《Will you be mine?》Chapter 5



I woke up as if waking up from a deep sleep. I felt a whole lot better. I felt well rested and refreshed, something I hadn't felt in a while. I looked around and got up. A coat falling from me as I walked stiffly around the room. Then, 4 vampires zoomed up in front of me, as if by magic. Are you feeling better? The one with strawberry blonde hair said, a look of concern on her face. I managed to say yes and sat back down, suddenly feeling very weak again. Here, a brunette said, try this. I took a sip of the drink and didn't put it down until I had finished it. They all grinned and looked pleased. What is it I asked confused. It tasted like blood but it wasn't.

It's a special type of blood the kind older looking one told me. She reminded me so much of Esme that I started crying. I missed the Cullens so much. Then, I thought, how do they know me. When I asked them they all exclaimed saying how could they not know me, and then they introduced themselves.

Hey, I'm Tanya said the girl with the strawberry blonde hair, hey I'm Kate said the tall attractive girl, hi I'm Carmen said the older woman and the man introduced himself as Jonathan, but jon for short. They all seemed incredibly friendly and I smiled to myself, why did I ever worry. Carlisle always spoke highly of them and he was right. They were fantastic. But then I heard a tearing sound, and a pain so strong hit me that I collapsed. They caught me and I blacked out, my body racked with pain. I convulsed in agony and my body weighed in pain. The baby wad ready and was tearing itself out of my body....

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