved it."
"I told you she would."
She nudged my shoulder, and I looked at her.
"Yeah, thanks Angela."
We spent a little while talking, before she had to leave. I told her that I was allowed to go back to school, the next day and she promised to stick close to me. My dad arrived a little while after her, and I got him something. He sat down, looking at me.
"How are you?"
"I'm feeling better dad, relax. What about you?"
He looked at me, and I stood up to get a drink.
"Fine, you OK to go back tomorrow?"
I nodded, sitting back down. I was ready to go back, I just needed to be careful I didn't do anything to make things worse.
"I'm sure. I just need to be careful, that's all."
He looked at me, trying to find a reason for me not to go in. He couldn't find any.
"OK, but if you don't feel great, come home. OK?"
"I will, dad."
I went back in on Wednesday and was questioned by Kevin and Eric over my head. They asked to see my head, and their reaction was hilarious. Kevin turned pale, as in, worse than Angela pale. Eric looked like he wanted to throw up, which Angela found quite funny. She teased him continuously, on Wednesday and Thursday. I told Angela about Friday and she said she would come over on Friday afternoon.
I got up on Friday, and got ready. I had to get my stitches out, so my dad had to come with me. He wanted to make sure I was OK. I sat down, waiting to get them out. We didn't need to go back to the hospital for this.
My name was called and we followed a nurse with long dark hair. She led us into a small room, and told me to sit in the chair by the desk, while she got everything ready. She got some stuff out of a few cupboards, and put them on the desk. She checked how many I had, asked me if I was OK and when I said yes, she started taking them out. Alice was right, it didn't really hurt to much, it was more uncomfortable. I didn't have that many, so it didn't take long. When she was finished, she asked me if I was OK. I told her I was and she told me to take it easy for the rest of the day, and to take something for it if started to hurt. We left and went home. My dad kept an eye on me, but had to leave. Angela arrived not long after he had left, they had gotten off early.
"Hey, how are you feeling?"
I let her in, and we sat in the living room. I felt OK, it really hadn't been to bad.
"I'm OK, it wasn't to bad."
"That's good. Any idea's about tomorrow?"
I hadn't any ideas, and Alice was enjoying watching me trying to figure it out.
"No, and I think Alice is enjoying watching me try to figure it."
That made her laugh.
"Of course she is, why do you think she mentioned it? She could've jut said she wanted to spend time with you, and not mentioned it until tomorrow."
She had a point.
"Yeah. But, where could it be? We can't go near places we both know, people could see. And"
"You're not getting this, are you? It's obviously somewhere important to her. Most likely, a place not many people know about. So, it won't be a very public place."
Well, I never denied that I'm an idiot.
"I'm an idiot."
"Yeah, but you're her idiot. Unless you two have nicknames for each other, which I do not want to hear."
I just looked at her, there was no way I was going to tell her.
"I'm pretty sure you and Eric have a few. But, I don't want to know."
She looked at me, and opened her mouth to answer me.
"Oh come on, he just calls me"
I put my hand over her mouth, cutting her off. I really didn't want to know. She's my best friend, but what she calls her boyfriend in private, is something I don't need to know.
"I don't want to know."
My dad came back at around 6:30. I was sitting with Angela, when he walked in. He walked into the living room, looking at us.
"5 years."
He sat with us for a while, which was unusual for him, but they were both worried. I was relieved that he couldn't hurt me again.
He left that night, after I practically ordered him out.
I got up the next morning, and got ready. I was excited to see what she had to show me. It was unusually warm, for the time of year, which was odd. I was just about finished my breakfast, when there was a knock on the door. I ran to the door, opening it to see a very happy Alice. She kissed me, and I grabbed my keys, locking the door.
I got into her car, and looked at her. We both had jackets on, but I took mine off when I got in.
"So, where"
"You'll see."
I smiled, she really was enjoying this. She reached over to take my hand, and I started stroking the back of hers with my hands. I looked up at her, and she was smiling.
"What is it, pixie?"
She squeezed my hand.
"You always do that, when you take my hand."
"If it bothers you, I'll"
"No, baby. I like it, that's all. It's relaxing."
That was good to know. At least there was one thing I could do, that could help. She kept driving, and we were getting further from the town.
"Is this why you picked me up early?"
"It doesn't take that long to get there. We're almost there. I just want to spend the day with you, and picking you up early means I can spend more time with you."
I had been watching her, so I hadn't realised we'd stopped. She laughed, and we got out.
We were looking at Forks, it was beautiful surrounded by trees. She stood next to me, as I looked out at the town.
"This is beautiful, Alice. How"
"I like to come out here, when I'm stressed, helps me think. I wanted to show you. You're the only person, I've brought up here."
I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and she leaned against me. I kissed the top of her head, and she looked up at me. She kissed me, before leaving me standing in front of her car. She walked away, taking off her jacket. She got some stuff out of the car, and walked back over to me. She lay a blanket on the ground and we sat down. She leaned against me, and I thought about how she used to be so nervous about people touching her, guys in particular.
"It beautiful, pixie."
"I knew you'd like it."
I ended up, laying down on the blanket, talking to her. She had packed some stuff for us, and when she reached across me to get something I caught her hand, holding it in mine. I moved the basket, so it was in-between us. She didn't say anything, and grabbed something. She just looked at me.
"I'm going to need that at some point, you know."
That made me laugh, but I didn't let go. Instead, I kissed the back of her hand. I noticed the scar on her arm, and when she was looking through the basket. Or attempting to, with one hand at least, I kissed the scar on her arm and heard her gasp. She looked at me, obviously shocked.
"You just"
"That scar is part of you. It shows you went through something, and you've come through it."
She leaned forward, kissing me. I could tell, what I'd said (where it came from, I'm not sure), really effected her. She lay down next to me. She was full of surprises today. I looked at her.
"Are you"
"Baby, it's fine. What you said ........It got to me. I was worried about what you would say about that, when you first saw it. But, when you kissed my arm .......... It meant a lot."
I could see that she meant it, and kissed her. We lay on the blanket, cuddling for the rest of the afternoon.
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